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Variation of £>tiantities t in Algebra. SeeCoMBiNA tion, and Permutation.

Variation, in Aftronomy. The Variation of the Moon.

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As to the natural Stripes, or Variegations, there are fome particular Circumftances to be obferv'd ; 1°, That fome Plants only appear variegated, or bloach'd in the Spring arid

called alio the Refleilicn of her Light, is the third Inequa- Autumn; the Stains disappearing as they gather Strength

liry obfervd in the Moons Motion; whereby, when out in Summer: Of this Kind arc Rue, Thyrsi and Pot Mar-

of the Quadratures, her true Place differs from her Place joram. '

twice equated. See Place, Equation, (gc. z°, Some Plants are continually bloach'd in the fporigy'

Sir /. Newtoa takes the Moon s Variation to arife partly Part of their Leaves ; the Sap-Veffels all the Time remain-

frcm the form of her Orbit which is an Ellipfis ; and part- ing of a healthful green : Such are the Alaternus, Orangc-

ly from the Inequality of the Parts of Space which the Mint, (gc. which being firengthen'd by rich Manure of

Moon defcrtbes in equal Times, by a Radius drawn to the being inarch'd into healthful Planes throw off the Diftem'per Ea " h -, f e , MoON - ' „ , , ,_, 3°. I" other Plants, the Difeafe is fo rooted and inveterate:',

lo find the greateft Variation, obferve the Moon's Lon- that it is propagated with the Seed • Such are the Arch- gitude in the Oflanrs ; and for the Time of Obfervation, angel, Water Betony, Bank Crefs, Borage Striped Salary compute the Moon's Place twice equated : The difference and Sycamore. The Seeds of which produce ftriped Plants between the computed and the obferv'd Place, is the great- VARIOLjE, in Medicine, a contagious Difeafe popular- eft Variation. \ y ca n e d the Small <Pox.

Tycho makes the greateft Variation 4.0' 30" : Kepler It is call'd Variola, as fhewing it felf in Fuftles, or little

makes it 51'; Sir I. Newton makes the greateft Variation Tumors like Varices; or as variegating the Skin. See

at a mean diftance between the Sun and the Earth, to be Small Pox.

55' 9"; at the other Diftances, the gteateft Variation is in VARIORUM, in Matters of Literature, a Term or

a Ratio compounded of the duplicate Ratio of the Times of Phrafe of Abreviation, ufed for an Edition of a Clafflc Au-

the Moon's Synodical Revolution direfily, and a triplicate thor, printed in Holland, with the Notes of divers Authors

Ratio of the Diftance of the Sun from the Earth inverfly. •Phil. Nat. -Trine. Math. Prop. XXXIX. Lib. iii.

Variation, in the Italian Mufick, is underftood of the different Manners of playing or ringing a Tune, or Song ; whether by fubdividing the Notes into feveral others, of

leffer Value, or by adding Graces, He. In iuch manner,

however, as that one may ftill difcern the Ground of the Tune thro' all the Enrichments ; which fome call Embroi- deries.

Thus, e. g. the divers lies, Gavots, French Paffacail'lies, (gc. are fo many Varia- tions : So alfo many Diminutions of Courants, Gavots, and other Pieces for the Lute, Harplichord, (gc. are real Va- riations.

VARICIFORMES <Parafiat<e, in Anatomy, a Name fome Authors give to two Veffels near the Bladder ; by reafon of their many Turnings ; ferving to work the Seed the better. See Parastatje.

thereupon ; Cum Notis Variorum, or Cum SeleBis Vario- rum Obfervationibus. See Edition.

In this Senfe, we fay, "Planus Variorum ; a Set o*i "Dutch Variorums, &c.

The Variorums, for the generality, are the beft Editions.

The Word is the Genitive Plural of the Latin VariuS, different, divers.

VARIX, in Medicine, a little Dilatation of a Part of a Vein, fo as to make it bulge out, or thruft the Skin above its Couples of Chacons, Spanijh Fo- natural level. See Vein.

Sometimes, it is confin'd to one tingle Branch of a Vein; and fometimes it extends to feveral ; and fometimes runs crooked, and bent, in various Knots and Circumvolutions.

It happens ofrneft to the Crural and Hemorrhoidal Veins ; fometimes, alfo, ro thofe in the Teftes, and frequently in the Abdomen and Breafts of pregnant Women, and Inch as give fuck.

It is fuppofed owing to the too great abundance or thick-

VARICOSUM Corpus, in Anatomy, the fame as Corpus nefs of the Blood ; or to the Relaxation of the Membranes

Pyramidale. See Pvramidale Corpus. of the Veins ; immoderate Labour, Sprains, Cramps, too

VARIEGATION, among Botanifts and Florifts, the A£t great Preffure or Striaure by Bandages ; and Stagnations of

or Art of (breaking or diverfifying the Leaves, (gc. of Plants the Blood from a Plethora, Cacochymia, (gc. may give oc-

and Flowers with feveral Colours. cafion thereto.

