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firft general Rules in Algebra, of Addition, Subline tion, £5^.

LOGOGRIPHE, a kind of Symbol or Riddle, pro- pofed to Students for their Solution in order to exercife and improve the Mind. It ufually confifts in fome equivocal Allufion or Mutilation of Words, which, lite- rally taken, fignify fomething different from the thing in- tended by it ; fo that it is a kind of Medium between a Rebus and proper Enigma. According to Kircher, Logo- %rifia are a kind of fpeaking Arms. Thus a Perfon called Leonard, whobore in his Arms a Lion, and Nard or Spikenard, according to that Father, made a Logo- griphe 5 Oedip. Egypt. In another Place however he de- fines a Logogriphe to be an JSnigma, which under one Name or Word will bear various Meanings, by adding or retrenching fome Part of it. Thefe kind of jEnigma's are well known to the Arabs, among whom are Authors who treat exprelly of them. The Word comes from the Greek hay©--, Difcourfe, and yet?©-, A r er.

LOHOCH. See Loch.

LOINS, in Anatomy, are the lower Part of the Spine of the Back, compofed of five Vertebra;, larger than thofe of the Back, and ferving them as a Bafe, having their Articulations pretty loofe, that the Motion of the Loins may be more free.

LOLLARDS, the Name of a Sect that rofe in Germany about the beginning of the 14th Century. It took its Name from its Author Lollard Walter, who began to dog- matize in 1 51 5. Befides exploding many of the Romijh Doctrines, heislikewife faid to have fet aiide Baptifm as a thing of no effect, and Repentance as not abfolutely neceffary, igc. Xo.'Wwas burnt alive at Cologne in 1512. In England the Followers of Wickliff were called, by way of Reproach, Lollards, from fome Affinity there was between fome of their Tenets ; others, however, are of Opinion, that the Engtifi Lollards came from Germany, They were folemnly condemned by the Archbifhop of Canterbury and the Council of Oxford. The Monk of Canterbury derives the Ufe of the Word Lollard among us from Iplium, a Tare, as if the Lollards were the Tares fown in Chrift's Vineyard. Abelly fays, that the Word Lollard fignifies fraifim God, from the German loben, to fraife, and Herr,£oni,becaufe the Lollards imploy'd them- felves in travelling about from Place to Place, finging Pfalms and Hymns.

LONGUS, Long, an Epithet given by the Anatomifts to a great Number of Mufcles. The fecond Extenfor of the Carpus is called the Longus, in comparifon of the third Extenfor, which is called brevis, port. The Longus has its Origin in the bottom of the Humerus, and lying a- long the Radius, paffes underneath the Ligamentum Annu- lare, and is inferred into the Carpus.

The fecond Mufcle of the Flexors of the Neck is alfo called the Longus, and fometimes the Re'clus. It has its Origin in the lateral Part of the Body of the four upper Vertebra of .the Back, and is inferred into the Body of the four Vertebra of rhe Neck, and fometimes into the Occiput ; this, in conjunction with the Scalenum, bends the Neck.

The third of the fix Mufcles of the Elbow or Arm, which is the firft of its Extenfors, is alfo called theLo»- gus, as being the longell of the Extenfors. It has its Ori- gin on the upper Side of the Omoplate, near the Neck, and defcending by the hind Part of the Arm, is inferted into the Olecranons by a lirong Aponeurofis, which is com- mon to it and the fecond and third Extenfor of the Arm.

The fecond Mufcle of the Thumb, which is the firft of its Extenfors, is alfo called Longus, as being longer than another Extenfor of the fame Thumb, called Brevis. The Longus proceeds from the upper and external Part of the Bone of the Elbow, and rifing over rhe Radius, is in- ferted by a forked Tendon into the fecond Bone of the Thumb, which it extends.

One of the four Mufcles of the Radius is alfo called the Longus. This is the firft of the two Supinators, and has its Origin three or four Fingers breadth above the outer Apophyjis of the Humerus, whence running along the Ra- dius, it is inferted into the inner Part of its lower Apophy- sis. It is called Longus with regard to the other Supinator, which is called Brevis. Thefe two Mufcles ferve to turn the Radius, fo as the Palm of the Hand looks upwards ; which makes the Supination.

Laftly, the firft of the Abduflors of the Leg is called the Longus, and bears this Title more juftly than any of theothers, as being the longeft Mufcle in the whole Bo- dy. It is alfo called Sartorius, becaufe it ferves to bend the Leg inwards, as the Taylors ufe to have it when at work. SeesSartorius.

LONG ACCENT, in Grammar, &c. fhews that the Voice is to ftop upon the Vowel, that hath that Mark, and it is exprefled thus (-).


