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For this Reafon, to fee an Object diftinclly, they muft either apply it dole to the Eye ; or ufe a concave Glafs. See Concave.

The Myopia wears off by time, the Eye growing flatter and flatter as Perfons draw towards old Age. See Eye

MYOTONIA, from fi, Mxfailus, a Mufcle, iaiUum

A Mutual Teftament is that made by two Perfons lea- ving iheir Effects reciprocally to the Survivor.

MUTULE, Mutulus, in Architecture, an Ornament, othetwife call'd Modi'iion. See Modillion.

The only difference between Mutate and Modillion con- fifls in this, that the former is ufed in fpeaking of the Do- to Order, and the latter in the Corinthian. See Doric, feo, to cut ; is a Diffcclion of the Mufcles. e?c MYRIAD, the Number of Ten Thoufand.

The Mamies in the Doric anfwer to the Triglyfbs ; whence Whence Mynarcha, a Captain, or Commander of Ten fome make Gutta, or Drops to hang. See Guttje. Thoufand Men.

MUTUUM, in the Civil Law, is a Loan {imply fo MYRMEC1A, in Medicine, akind of Wart growing on call'd ; or a Contract introduced by the Law of Nations, the Palm of the Hand, and Soal of the Foot 5 hard and wherebya thing confifting in Weight, as fuppofe Bullion ; in lefs than thofe call'd Tbymi: they have alfo deeper Roots Number, as Money ; or in Meafure, as Corn, Timber, and are more painful. They are ufually broad at bottom' Wine, ££c. is given to another, upon Condition that he fhall and narrow at top. return another thing of the fame Quantity, Nature, and MYRMIDONS, Value on demand. of The" '

This, therefore is a Contract without Reward : So that where Ufe or Inteteft arife, there muft be fome particular after' his' Kingdom had been dlfpeopled by a^fevero Article in the Contract whereon it is founded.

MUZZLEofaGun, is ftrictly the Moulding or Circle which incompaffes, and ftrengthens the Mouth of it.

MYLOGLOSSUM, in Anatomy, a Pair of Mufcles thus call'd, becaufe arifing about the backfide of the Molares, or Grinding-Teeth, and inferted into the Ligament of the Tongue j helping to pull it upwards. See Tongue.

Thefe are the fame with what Mr. Cowper calls Styloglof- fum. See Styloglossum.

MYRMIDONS, Myrmidones, in Antiquity, a People Tbeffaly, fabled to havearofe from Ants, orPifmires, upon Prayer put up to that purpofe by King Incut to Jupiter, ter his Kingdom had been difpeopled by a fevero Peililencc.

In Homer, and Virgil, the Myrmidons are Mbilies's Sol- diers.

MYRMILLO, a kind of Gladiator in antient Romt ; call'd alfo Murmulio. See Gladiator.

Turnebus derives the Name from the Myrmidons. MYRABOLANS, a kind of Medicinal Fruit, brought from the Indies j much more ufed in the Arabic than ths Greek Pharmacy ; and more among the Antients than tho

There are five kinds of Myrabolans .- The firft call'd Cili-me, of a yellowi/h red, hard, oblong, and the fize of an Olive. The fecond call'd black, or 'Indian Myrabolans, the bignefs of an Acorn wrinkled, without Stone. The third, Chebnk Myrabolans, the fize of a Date, of a yellowi/h , pointed at the end. The fourth Emblics, round, rough, the fize of a Gall, of a dark, brown. The laft call'd BeSeries, hard, yellow, round, the fize of an ordinary

MYLOHYOYDEUM, in Anatomy, abroad, but fhort Moderns; and Hill more abroad than in Eniland. Mufcle lying immediately under the Biventer Mufcle of the Jaw, and which fpringing from the lower Margin on each fide the under Jaw, is inferted into the Bafts of the Os Hyoides. See Hyoides.

Befides thecommon Life afcribed to this Mufcle, which

is to move the Hyoides, the Tongue, and the Larynx both brown, upwards, inwards, and fide-ways ; its Series of tranfverfe Fibres have a further ufe when it is at reft ; and that is to

comprefs the Glands under the Tongue, and by that means Prune, lefs angular than the reft,

promote the difcharge of Saliva into the Mouth from the Myrabolans of each kind are fligfc-.iy Purgative and A-

lower falival Ducts. Whence it is we ufe this Mufcle when ftringent. '

  • °lK5^S2Jt?r*5. 8 ^°^ h- ,- , r 1 n- Tn£ W ° rd C ° meS ft ° m th<5 Gw * «"«» »«», and

MYOLEPHALE, in Anatomy, a little part of theTn- fatten®- Acorn ; as being in form of Acorns, and ufed in

mca Uvea ; fo call'd, as refembling the Head of a Fly. Medicine.

