Page:Cyclopaedia, Chambers - Volume 2.djvu/157

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  • dy, T mould fay it exifted s meaning thereby, that if I
  • were in my former Situation, 1 ilioutd fee and feel it
  • as before. Again, I fay there was Odour, i. e. I fuaelt
  • it j a Sound, ; . e. it was heard j a Colour or Touch, /. e.
  • it was perceived by Sight or Touch. This is the utmoir.

c than can be meant by fuch Expreffions ; for as to the ' abfolute Exiitence of any unthinking Being, diitincl

  • from its being perceived, 'tis a Chimera. Their Efje

1 is jyercifi j nor is it poffible they fhould have any Ex- 4 iftenoe out of the Minds that perceive them. Again,

  • what are Hills and Trees, 2?c* but Things perceived by
  • Senfe; and what do we perceive, but our own Ideas or
  • Senfations : and can any one of thefe, or any Combina-
  • tion of them exifl: unperceived I What are Light and
  • Colour? j Heat and Cold, Extension and Figure, but fo
  • many Senfations, Ideas, or Impreffions on the Senfc ?
  • And is it poffible, even in Thought, to feparate therc-
  • from Perception ? *Tis next to felf-evident, therefore
  • that all the Choir of Heaven, and Furniture of the
  • Earth ; in a word, all the Bodies that compofe the Syf-

1 tern of the World, have not any Sublicence out of a ' Mind ; their F.Jje is nothing more than their being pcr- 1 ccivtd : and therefore as long as they don't exift in

  • me, i, e. are not perceived by me, nor any other cre-
  • ated Spirit ; they have no fhadow of Exigence at all,
  • unlefs perhaps in the Mind of fume Eternal Spirit. It
  • appears therefore, with the Light of an Axiom, that
  • there is not any other Subftance but Spirit, &>c-.' See

Inquiry into Principles of Human Knowledge. See Exter- nal World.

Matter in Deed, and Matter of Record, in Law, are thus dif.inguifh'd : Matter in Deed fignifies nothing elfe but a Truth to be proved, tho not by any Record ■> and Matter of Record, is that which may be proved by fome Record : For example, If a Man be fued to an Exigent, during the time he was in the King's Wars, this is Matter in Deed, and not Matter of Record. And therefore he that will alledge this for himfelf, muft come before the Scire Facias, before Execution be awarded againft him j for after that, nothing will ferve but Matter of Record; that is, fome Error in the Procefs appearing upon Record.

MATURANTIA, in Medicine, &c. Ripeners, or fuch Things as promote Maturation. See Ripeners.

MATURATION, in Pharmacy, a Preparation of Fruits, or other Remedies, gather'd before their Matwhy' 5 to fit them to be eaten, or taken.

MAUNCH, is the Figure of an antient Sleeve of a Coat, fo called by the He- ralds j and is borne in many Gentlemen's Efcutcheons : as in the Earl of Hunting- don's* in thofe of Corners, &c.

MAUNDAY THURSDAY, the Thurfday before Ea- fier, fo called from the French Mande, i.e. Sportula$ it being a Cuftom on that Day to give larger Bouncy to certain poor Men, whofe Feet the King wam'd.

MAUSOLEUM, a magnificent Tomb, or funeral Mo- nument, confifting of Architecture, and Sculpture, with an Epitaph - 7 erected in honour of fome Prince, or other il- luilrious Perfon : as the Maufolcum of Jug&ffois at Rome. The Word is alfo ufed to fignify the Decoration of a Tomb, or Catafalcha, in a funeral Pomp. The Word comes from Maifolus King of Caria, to whom Artemifia, his Widow, erected a moft ftately Monument, that has fince been number'd among the Wonders of the World, calling it from his Name, Maufoleum.

MAXILLA, in Anatomy, the Jaws, or thofe Parts of an Animal, wherein the Teeth . are fet, and which fervc for matticating of the Food: See Teeth. The Maxilla are two in number, denominated from their Si- tuation, Superior, and Inferior.

The Maxilla. Superior, or Upper Jaw, isimmoveable in Man, and all other Animals 5 excepting Parrots and Cro- codiles. It confifls of eleven Bones, join'd to each other per Harmoniam ; five difpofed on each fide, and one in the middle. Their Names are the Zygoma, Os Maxillare, Os TJniuis, Os Naji, Os Falati, and Vomer: See Zygoma, &c. In this Jaw are Alveoli or Sockets for 16 Teeth.

The'M&xltx A. Inferior, or Lower Jaw, only confifls of two Bones, which unite in the middle of the Chin, by the Intervention of a Cartilage, which hardens as the Child grows 5 and at length, about the Age of feven Years, be- coming bony, joins the two Bones into a continued one, refembling the Greek v. It confilU of two Tables, be- twixt which is a fpongy Subfiance, in Children medullous. The fore-part is mallow, juft fumcient to afford Sockets for 16 Teeth. It has two Procefles, the Corpne and Condy- hides, which fee; four Holes or Foramina for the Paffage of Veffels, and five Pair of proper Mufcles, visa, the Cro- tafhytes or Temporal, the Master, BivenKv or Digajfrkus,

Ftcrygoideus Interna?, and Fterygoideus Extemm. See each in irs Place. Crotaphytes, Masseter, i$c.

