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is by degrees ftretched, and at laft burfts ; as is the Cafe like* re, in Chickens and Frogs. But the generality of Authors ufe Nymfht tor the Infects themfelves, while they have yet only the Form of Worms or Maggots.

The Word properly (ignifies Briife, or nets-married Wtmurn; it being now, when it has laid afide its former Skin, that it begins to fhew all its Farts diflinflly. In this Change it lofes iis Motion for a while, as when in the Egg ; fo that thefe Infefls are twice in their Nympba State ; firft, in the Egg, which is theit firft NymfSa; and again in this Change, which is their fecond. • . ■

The only difference between them confifts in this, that in the latter the Members appear more diliinffly. Sinam- merdam calls this latter iQmfha Jwea or Amelia, and Cbry- Jalai and the other fimply Nympba. The Nym/** are oti.erwife diflinguifh'd into Nympba Anmairermifirmis, and Vermiculus Ovifofmis.

The Eggs of Bees firft change into Maggots ; thefe Mag- gots, inclos'd in their /ikoh or Cells, are tranform'd into jturettxor Hymphx, and twelve Days afterwards come out Bees.

NYMPH JE, or, in Anatomy, are two lolt, ipongy, red Bodies, defcending from the Top of the Clitoris to the Sides of the urinary Tallage ; thus reaching to about the middle of the Orifice of the Vagina : where they grow lefs and lefs, till they difappear. See Clitoris, S£c.

Their Breadth is uncertain, ufually in Maids half a finger: fometimes they are larger, and are capable of being diften- ded to a great degree ; fo as to hang a good way out of the "ody : whence, in fome, thefe, as well as the Clitoris, have been forced to be cut. See Nymphotomi a.

The Ufe of the ifynfhx is, by fwelling in the Aft of Coition, to embrace rhe Penis, and by their Senfibility to aft'eft the Woman, and mutually invite to Procreation. See Generation.

Their Subftance is very fpongy, compos'd of Mem- branes, and Vcffcls loofely cohering, and therefore diften- dible.

NYMPHjEUM, among the Antients, a public Hall, or Building, magnificently adorn'd and difpos'd for Ban- queting and Entertainment ; where thofe who wanted Con- veniences at home, held their Marriage-Feafts,. l-gc.

Some Authors rather take the antient Nympbxum for a Grotto, adorn'd with Statues, Jets, and other Ornaments; and that it had its Name, by Corruption, from Lymphxum, of Lywpba, Water : In which fenfe it muft have been a public Bath.

The Word comes from the Greek nyjfii, Spoufe.

NYMPHOMANIA, in Medicine, the fame with Furor Vter'mns. See Uterinus.

NYMPHOTOMIA, in Chimrgery, a Retrenchment or Cutting off part of the Nyrnfbf, when they are fo large and tumid, as to prevent the Confummation of Marriage, or render it very difficult. See Nymphs.

The Egyptians, Galen obferves, frequently pracfis'd the Nympbotomia 5 but in our Parts of the World, it is rarely found neceflary.

When it happens to be fo, the Cafuifts give their Judg- ment, that the Woman is oblig'd to undergo it.

The Nymphotumia is properly the Qircumcifion of Women. See Circumcision.
