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Mating to the Prophecies. See Type, Prophecy, &c.

On many Occafions, a Man finds it expedient to tranflate by Accommodation : Thus, the Word Librarius, Scrivener, may be translated, by Accommodation, a 'Printer ; as it ori- ginally fignifies thofe who made it their Bufinefs to furni/h Copies of Books, before the Invention of Printing.

Accommodation, is alfo ufed for an amicable Agreement,

or Compofition between the two contending Parties.- ■

The Procefs is grown fo intricate and perplex'd. that there is no Hopes of getting out of it but by an Accommodation.

Accommodations are frequently effected by means of Com- promife and Arbitration. See Compromise, and Arbi- tration. -

ACCOMPANYMENT, fomcthing attending, or added as a Circumftancc to, another ; either by way of Ornament, or for the fake of Symmetry, or the like. See Circum- stance.

The Mufick, in Dramatic Performances, fhould only be a fimple Accompany ment. — The Organitts Sometimes apply the Word to feveral Pipes which they occafionally touch to accompany the Treble ; as the Drone, Flute, &c.

In Heraldry, the Accompanyments are all fuch things as are applied about the Shield, by way of Ornament ; as the Belt, Mantling, Supporters, See. See Escutcheon,Shield,

A Thing is alfo kid to be accompanied, acompagnc, when there are feveral Bearings or Figures about fome one prin- cipal one 5 as a Saltecr, Bend, Fefs, Chevron, or the like.

ACCOMPLICE, Complice, one that has a hand in a Bufinefs ; or is privy in the fame Deiign or Crime with ano- ther. See Accessory, Privy, &c.

ACCOMPLISHMENT, the entire Execution, Achieve- ment, or fulfilling of fomethlng propos'd, or undertaken.

The Accomplijhment of the Prophecies of the Old Tef- tament, in the Perfon of our Saviour, is the great Mark of his being the Meffiah. See Prophecy.

There are two ways of accompli JJjing a Prophecy ; di- rectly, and by Accommodation. See Accommodation.

The Reverend Mr. Sykes has a particular Inquiry into the Meaning of thofe Words us'd by the Evangeliit, 'That it might he fulfiWd, or accompli/lied, ivhich was /poke by the Prophets : where he fhews, that the Word tahp^o, fulfiWd, does not neceiTarily refer to a Prediction of a fu- ture Event accompli]]? d ; but frequently a mere Accommo- dation of Words, borrow'd from fome other Author, and accommodated to the prefent Occafion. See Type.

ACCORD, in Mufick, is more ufually calFd Concord. See Concord.

The Word Accord is French, form'd, according to fome, from the Latin ad cor ; but others, with more probability, derive it from the French Corde, a String, or Cord 5 on ac- count of the agreeable Union between the Sounds of two Strings {truck at the fame time. See Chord.

Whence alfo fome of the Confonances in Mufick come to be called Tetrachord, Hexachord, &c. which are a fourth, and a fixth. See Tetrachord, &c.

M. Carre, in the Memoirs of the Royal Academy of Sci- ences, lays down a new general Propofition, of the Propor- tion which Cylinders are to have, in order to form the Ac- cords or Confonances of Mufick. And it is this — That the folid Cylinders, whofe Sounds yield thofe Accords, are in a triplicate and inverfe Ratio of that of the Numbers which exprefs the fame Accords.

Suppofe, e. g. two Cylinders, the Diameters of whofe Bafes and Lengths, are as 3 to 2 ; 'Tis evident their Solidi- ties will be in the Ratio of 27 to 8, which is the triplicate Ratio of 3 to 2 ; We fay, that the Sounds of thofe two Cy- linders will produce a Fifth, which is exprefs'd by thofe Num- bers ; and that the biggelt and longelt will yield the grave Sound, and the fmalleft the acute one. — And the like of all others. See Sound, Gravity, and Acuteness,

Accord, in Law, is an Agreement between two, at the leaft, to fatisfy an Offence that the one hath committed againfl: the other 5 whether it be a Trefpafs, or fuch like thing, for which he hath agreed to fatisfy him. — This, if executed, becomes a good Bar in Law to any Suit to be brought for the fame Matter.

ACCOUNT, or Accompt, a Calculus, or Computation of the Number of certain things. See Calculus, and Number.

There are various Ways of accounting $ as, by Enumera- tion, or fetting one by one j and by the Rules of Arirhme- tick, Addition, Subtraction, &c. See Arithmetic, Ad- dition, Subtraction,.^.

We account Time by "Years, Months, &c. The Greeks accounted it by Olympiads 5 the Romans by Indictions, Lu- itres, %3c. See Time, Year, Olympiad, &c. We ac- count Diftanccs by Miles, Leagues, &c. See Mile, League, Distance, &C. fee alfo Computation.