S %Uvea. ..,.„,.„ , . MYRRH,akindofGum,orRefiniffuing,byIncifion,

1 he Word is form d of the Greek twia. Fly, and lofuhi, and fometimcs fpontaneoufly, from the Trunk, and larger

H ea d- . - Branches of a Tree growing in Arabia, En tpt and efpeciallv

MYOLOGY, in Anatomy, a Defcription of the Mufcles; Abyffnia. SeeGuiL , ^jyft, ana eipecaiiy

or the Knowledge of what relates to the Mufcles. Sea Authots are not agreed about the Tree which produces

Muscle, this Gum: 'Tis true, they all make it fmall, and thorny j

Anatomy is divided into OJieology, Myology, &c. See but difagree about the Form of its Leaves.

An *, to " y - , . , ,, r „ .- ,, ,., , „ The Incifions are made twice a Year, --d the Myrrh

The Word is form d of uv<, (u,®-, a Mufcle, and m>©-, oozing out is received on Rum-Mats, difpofed under-

Difcourfe. ««-*u

MYOMANCY, a kind of Divination, or Method of fore-

telling Events by means of Mice. See Divination.

Some Authors hold Myomancy one of the mott antient Kinds of Divination ; and think it i^ on this account that Ifaiab,\xvi. 17. reckons Mice among the abominable things of the Idolaters. But befidc that it is not cettain th'7 the Hebrew Word ~33y ufed by the Prophet, fignifies a Moufe ; 'tis evident it is not Divination by that Animal, beitwhatitwill, is here fpoke of ; but the eating it.

MYOPES, Perfons who are fhort-fighted ; or, as we po- pularly call it, Purblind. See Sight.

Myopes arc properly fuch as fee remote Obiefls confu- fedly, and near ones diftincfly. See Myopia. "

The defect of Myofes is not in the Optic Nerve, the Pu- pil, or the > like ; but in the Form ol theXryftalline or the ^.inft Worms ; 'tis chew'd to prevent Infeaionfrom corT- d,flance of the Retma from the fame. The Cryftalline be- tagious Difeafes. Dr. Qumey fays it is excellent to We ing rounder, or more convex than ordinary, the Ray, will and ftrengthen the Womb, and againft ticklin° Rheums - be render d more Convergent than ordinary in paffing thro a good Detergent ; and as fuch much added externally in the fame (fee RefractionJ ; by, his means they will be Unguentsfor theHealingof Wounds ; and makes the prin- brough to meet or concur a. the lefs diftance from the cipal Ingredient ufed in Embalming. The Chymifts drTv, Cryftalline; fo that _.f the Retina be at its ufual diftance, f:om it Oils, Spirit., Tinctures he to S rt,„t7


The Druggifts fell two kinds of Myrrh, viz. Myrrh in Tears, which they call Stage ; the other Unmlata, or Nail'd.

Of the firftkind, the beft is in bright yellow, tranfpa- rentDrops, friable, light, of a ftrong difagreeable fmell : But this is very rare ; and molt of that in ufe is the Naild Myrrh, fo call'd from little white Spots obferved thereon much likethofe on the Nails of the Fingers. The beft is in little Maffes, orTears, red, and tranfparent ; which, when broke, contain a kind of unctuous Liquor, the moft' preci- ous part of the Myrrh, and the real StaBe of the Antients. See St acte.

This Gum enters a great number of Medicinal Compo- fitions. Its Bitternefs renders it good for the Stomach, and

they will concur e'er they reach it. 'Tis the too great nearnefs, then, of the Retina to the Cryftalline, that confti- tutes the Myopia.

Myofes have their Sight very durable ; and rarely come to need Spectacles. See Spectacles,

ures, £Jic. to which they at-


tribute extraordinary

The Word comes from yjj>n, I run, or trickle. The Antients had Veffels of a kind of Myrrh, call'd fafa Murrhna, Myrrhina Tocula, @e. Some fay they were _, , - . , , made of what we now call Jkat, others of Onvx other, nf

Thofe who labour under the oppofite Defefl, are call'd Coralline, and o.hersof a Guirf congealed and iSenfed

^'"iv A T SB "-r-t - r, , MYRT1FORMES C, r «W,, In Anatomy little Ca-

The Word ..fotmdrf ^u, Fly ; by reafon remote runcles, or flefhy Knots adjoining to, or rather in the Place

Objefls appear to them ^e Flies ; or, perhaps, bv reafon of the Hymen in Women. SeeCARUNCLE

the fame Conformation o( the Eve is obferved in Flies They ire nlio„ f .l,„ u\ r c »/i , T „ .

SitM'r ' em0te ° Je3S - SeeVlsI0N ■ l-fleft in Maids, and by degrees t^gtw le'fs thro the ut

™ W . ■ 1 of Venery.

The M«f« ..s owing to the too great Convexity of the Others, and with more probability, derive them from the

Ball of the Eye, and particulatly of the Cryftalline ; broken Membrane of the Hymen, whofe Fraame^tX, „k

whence it happens that the vifual Rays concur before they up, they take them to be. See Hymen *" gments ftrunk

teach the Retina. See Myopes. ""'