Page:Cyclopaedia, Chambers - Volume 2.djvu/247

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C sps)


iffuing from the fame Point undergo different Re- ions, fo as to enter the Eye from every Surface i n a

laltly, for a, which is the 5th. The Produfls of the three Ligh Aliquot Parts that compofe the Aliquant Part, being added fracl

together, the Sum will be the total Product of the Muhipli- different Direflion; as if rhev came from feveral Points «<>»». as in the following Example; which may ferve as a And thus the fame Point is feen in feveral imaginary by any Aliquant Part that may Foci; and therefore appears Multiply'd. See Refrac- tion. For the Fhccnomena and

Model for Mult occur.


Multiplicand Multiplier


fee Polyhi

jif Ells. 19 s.

178/. for ten Shillings. So /. for five Shillings, 71 /. for four Shillings.

— 338/. 4 j.

The Proof of Multiplication, is, by dividing the Product, orFa&um, by the firil Factor, or Multiplicand; if the Quotient be equal to the fecond Factor, or Multiplicator, the Operation is juft.

Croft Multiplication, otherwife call'd Duodecimal Arithmetic, is a very expeditious Method of Multiplying things of feveral Species, or Denominations, by others like- wife of different Species, &c. E. gr. Shillings and Pence by Shillings and Pence; Feet and Inches by' Feet and In- ches, much ufed in Mcafuring, &c. The Method is thus.

Suppofe 5 Feet 3 Inches to be multiplied by 2 Feet 4 Inches; fay, 2 times 5 Feet is 10 Feet, and 2 times 3 is 6 Inches : Again, 4tivnes 5 is 20 Inches, or 1 Foot 8 Inches, and 4 times 3 is 12 Parts, or one Inch $ the whole Sum makes 12 Feet 3 Inches.

In -the fame manner may you manage Shil- lings and Pence, ci?c.

F. 5










MULT1SIL1QU0US Flants, the fame with Comiathte Flams, viz. thofe which, after each Flower, have divers di- flinct, liender, and frequently crooked Stlijtut, or Pods wherein their Seed is confain'd; and which when they ripen' open of themfelves, and let the Seeds drop. See Coeni-


To this Clafs belong the Bears-Foot, Columbines, Houfe Leek, Marigolds, £&.

MULTITUDE, Multitudo, an Affemblage, or Colkaion ol a great Number of Things, or Perfons; or more flnflly, Multitude is the Abttracf whereby things are' faid to be many.

In which Scnfe Multitude may be conlider'd as Number. See Number.

Multitude is oppofed to Unity. See Unity. In Law, fome will have Multitude to imply at lead ten Perfons; but Sir Edit: Coke fays, he could never find it reitrain'd by the common Law to any certain Number but always left to the Dilcretion of the Judges.

A MULTO Fortiori, or i minor e ad majus, is an Argu- ment often ufed by Littleton. The force of it is thus : If it be fo in a Feoffment pafling a new Right; much more is it for the Kettitution of an antient Right. Coke on Little- ton, fol. 253.

MULTUM, in Arithmetic, If A be one, Bone, Cone Done, SSc. And B, C, and D be not the fame with A;' A, B, C, and D are Malta, or Flura, many. Wolfus

MUM, a very wholcfome Drink, the Receipt of which as recorded in the Town-Houfe of trunfmck, the Place of molt Note for this Liquor, is asfollows:

Takes? Gallons of Water that has been boiled to the Confumption of a third part; brew it with feven Bufhels of Wheaten-Malt, one Bufhel of Oat-Malt, and one Bufhel

Multiplication, in Geometry, or in Lines, is effec- ted by fuppofing a Line a b (Tab. Geomet. Fig. 9.) cal- led the Defcribent, moving perpendicularly along ano- ther b c.

For by this means the Defcribent forms the Rectangle adebi and if it be divided together with the DirireOT into any Number of equal Parts, will'

many little Reaangles as the Units in the uclcrioent and

Dirigent will produce when multiply'd into one another; Birch x Pound, Carduus Benedicts 3 Handfuls, Flower of

Roia Solis, one Handful or two, Burnet, Betony Mario- ram, Avens, Penny- Royal, wild Thvme. of each '« H,ij.

e her with the Vmgem into of ground Beans; when it is tunned, let not the Hogfhead

■,11 by its Motion as be too full at firft, and as foon as it begins to work, put into Units 10 the Defcribent and it f the inner Rind of Firr 3 Pounds. Tons „fp„ Za

viz. 21. See Describent, &c.