Variegation is either Natural, or Artificial. Melancholic Perfons, and thofe who feed on coarfe Meats,

Of Natural Variegation there ate three Kinds ; the firft are moft fubject to them : The generality of Women with

ihewing it felf in yellow Spots here and there in the Child have Varices on their Thighs and Legs, occafion'd

Leaves of Plants ; call'd by the Gardeners the yelloix) by the Fxtus compreffing the Iliac Veins ; and by that

Sloach. ^ means preventing the Reflux of the Blood to the Hearr.

The fecond, call'd the white "Bleach, marks the Leaves Varices happening fpontaneoufly, and proving of » mn-

with a great number of white Spots, or Stripes ; the whiteft derate fize, are rarely dange;

lying next the Surface of rhe Leaves, ufually accompany'd viceable in cafe of the Heir with other Marks of a greeniftl white, that lie deeper in rhe Body of the Leaves.

The third, and moft beautiful, is where the Leaves are edg'd with white, being owing to fome Diforder or Infecfion

erous ; but even are allow'd fer- morrhoids. When immoderate,

in the Juices, which ftains the natutal Complexion or Ver dure of the Plant.

Variegation is in it felf a Difeafe ; and thefe are only fo many Species, or rather Degrees thereof.

In the yeltoiv, the Difeafe is the ilighteft : The white is a fure Sign of a deep Infecfion, and Weaknefs in the Plant : which is further evine'd by rhis ; rhat no two Leaves are ever mark'd exactly like. This fometimes degenerates into the third, or edgd Kind ; which is a rotal and immoveable Difeafe, that lays hold not only of the Leaves, but of the Wood, and even the Fruit, Seed, (gc.

In the two firft Kinds, there is a poflibility of recovering the Plants to their native Verdure, by inarching 'em into a healthful Stock of the fame Species, and letting the Stocks ftand a Year or two join'd together ; by which means, the Juices of the ftrong Stock overpowering the Diftemper, throw off the morbid Humours by Perfpiration : But the third

Kind is incurable ; no Art can recover the edg'd Plant to Turpentine, a'nd "Sandarac, melred together, produce plain green Leaves again. White Varmjh, call'd alfo Venetian VaniiJI} ; made of

Artificial Variegation, is perform'd by inarching, or ino- Oil of Turpentine, fine Turpenrine, and Millick. culating a ftriped, or variegated Plant into a plain one of Spirit of IVine Varmjh, made of Sandarac, White Am- the fame forr : as a variegated common Jeffamin, into a ber, Gum-Elemy, and Maftick ; ferving to gild Leather, plain, common, Spanijh, Brazil, or Indian Jeffamin. See Piflure Frames, (gc. wirhal. Inoculation, and Ablactation. QUt Varnijfj, made of Linfeed Oil, Sandarac, Aloes,

A fingle Bud, or Eye, Mr. Bradley obferves, being plac'd Gum-Gurta, and Litharge of Gold, in rhe Efcurcheon of a diftemper'd Tree, where it can on- China Varnijll, made of Gum Lacca, Colophony, Maf- ly receive Nourifhment from the vitiated Juices, will be- tick, and Spirit o'f Wine.

come variegated proportionably torheNouriftimentitdraws; And, laftly, the Common Varnijh ; which is only com- and will partake more of the white or yellow Juice, than mon Turpentine, diffolv'd in Oil of Turpenrine. if a Branch Ihould be inarch'd : the Bud having nothing to Befides thefe 'varnijhes, there are hard and foft Varnijhes nourifh it, but the Juices of the Plant it is inoculated on; or Grounds ufed by the Etchers and Engravers. See whereas, a Cyon inarch'd is fed both by the ftriped Plant, Etching. and the healthful one.

C c c 6 Yax-

they fometimes occafion a Cachexy, Dropfy, or Confumption.

The Cure is to be attempted by Evacuations, as Phlebo- tomy and Catharricks ; exrernal Applicarions, as difcutient Fomentations, Cataplafms, Embrocations, Bandages, (gc. Or, laftly, where the Cafe grows dangerous, by Inciiion.

The Word is pure Latin, form'd from the Verb Vdriarei by reafon of rhe Turns and Meanders of the Veins, which the Tumor fomerimes follows.

Hernia Varicosa, in the Teftes, is known by the Situa- tion of the Tumor, rhe Courfe of rhe Vein, Relaxation of the Part, or its appearing inflated with Air, diftended, and painful. See Hernia.

It is remedy'd by a proper Trufs, or Bandage, with the Medicines abovemention'd.

VARLET. See Valet.

VARNISH, or Vernish, a thick, vifcid, Alining Li- quor ; ufed by Painrers, Gilders, and various other Artificers, to give a glofs and luftre to their Works, as alfo to defend 'em from the Weather, Dull, (gc.

There are feveral Kinds of Varnifo in ufe ; as rhe Sic- cative, or Drying Varmjh, made of Oil of Afpin, fine