Page:Cyclopaedia, Chambers - Volume 1.djvu/533

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fels are deflroy'd, the Humors ftagnate, harden and H,o* t„ /-„»..„ j'i- -i ,

{ t length coalefcc with the Solid! Thus are the M t t V ^fcefnible without a Microfcope &

fubtileS Fluids in the Body intercepted and 1< £ g^Wa ******** the Mites ^^

Conco&on wcaken'd, and the Reparation prevented ; mamre or oe feci Stare * JC™ S radua % to their

on ly the coarfer Juices continue to run flowly thro' the oM n P i ,^ en * e y b ««ie like

the - greater Vcflcls, to the Prefervat ion of j^ *g abouf tu^UeXTtflv^nT ** > bttt « 

the animal Functions are deflroy'd At ]n,J t h ;„ TvtuS., „ e lw ™y than before.

£, Proccfs of thefe Changes, JjLrt ,f fe fie 'om s i>f °? W9 ■ * W ° f W ™ng, in the Nature

inevitable, as the neceffary Confequeace of Life "enseal ' f firft , glVC " "? '^9, to charge the Com-

Eut 'tis rare that Life is thus long protrafled, aXI hUlT," " S *^: Creditor; or his

or that •Death fucceeds merely from th! Decays and of his AmL ' Up ° n Audlt,n g the Accounts

Impairments of old Age. Difeafes, a long and horrid The £ • ,„ , , . . 1

Train, cut the Work ftort. See Duea?*. the C W„ r ° ufe l In the Chequer, and in

D»A*Hjr«A > Natural Hiflory, a little InfeS E^5w^£»££?3^W^,£S

famous for a t.cking Noife, like the Beat of a Watch Wa 8«, and the like ^ yment °* thelr Wa g es . Bo -' rd -

which the Populace haie long took for a Preface of The Word ismentinnVI ;„ 4,„ a ja m L r •

Death, in the Family where 'tis heard Whcnfe i "■' C 't^- andTncc th fw t|A3 ofOblmofj U.Can

?ra«faS. by m.Jilen. It is a frnall Beetle i of DE fes* e ,m a ,„. _, ' „' an Inch long, of a dark brown Colour, fpotted • pel- Law-Books: Doing or to \ tl U £ d , m mv luced Wings under the ■.Vagina?, a large Cap or Hel- j? "' accept or allow it as wVdl f' ®{ be » e /&> met on the Head, and two Am»< proceeding from But when it comes to L m„r f n P -?" t5

beneath the Lyes and doing the Office of Probofcides. "ied, to Hand or fall, to be alL"7 "Jrn ' 5" The Part it beats withal, he obierved, was the exrream riding to the Merit or Well-bein. of"^ tI '

Edge of the Face which he chufes to call the upper "s own Nature ; or, as wefav £!/ S '"

Lip, the Mouth being protracted by this bony Part le ™ fo'eft. y ' ^ aleat V'^'tum va-

and lying underneath our of View. Its Figure, as ., Thus, in Chancery, upon Motion te u it appears ,n a Microfcope, fee reprefented ?n tab. fh = lefs principal Defendants in r ? C °"5 ° f Jfcr ural Hiflory Fig.j. r a Witneis the i\»,„ r u Caufo exammd ™

This Account is confirm'd by Mr. Verham, with this «8 the Juflice of i Su^hea^T^ CXam r Difference that inflead of ticking with the upper Lip, he »&&* "on the other S°de) ofiS o&« fccf ?n^ obferv d the Infea to draw back its Mouth, ancl beat with fe " d "»t to be examin'd 'Be belie T/Te i e i, \u nT its Fore-head. He had two, a Male and a Female, which Potion lhall be allowed or fuppMlid £ f h he kept ahvcin a Box, fe»eral Months, and could bring of the Caufe upon a fUIl rictaK of tl - M ^ g one of them to beat whenever he pleas'd, by ImitatinS the Court lhall tLk fit - But for tl r u "^ " S

its Beating By his ticking Noife he could frequent" a ™~^ or conditio'na? Al ow £? ^ *** ^ Jy invite the Male to get up upon the other in the DFBIT ITT ; »<r 3 - . ,

Way of Coition Whel, the? M P ale found he got up rfW 1 ^ ScTt'T^V " ^^"^ in vain, he would get off again, beat very eagerly DFRRTIiypn ^ Weaknefs and Fainting,

and then up again : Whcnfe the ingenious Author wta «,M ' ° r DE L BRL ' S 'D, in Heraldry, is concludes thofe Pulfations to be theVay whereby £ ."na wh ich i 7$ T m 6 grieV ° US RefeaiM *•»» thefe Infefls woo one another, and find out, and in- of the Orfimri, f ebarrd » ts natural Freedom by any vite each other to Copulation. ~, urcLln aries being laid over it.