For when the Line a J hath moved over one part of a d, it will by its three parts have defcribed the three little Reclangles in the firft Column 5 when it comes to 2, it will have defcribed three more. And this is the Reafon why Multiplication in the Latin Tongue '

y^Koyal wild Thyme, of each a Hand- ful and a half; of Elder-Flowers, two Handfuls or more - Seeds of Cardamum bruifed 50 Ounces, Barberries bruifed . one Ounce; put the Herbs and Seeds into the Veffel when ufually_expreffed_by ,he Liquor has wrought a while, and after they ar" added, let the Liquor workoverthe Veffels as little as may be, then fill it up : at laft, when it is ftopt, put into the Hogfhead ten new-laid Eggs unbroken or crack'd, flop it up clofe, and drink it at two Years end.

Our Englifb Brewers ufe Cardamum, Ginger, and Saffa-

frafs inllead of the inner Rind of Firr; and add Walnut

Now as m all gWWfaM* 1 Unity is ,0 one FaBor as Rinds , Madder, Red Sanders, and Alccampane

.needier is to the Product, Mult.plication in Lines may be MUMMY, Mumia, aCarcafs or Bodv

the Word I AS-, drawn : (and from henCe aifo comes Fro- Sw^drfuJ^k— ^"-. ^ &

duFI) as if a b were multiply'd by b c, they fay a b dutla ' in b c, becaufe the Defcribent is led, as it were, or carried along in an erect Pollure upon the Dirigent, and by that means defcribes the ReBangle; fo that the KeBangle and FroduFl are all one in Geometry

performed thus:

Let a b (Fig. ic.) be to be multiply'd by a d: make any Angle at pleafure; on one of the Legs fet offa« = to Unity; and on the fame Leg fet off u d, the Multi- plicator (3); then fet the Multiplicand a b (2) from a

>dy embalmed or tient Egyptians. See Em-

dried in the manner of the b A l m 1 n g .

The Preparation of Mummy is of fo old a Handing, that it

was in ufe in Egypt before the time of Mofes. The Coffin in

which the Mummy is con tain'd is of Sycamore- Wood „,hirh

on the other Leg of the Angle; dnre « b, and parallel .0 j s f ou „d , keep found for the Space of;

it is very different from our Sycamore,

it through d, draw d c, (<r). I fay, dc ar 6, is' the Pro- duct : for a u : a d : : a b : b c.

Multiplication of Flams, fee Foecvndity of Flams.

MULTIPLYING, the producing of one's like. See Production.

Mankind multiply'd at a prodigious Rate before the Flood, (fee Peopling.) Rabbits, Fifh, and moft Infects multiply incredibly. The fingle Milt of a Cod, examin'd with M. Leevienboeck's Microfcope, was found to contain more Ova than there are Animals on the Face of the Earth. See Insect, &c.

M. Dodart has feveral Difcourfes on the Multiplication of Plants in the Memoirs of the Royal Academy of Sciences. He has examin'd the Beech-Tree particulatly with this view, and found it to furpafs all Imagination. See Foecundity

Multiplying, in Arithmetic, is the finding a Number which contains the Multiplicand as often as there are Units in the Multiplier. See Multiplicand, &c

The Rule of Three confifti '

ogo Years; but

Mummy is faid to have been firft brought into ufe in Me- dicine by the Malice of a Jeviifi Phyfician, who wrote that Flefh thus Embalmed was good for the Cure of divers Difeafes, and particularly Bruifes, to prevent the Blood's gathering and coagulating. The Turks prevent the Export of Mummy into Europe as much as poffible.

Properly fpcaling, Mummy is not the Flefti of the De- ceafed, but the Compofition wherewith it is embalmed; but in common ufe Mummy is alfo ufed for the Body.

Thete are two kinds of Bodies call'd by the Term Mummy.

The firft are only Carcaffes, dried by the Heat of rV Sun, and by that means kept from Putrefuaion; f-e~ quently found in the dry Sands of Lybia. Some fav they ate the Boiies of deceafed People buried there on purp'ofe to keep 'em entire without Embalming; others that they are the Carcaffes of Travellers, iSc over-whelm'd with Clouds of Sand rais'd by the Hurricanes frequent in thole Defarts Be that as it will, thefe Mummies are of no ufe in Medii

Multiplying the third

It &**£$& dividing ,he rrodua b * the «.« 

Multiplying Clafs, aLens, or Glafs in which Objefls appear incrcafed in Number. See Lens.

A Multiplying-Clafs, call'd alfo Polyhedron, h a Glafs form'dor ground into feveral Planes, or Faces, making Angles with one another j through which the' Rays of



The fecond kind of Mummies are Bodies taken out of the Pits or Catacombs nearCa,',-,, wherein the Egyptians depo- fived their Dead after Embalming.

'Tis this makes the Mummy f muc h valued, and to which luch exttaordinary Virtues are afcribed.