LONGEVITY, Length of Life. From the different Longevities o{ Men in rhe beginning of the World, after the Flood, and in thefe Ages, DAr.Derham draws a good Argument for the Interposition of a Divine Providence. Immediately after the Creation, when the World was to be peopled by one Man and one Woman, the ordinary Age was 000 and upwards. Immediately after the Flood, when there were three Perfons to ftock the World, their Age was cut Ihorter, and none of thofe Patriarchs but Shem arrived at 500. In the fecond Century we find none that reach'd 140, in the third none but Terah that came, to 200 Tears : The World, at leaft a part of it, by that time being fo well peopled, that they had built Cities, and were canton 'd out into diftant Nations. By degrees, as the Number of People increas'd, their Longevity dwin- dled ; till it came down at length to 70 or 80 Years : and there it flood, and has continued to fland ever fince the Time of Mofes. This is found a good Medium, and by means hereof the World is neither overftock'd, nor kept too thin ; but Life and Death keep a pretty equal pace. See Mortality.

That the common Age of Man has been the fame in all Ages fince the World was peopled, is plain both from Sacred and Profane Hiftory. To pafs by others, Plata lived to Si, and was accounted an Old Man ; and the In- ftances of Longevity produced by Pliny, l.j.c. 48. as very extraordinary, may moft of 'em be match'd in modern Hiftories ; particularly in Dr. Flott's Nat. Hifl. of Oxf. and Staff. Among others, he tells of twelve Tenants to the fame Perfon, who made up 1000 Years ; to fay no- thing of Old Pane, who lived 1 52 Years Months ; or of H.Jenkins of Yorkfiire, who lived 169 Years ; or of the Countefs of Defmond, or Mr. Ecklefton, both of Ireland, who each exceeded 140 Years. See Life.

LONG-BOAT is the largeft and ftrongeft Boat be- longing to a Ship, that can be hoilled a-board of her. Its Ufe is to bring any Goods, Provifion, cifc. to or from the Ship, or, on Occafion, to land Men any where, and particularly to weigh the Anchor.

LONGIMETRY, the Art of meafuring Lengths ; both acceffible, as Roads,' Sgc. and inacceffible', as Arms of the Sea, £5?r. Longimetry is a Part of Trigonometry, and a Dependant on Geometry, in the fame manner as Altime- try, Planimetry, Stereometry, ig c . The Art of Longime- try fee under the Names of the Inftruments ufed in it, particularly Theodolite, Chain, ckc

LONG1SSIMUS DORSI is a Mufcle of the Back, that at its beginning is not to be diftingui/hed from the Sacro-lumbaris, arifing with it from the hinder Part of the Os Ilium, ^ and Os Sacrum, and the firft Vertebra of the Loins ; it runs upwards along the whole Tract of the Back, and is connected by Tendons to each trinfverfe Procefs in its way, and ends fometimes in the firft Ver- tebra of the Back, and fometimes in the firft of the Neck 5 and, as fome Authors fay, reaches now and then to the Procerus Mamillaris of the Os Petrofum. In conjunction with fome others, this helps to keep the Body erect.

LONGISSIMUS OCULI, the Name of a Mufcle. See Obltqt'us Superior.

LONGITUDE of a Place, in Geography, is its Di- ftance from fome firft Meridian ; or an Arc of the Equator intercepted between the Meridian of the Place, and the firft Meridian ; or the Difference Eaft and Weft between the Meridians of any two Places, counted on the Equator. To difcover an exact Method of finding the Longitude, efpecially at Sea, is a Problem, that has extremely per- plex'd the Mathematicians of thefe two laft Ages ; and for the Solution whereof, great Rewards have been pub- lickly offer'd by the Englijh, French, Dutch, and other Nations: this being the only thing wanting to render Navigation perfect. Various are the Attempts that Au- thors have made for this purpofe, and various the Me- thods they have propofed, but ftill without Succefs ; all their Schemes being found either falfe, precarious, im- practicable, or in fome way or other defective : fo that the Palrn is ftill unafcertain'd. What they moft of 'em aim at, is a Method of determining the Difference of Time between any two Points on the Earth 5 for every 1 5 Degrees of the Equator anfwering to an Hour, i. e. one Degree to 4 Minutes of Time, and one Minute of a De- gree to 15 Seconds of Time ; the Difference of Time being known and turn'd into Degrees, will give the Lon- gitude, and vice verfa. This fome have pretended to ef- fect by Clocks, Watches, and other Automata ; but always in vain ; no Time-keeper, excepting a Pendulum (which cannot be applied at Sea) being fufficiently fure and ex- act for the purpofe.

Others, with more probability, and to better purpofe, fearch for ir in the Heavens ; for if the exact Times of any Celeftial Appearance be known for two Places, the
