Page:Cyclopaedia, Chambers - Volume 2.djvu/480

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C8?7 J


frencb'SOX, acomagioas Difeafe contracted by a poi- Again: If 5 lb coft 54 Shilling What coft, , te ? fonous Humour, ufually in Coition , and manifeftiffg uiclf Since 5 is half of 10, & doubt! of AelLth fLrtbf M

given price; m .101. orf. ^. i sthe Sum required. Again : It 1 16 coft 18 rf. What will 19 lb coft? Since 19=20— i; from the given price doubled, and

jn- Uters and Pains. See Venereal Difeafe.

The French call it Mai de Napes, the Neapolitan Difeafe, becaufe firft ubferved among the Soldiery at the Siege of jfafles under Charles VIII. The Italians call it MalFran- cefe, and we the French 'Difeafe, becaufe firft caught by the French- The Spaniards call it Sana das Indias, becaufe firft brought from the IVeft-Indies.

FOYNlNG's Law, an Act of Parliament made in Ire- land, by Henry VII. whereby all the Statutes of force in England were made of force in Ireland; which before that time they were nor.

Nor are any now in force there, made in England fince that time.

The Law took its Name from Sir EdwardPoyning, Lord Lieutenant at the time of its making.

PRACTICE, in Atithmetic, Practica Italics, or Ita- liauUfages ; certain compendious ways of working the Rule of Proportion, or Golden Rule. See Golden Ride.

They were thus call'd from their expediting of Fraclice, and Bufinefs ; and becaufe firft introduced by the Mer- chants, and Negotiants of Italy. See Rule.

The vnoft ufeful of thefe Practices are as follow :

i°. Since the Ufe of the Rule of Three is to find a fourth Proportional, to three given Numbers ; divide the firft and fecond, or the firft and third by fome common Number, if that can be done exactly ; and work with the Quotients in their Head : As in the following Example.

Price of 3 lb is o Shil. What's the Price of 7 lb ? 3) 1 3 3

Facit ii Shil.

Price of ralb is 26 Shil. What's the Price of 7 lb?

7) * =0 I

Facit 13 Shil.

2 . If the firft Term be 1, and the fecond an aliquot part of a Pound, Shilling, or Penny ; divide the third by the aliquot Part : The Quotient is the Anfwer. Wore, To find the aliquot part; thofe who cannot do it otherwife, may fee the Table of aliquot parts of a Pound under the Article Multiplication. If 1 Ell coft jo Shil. Whatcoft 557 Ells. Facit I. 478: 10 j.

3°. If the firft or third Number be 1 ; the other not ex- ceeding large ; and the middle Term a Compound, i. e. confiU of feveral Denominations 5 it maybe wrought with- out Reduction thus :

Price of 1 lb is 3 j. 8i. % q. What's the price of 5 lb? 5

Facit 1 8s. id. 3 q. For 4 Farthings making a Penny, 5 times 3 Farthings make 3 d. $q. and 12 Pence making 1 Shilling, five times eight Pence make 3 s. 4 d. which with 3 <£ from the place of Farthings, make 35. 7 d. Laflly, five times 3 Shillings makes 1 j Shillings, and with the 3 Shillings from the place of Pence, 18 S. The price required therefore is 18 J. id. iq.

4°. If the middle Term be not an aliquot, but an ali- quant part ; refolve the aliquant part into its aliquot parts ; divide the middle Term by the feveral aliquots, the Sum of the Quotients is the Anfwer. To find the aliquot parts ccntain'd in an aliquant ; fee the Table of aliquant parts of a Pound under the Article Multiplication.

For an Inftance of this Rule :

If 1 Ell coft 1 5 Shil. What coft 1 24 E lis ? I ')6z

i 31

Facit S3 /. j 9 . If the firft, or fecond Term be 1 ; and in the for- mer cafe, the fecond, or third, in the latter the firft, be refolvable into Factors ; the whole Operation may be per- formed in the Mind without wriring down any Figures : As in the following Example.