Money of Account, is an imaginary fort of Species, con- trived for the facilitating and expediting the taking and keeping of Accounts.— Such are 'Pounds, Angels., &c. See Money of Account 5 fee alfo Pound, £j>c.

Account is alfo a Relative Term, ufed in refpecl HC i Company, or Society, when two or more Perfons have rc- ceiv'd, or disburs'd for each other ; or when this has been done by. their Order or Commiffion. See Company, Com- mission, Factorage, &c.

Account, or Accounts, is alfo ufed collectively, for the feveral Books or Regilters which Merchants keep of their Affairs, and Negotiations. See Book-keeping, !&c.

Hence, to make out an Account j to pafs one's Accounts,

ckc- Bankrupts are oblig'd to furrender their Accounts.

See Bankrupt, i£c.

Account, or Accompt, in a Legal Scnfe, is a particular Detail, or Enumeration deliver'd 10 a Court, a judge, or other proper Officer or Perfon, of what a Man has receiv'd or expended on ihe Behalf of another, whofe Affairs he has had the Management of .

In the Remembrancer's Office in the Exchequer, are en- ter'd the States of all the Accounts concerning the King's Revenue, ibr Cultoms, Excife, Subfidies, 13c See Re- membrancer ; fee alfo Revenue, Custom, Excise, 0$c.

The great Accounts, as thofe of the Mint, Wardrobe, Army, Navy, Tenths, &Q* are called Impreji Accounts. See Imprest.

All Accounts which pafs the Remembrancer's Office, are brought to the Office of the Clerk of the Pipe. See Pipe ; fee alfo Tally, Clerk, Auditor, £f?c.

Account, in Law, is particularly ufed for a Writ which lies where an Agent, Steward, or other Perfon, who ought to render an Account, refules to give his Account. See Steward.

Chamber of Accounts, in the French Polity, is a fove- reign Court, of great Antiquity, wherein the Accounts rela- ting to the King's Revenue are deliver'd in, and regiiter'd. See Chameer.

This anfwers pretty nearly to the Court of Exchequer in England. See Exchequer.

There are Presidents of Accounts, Mailers of Accounts, Correctors of Accounts, &c.

ACCOUNTANT, or Accomptant, a Peribn, or Offi- cer appointed to keep or make up the Accounts of a Com- pany, Office, Court, or the like. See Account.

There are Accountants in the Cuftomhoufe, the Excife, £5?c. See Excise, and Customhouse.

The Account ant -General of the Court of Chancery. See Chancery.

ACCOUNTING- or Accompting- orCouNTiNG-Z/'w//^; See CauNTiNG-Ifttf/Z', Green-C/o;/', &c.

ACCOUTREMENT, an antient Term, ufed for an ffs- billement 5 or a part of the Apparatus, and Furniture of Soldier, Knight, or even a Gentleman. See Habillement.

The Word is French 5 form'd from the antient German,

Ktijler. In fome Cathedrals in France, e.g. at Sayeux,

the Name Coutrc is given to the Sacriftan, or Officer who has the Care of furmfhing and fetting out the Altar, in the Church j call'd in German Kujler, nuKo^t.

ACCRETION, the Growth or Increafe of an organical Body, by the Acceffion of new Parts. See Nutrition.

Accretion is of two Kinds ; the one, confiiling in an ex- ternal Appofition of new Matter.

This is what we otherwife call, Juxtapofltion 5 and Vis thus, Stones, Shells, &c. are fuppofed to grow. See Stone, and Shell.

The other is by fome fluid Matter received into proper Veffels, and gradually brought to adhere or grow to the Sides thereof.

This is what we call, Introfufception ; and 'tis thus Plants and Animals are nourifh'd. See Plant, and Animal ; fee alfo Nutrition.

Accretion, Accrement, in the Civil Law, a vague or vacant Portion of Ground, join'd or united with Grounds held or poffefs'd by another. — >A Legacy given to two Per- fons jointly, tam re qnam verbis, falis wholly to him that furvives the Teitator, by Right of Accretion.

Alluvion is another Species of Accretion. See Alluvion.

ACCRUE, or Accrew, denotes fomething to fall by way of Acceffion, or Accretion, to another. See Accre- tion, and Accession.

ACCUBITOR, an antient Officer of the Emperors of Constantinople $ whofe Bufinefs was to He near the Emperor.

The Word is Latin, form'd of the Verb Accumbo, I lie by ; whence Accnbatio, that State or Pofture of the Body when we fir, and at the fame time lean backwards.

ACCUMULATION, the Act of heaping, or amaffing feveral things together. — 'The Word is compounded of ad, and cumulus, heap.

The Lawyers fpeak of an Accumulation of Titles ; as, when a Perfon claims Lands, a Benefice, or the like, in Virtue of feveral Titles, or Pretenfions of different Kinds 5 e.g. by Death, by Refignation, £5?c.

In a like Scnfe, we read of Accumulative Treaion, £>c See Treason.