Thus when a Pale, &c. is born upon a Bcaft in an Efcutcheon, the Beaft is m to hi Jebnufet o\ tt

vite each other to Copulation.

The fecond Kind of Heath-Watch is an Infect in Appearance quite different from the firft. The for- mer only beats 1 or 8 Strokes at a Time, and quicker-


DEBT, a Thing du

tetmimon and his Strokes are more leifurely, and like By our Law, a e i d, e t«tl, W

the Beat of a Watch. This latter is a feoall grey- tisfied in the firif Pl"ce i, % Qf?™! ^ t0 be n & -

i(h Infefl, much like a Loufe when viewed with 8 the and AdmjnifirMcdbii T ZitfL PI? ^ ^ E ?"T!? 1 P

mtnr.HlJl.Flg.i. It.s very common in all Parts of the of any other Credit °' fr8m the Arrcft

Jioule in the oummer-Montns ■ Is vsrv nimKL= i« ^„*, t-u j- »»v ,

iing to Shelter j and (lie of BcTti^wten Vurt rt thoT^wWof IT f Km ^° f ®^ ' ^', e » ete , are

te will beat vel. y freely before youf J S Swh^D^^SriflgSa^ ^' fe

Mu^S ceto^^thlXc-wIe^ 1^^ ^CVff '"^ f^S^f^ ? ^ Hc cannot fay, whether they beat Tany other Tht^g W S^nf« 22h£j ""5 *" ^ Vi " Ue ° f N ° tP > OT but never heard their Noife except in or near Papef fflfo the 1 Zbr ^st'jf ^ ^ Kd in J^^^ure. As to their Noife, the fame iu.hor is in do P ub ttfi o ^Condemna So ^$1? J«» cdhme Can whether it be made by their Heads or rather Snouts arifin* from ,„ A ■ ?¥*<**»y ®ebt, is that

^gainft the Paper 5 Or, whether it' be not made af! pS5&XSfiteE L ^ S ' ^ the whole jet fome fuch Manner, as Grafhoppers and Cricke s kt^lZIm^ur^fIu d r ^"'^^ Z>ebt, make their Noife. He inclines to P ^he former o" 4?%$%^* *^ >**" * ">*" i ^ won : The Rcafon of his Doubt is, that he obfened nBRTrro - it

the Animal's Body to /hake and give a Tirk at „ f iT„ i^?,' a / erfon who owes fomethina to an- ever, Beat, but could We perceive any Part of I : ■ ■ O W Cu ! 0n t0 Crcdit01 -. which if he to its Body to touch the Paper. But its Body" ft * I "T W ' S 0Wn ' See C^eo.tor.

DECAGON is a plain Figure in Geometry, having

ten Sides and Angles. ■ X) «*vuig

If they be all equal to one another, it is then call'd a

RegulkrB^eos, and may be inferib'd in a Ci e J Concetmng this Figure, the chief Property is th?t

the Sides of a Regular -Decagon are, in Power and

Length equal to the gteatett Segntent of an Hexagon

™ 1 i"„*?/ a , mc CircI «. and ™ according tt ?«-

>n. A Fortification alfo con-

, - iometimes call'd a Decagon.

DLLALOGUE the ten Commandments of God,

-—, „ . .. w.^. ^^.v... jjul jis tiooy is li

jmall, and near the Paper, and its Motion in Tick- mg fo quick, that he thinks it might be, yet he not

perceive it.

The Ticking, as in the other, he judges ro be a Woomg-Act; as having obferved another, after much Beating, come and make Offers to the bcatino Infect, who, after ftme Offers, left off Bcatin" an3

got upon the Back of the other. When the? were " - ""«= <-™e

joynd, he got off again, and they continued ftme trcam a ? d mean Proportion

«our s joyn'd Tail to Tail, like Dog and Bitch in flflln g of ten Bafiions, is ft;

cor!i h f C l thi ^ Infcfl chan S e its Sha Pe. »d be- engriven orTt^^abte of aonTTnT^-en £*&

nrfome A rrf' tti- h j r L ^> th °' , The ^^^, J^**£F£n£

Sort of fTv ^tIs at fift P that it becomes a M?o< Word, q .d. Ten Word Accordingly, the' 7 ews »nch & a „ei^han the Nit of l Lke nUt tl 't^B al ' h ™.<=>^W my the Ten Wor/s, which Ap- is near as bie as a Tonfo I m„ h i ■ I u} P f' " ls vcr > ^'cient Tho' the Samaritans, both "nd creeps about with ksSrSj^w^ \d 1 ,ha <JM"™ Text, and their Verfion, add afct toes it/sheir 'tiTev-n f m T Wb 5 n " fi u ft . rh / '7* Verfe of the XXth Chapter of iW« • and ohefl, us even fmaller than tts Egg 5 tho' after the aift Verfe of the Vth Chapter of ^

c * Horn?,