MAXILLARIS Glandula, a confiderable Gland of the conglomerate Kind, fituate on the Infide, under the lower Jaw-Bone, near the Mufculits Digafiricus. It difcharges it- ielf by feveral Branches of Duels, which form one Trunk that under the Mylohyoideus, and meets with that of the other Side within the fore Teeth of the lower Jaw, having diftincT: Orifices, with a Taplla on each Side the Frenum Lingua: See Gland.

MAX1MIS et MINIMIS, a Method fo called, in ufe among the Mathematicians, whereby they arrive at the greateit or leatt poffible Quantity attainable in any Cafe : Or thus, It the Semi-ordinates of any Curve continually increafe or decreafe to fome certain Term, which once pafs'J, they begin again to increafe or decreafe, the Me- thod whereby their Maxima ,£*?j Minima, i.e. their greateit and leaft State is determined, is called the Method de Maxmis £5 Minimis-^ which, 'tis true, may be ufed to de- termine other Quantities that increafe or decreafe to any certain degree: but then they muft always be represented by the Semi-ordinates of Curves.

The Method de Maximis & Minimis, is beft managed by the Calculus Differentials, or Fluxions. The Rule is: Ha- ving put the Equation into Fluxions, let the Fluxion of that Quantity ('whofe extreme Value is fought) be fup- pofed = c ; by this means all thofe Members of the li- quation, in which it is found, will vani/h, and the remain- ing ones will giye the Determination of the Maximum or Minimum delircd. Now the reafon of the Rule is, that every Maximum or Minimum is in its own nature a itable Quantity : To determine therefore any flowing Quan- tity to a Maximum or Minimum, is to make it (in Head of a flowing) a permanent one ; but the Fluxion of a perma- nent Quantity is equal to nothing. This we mall ilium-ate by an Example or two.

Prob. 1. To determine the greateft or leaf} Applicate in an Algebraic Curve. Since in Curves that have a Maximum and a Minimum, the Tangent T M (Tab. Analysis Jig- 4.) degenerates at length into D E, and becomes parallel to the Axis, and fo the Perpendicular M H coincides with the greateit or leaft Applicate CG5 in the Cafe of the Maximum and Minimum, the Sub-tangent TP becomes in- finite, and the Sub-perpendicular equal to nothing, but P H =ydy : dx. If thcnydy.dx =05 we fhall find dy = c, and becaufe of PT=jy^% ; dy — 00 (the Note of Infinity) dx .=== 00 . 'Tis poffible for the Tangent H G (.ffr 5-) to lie direclly againft the Semi-ordinate^G C ■■, in which Cafe the Sub-tangent PT is equal to nothing, and the Sub-perpendicular infinite. ButPT=_yrfx :dy~o$ therefore [fy dx : r/y = o,we fhall have dx = o ; or becaufe of PH =ydy : dx = 00 , we find dy = k> . Both dx and y being, in refpecl of dy y Infinitefimals. From the Equa- tion of the Curve therefore we are to find the Value of dy, which is to be made equal cither to nothing, or to an Infinite, that we may have the Value of the Abfcifle, to which the greateit Applicate is co-ordinate.

2. To cut a right Line A B {jig. 6.) in fuch a manner in D, that the RuBangle A D and D B j, jail be greateft that can fofibly be thus conjlruBed, Let A B = a,' A D = x, then will DB =« — ■ x ; confequently AD. DB =«x — xxany Maximum, and hence its Differential will be equal to no- thing, as being conceived at a Circle, to which

ax XX z=yy

Wherefore adx — ■ 2 xdx = zydy -

The Line A B therefore is to be cut into two equal Parts ; and the Square is the greateit of all Rectangles, whofe Altitudes and Bafes, taken together, are equal to each other. See Fluxions.

MAXIMS,- a kind of Propofirions, which, under the Name of Maxims and Axioms, have paffed for Principles of Science ; and which being felf-evident, have been fup- pofed pinnate. See Axiom.

For the Reajon of the Evidence of Maxims : It may be obferved, That Knowledge being only the Perception of the Agreement or Difagreement of Ideas ; where that Agreement or Difagreement is perceived immediately by itfelf, without the Intervention or Help of any other Ideas, there our Knowledge is felf-evident: which being fo, nor only Maxhns, but an infinite number of other Propofitions, partake equally with them in this Self-Evidence. Thus, that a Circle is a Circle, Blue is not Red, are as felf-evident Propofitions, as thofe general ones, What is, is; and, It is impoffible for the fame thing to be, and not to be. Nor can the Consideration of thefe Axioms add any thing to the Evidence or Certainty of our Knowledge of them.
