Page:Cyclopaedia, Chambers - Volume 2.djvu/567

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tri e Orderof the Words, and adding other Words. Both of which are done by the Apottles.— -Ladly, changing the Order of Words, adding Words and retrenching Words 5 which is a Method often ufed by St.^Paul.

Other Authors, as Bifhop Kidder, U.leClerc, Mr.Sykes,

?>c. folve the difficulty another way. That ufual Form of

Quotation among the Evangeliils, " That it might be ful- •■ filled which was fpoken by the Prophets," according to thefe Authors, means no more than an Accommodation of the Prophets Words to the Cafe in hand.

The Word wAiif»9i7, fulfilled, does not neceffarily de- termine us to fuch a Senle, as if the Evangelifts defign'd to fueak of a Prediction of future Events accompliped ; but may barely exprefs an Accommodation of borrow'd Words.

In effect, fays Bifhop Kidder, a Scripture may be faid

to be fulfilled two ways 5 Properly, as when that which

(944) QUO

apply what Jeremy had formerly faid on another Occa- fion.

Accordingly, fays Mr. Sykcs, the EvangeliOs in ciring that Paffage of Jfaiaft, 'Behold a Virgin jh all be with Child. 'i$c. only ufc it as words of that Prophet remarkably agree- able to the miraculous Birth of Jefus, and not as a Pro- phecy of his Birth.

It may be added, that this way of fpeaking was not un- known among the Heathen Writers Thus in Milan

Diogenes Sinofenfis ufed continually to fay of himfelf, that he tulriU'd and underwent all the Curies of Tragedy.

QUOTIDIAN, in Medicine, an intermitting Fever or Ague, the Accefs whereof returns every day. SeeFEvts. ana Ac ue.

QUOTIENT, in Arithmetic, the Number refultin«  from the divifion of a greater Number by a (mailer - anil

was foretold comes to pafs j and Improperly, by way of which fhews how often th

as when an Event happens to any Place what fell out fume time before.'


or People like

And thus it is that St. Matthew fays, on occafion of the

Murder of the Innocents, that "then was fulfill'd what was

" fpoke by the Prophet Jeremy^ In Rama was a Voice

  • ' heard, $$c*

This Interpretation is confirmed by M.ZeClerc, who ob- ferves that xhc Jews, in their Language ufed to fay, that a Paffige of Scripture was fulfill'd as often as any thing hap- pen Yi which it might be appty'd to : So that the Evangeliit. Matthew, who was a Hebrew, and wrote, as 'tis commonly fuppofed, in that Language, intended no more in the Paffage juft cited, but that a thing happen'd to which one might

fmaller is contain'd fur is contain'd in the

1 the Divi-

greater, or how oft the D, dend. See Division.

In Divifion, as the Divifor is lo the Dividend ; fo is Unity to the Quotient. Thus the Qtiotioit of u di- vided by 5 is 4 j which is thus difpofed, 5)12 (4 Quotient.

The Word is form'd from the Latin, quoties, q. d. How often is fuch a Number contain'd in fucfe another?

QJJOYL, or Quoile, or Covle, in the Sea-Language, a Cable is laid to be ^noyled, when it is laid round in a Ring on the Deck of a Ship. See Cable.

In the middle of fuch Ring, or ^uoyl?, is a good Place to lay Shot in, more fafe there than in Lockers along the fide, where the Enemy's Shot may fall into it.