Price of 1 Ibis 24 Shil. What is the price of 2c lb? 4 4

80 6 Facit 48 |o J. — 24/. 6°. Where one of the given Numbers is r ; we have feveral compendious Ufages, to fave Multiplication, and Divifion.

If 9 Pounds coft 20 1. What does 1 Pound coft ? 'Tis obvious the Sum required is had by adding to the tenth part of 20 s. viz. 2 S. the ninth part of that tenth, viz. 3,;. 4, and ~ of a Penny : The Anfwer therefore is 2 s. 3 d. I and f .

increafed by a Cypher, viz. ;s , fubftrafl the fimple 18 5 the Remainder is 342 d. = 28 s. 6 d. the Sum required.

7 . If two Terms of the fame Denomination differ by an Unit, we have a peculiar kind of Compend ; which will be clear from the following Examples; E. zr. If 1 lb coft 30 s. What will 4 lb coft?

Since the price of 4 lb is one fifth part fliort of that of 5 lb. divide the given price 30 by 5 ; the Quotient 6 beiig fubftraffed from the Dividend ; the Remainder, viz. 24 Jj is the Sum required.

Again : If 8 lb coft 24 s. What coft 9 lb ?

Since the price of 9 lb exceeds that of 8 by one eighth part; divide the given Price 24 by 8 ; and add the Quo- tient 3 to the Dividend ; the Sam 27 is the Anfwer.

8°. Sometimes one may ufe feveral of thefe Compounds, or Fratliccs in the fame Queftion. Egr. If 100 lb coft 30 1. 4 d. What coils 50 tb ?

50)2. 2 — ■

Facit 155. id. Again: So lb coft 4 s. What cofts 2520 ?


PRE, a Latin Prepofition, literally fignifying before ; ufed in Compofltion, with feveral Words in our Language, to denote the relation of Priority. See Freeosition and Composition.

Of late, our Writers, in Words thoroughly anglicized, for pr£ ufually write pre, reftraining the Latin Orthoora- phy to Words that are ftill Latin. Hence, for



II Precession. j Precipe. I Precontract.

II Preceptory. 1 Predecessor. j Predetermination/

>3ee -^ Predestination.

Prediction. Pre do mi n ant. Preexistence. Prefect. Preemption. Pretor. -Pretorian, £&?.

FRECORDIA, the parts about the Heart ; e. gr. the Pericardium, the Diaphragm, the Hypochondria, and even the Heart itfelf; with the Lungs, Spleen, £$c. See Heart.

The Word is ordinarily ufed for the fore-part of the Re- gion of the Thorax. See Thorax.

'Pliny, and fome other Authors, ufe itfor all the Vifcera, or Entrails. Procardia vocamus una nomine exta in No- mine. See Viscera.

One of the principal Differences between Men and Brutes, confifts in this ; that there is a greater Correfpon- dence and Communication between the Head and Heart of the former than the latter : Which Correfpondence is effected by means of a greater Number of Nerves, font from the Brain to the Heart and Procardia ; Brutes only receiving Nerves to the 'Pnecordia by the Branches of the ParVagum; and Man, likewife, by the Intercoftal Pair.

The Reafon, Dr. Willis well obferves, is, that Brutes being void of Difcretion, and but little fubject to Paffions, need not, like Man, a double Paffage for the Spirits, the one fur the Service of the vital Functions, the other for the reciprocal Impreflion of the Affections. See Nerve, Spirit, Brain, fgc.

PREMIUM, literally denotes a Reward, or Recom- pence.

Among Merchants, it is taken for that Sum of Money, viz. 8 or soper Cent, which is given to an Infurer, forin- furing the fafe Return of any Ship, or Merchandize. See Policy of ' Infurance.

The fame Term is alfo ufed in the Money and Paper- Trade, for what is given for a thing above 'Far.

Thus, Lottery-Tickets, &c. are faid to bear fo much, 10 or 205. Prcem. when rhey are fold for fo much beyond the prime Coft at which the Government vended them.

PRENOMEN, among the Romans, a proper Name; or Name prefixed to the general Name of the Family ; as, Cains, Litems, Marcus, &c. See Name.

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