Page:Cyclopaedia, Chambers - Volume 2.djvu/959

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via C 3 02 3 v * B

...,. , r ,,.i ,-,._ ,k„ Mi- of its Officers as were fent into any of the Provinces, to cx-

Thefc Privileges confided in bang »WSgif, ercife any Office, or perform any Service, or Commiffion ;

litary Oath 5 in being exempted from all the F»"«W « a , f ' the officer r s of the Army and cven the Soldicrs

SoMU in enjoying a_ certain J^^l^^S I*. «**«»«*■ ! I/.

In *MsC<?, the Term Veteran is Will retain d to luch Ottl cers as have held their Pofls 20 Years ; and who enjoy cer- tain of the Honours and Privileges affixed thereto, even after they have laid 'em down.

A Veteran Counfellor has a Voice and Seat at Audiences,

tho not at ProcelTcs by Writing. A Veteran .Secretary ot

the King, acquires the Privileges, &C. of Nobility, to him- felf and his Children. c _,

VETERINARIA Medicina, is fometimes uled torrhy- fick or Medicine applied to the Difcafes of Cattel. Whence,

VETER1NARIUS, a Farrier, or Horfe-Leech.

VETERKUS, is ufedbyfome Phyficians for a Lethargy, -r other droufy Difeafe. See Lethargy, iic. _

VET1TUM Namium, in Law, a Phrafe literally import

&c. See Province.

Tacitus makes mention of it, Lib. I. Annal. c. 37. Via- ticum amicorum ipfiufque Claris ; meaning the Appoint- ments which the Republick paid to Germanicus, and his Officers.

This Viaticum, however, did not confift altogether in Mo- ney : The Ring given the Magistrates and Officers fent into the Provinces, was part of it ; fo were, the Clothes, Bag- gage, Tents, and the reft of their Equipage.

In the Romi/b Church, Viaticum is ftill the Allowance made a Religious, to defray the Expences of a Tourney, Mif- fion, t$c. See Mission. *

The Term is alfo ufed for the Communion, or Eucharift, which is given to People in the Pangs of Death ; or who are

VET1TUM Namitm, in Law, a Phra le h. er; UIW «- — ^ ^ ^ rf the = her World "Si ■ijg&Jtm : -"l SS»1 _ The Viaticum is .Jgfven ,0 Perfons execut

trains Bealls, or Goods, and the Lord forbids his Bailiff to deliver 'em when the Sheriff comes to replevy them ; and to that End, drives 'em to Places unknown : or when with- out any Words, they are fo effoign'd, as they cannot be re. plevied. See Distress.

■out to maKe rnc vuyagcui iut um^i »,«.....

The Viaticum is not given to Perfons executed in courfe of Tuftice.

VIATOR, in Antiquity, an Officer of Jufticc among the Romans. .

The Term, originally, had noother Signification than that ot

ivied. See Distress. p„,„-- a nuhlick MefTeneer, or Servant fent to advertife the Senators

P^p^f^'t^^^TuLpI^Z an P d Magiftrateslhen Affemblies were to beheld, where

to hold Plea de Vetito Namio. -Mathilda de mortuo a g requ u"d. And becaufe in the firft Ages

AM «tM« i« Mancrio de Maferion duos Law-day ,,J§ their P wtag wa r ^ Magiftrates lived moftly at their

I,,fa„ge»,hef, ff flacitade Namio vetito, fine breve **» «™*?gg£ ^&g officers f eing obIigM t0 be frequently

KegK. Int. Record m Thefaur. Scac ' Road werj , cal , ed ^^ w Travellers ; from Via,

VI (S Anus, q. d. *y Force and Arms, a Law-term mea v '

in an Indiflment ; to denote the forcible and violent Com- Hignw y . ^ ^^ g ^^

miffion of any Crime. See Trespass, and 1»». ™>»i. « ° ce , officer ' s of , he Magiflrates . Xl - fl(1 „, 4^,

Vi Laica Removenda a Writ lying where debate being Ni^muu andC „,„.. w f ethe r it were that thefe

between two Parfons, or Provifors for a Church ; one of m g^' ^^Twere confounded in one ; or whether-

makes a forcible Entry into it, with a number of Laymen, *amea ,*£ W ^^ ^ ^ reft ^.^ ^ ,

and holds the other out. . . -tfoino the narticular Functions they difcharg'd, as A. Gel-

Vi Z r « ^ f W*, a Writ -h.<h »Mlj*f*. §§"££ J infinuJe ^ when he fa/s, that thV Member of

Bifhop has cert.fy'd into the Court of Chancery, that the H«J gem • . binds a Criminal condemned

Parfon of any Church within his Jurifdiaion, is kept out of *»V»JW »^f «g» J^ See AccENSI _ ScaiEE>

1,;. rl„.rl nr fl phc hv anv Lav-Fotce. 1" uc W "T"'

to be Lictor, iic.

Be this as it will, the Names LiBor and Viator are of- ten ufed indifcriminately for each other ; and we as often meet with, Send to feek, or advertife Trim by a Littor, as by a Viator. , ,

None but the Confuls, Pretors, Tribunes, and Ediles,had right to have Viatores. — They were not to be »"•

. ° , : 'J *_ U= i;..

his Church o'r Glebe by any Lay-Force.

VIA, Way. See Road.

Via Militaris, in our Law-Books, is uled tor a Uigb- ixay ; qu£ publica did poterit £? ducit ad Mare & ad T>or- tum, ii quandoque ad Mercata. Brafton, Lib. IV. c. 16.

Via Regia, in Leg. Hen. I. is defined to be that que Jeni- fer aperta iS quam nemo conclaudere potefl cum minis

fa, quia ducit in Civitatem vel Surgum vel Tortum Regis. «.-*» ~ ™- '-f-^-^'^ ftee . « Th'at which is always open, and which no body may^ {hut ^^^^JpJ^ie, ifed by Phyficians for a black and • by any Threats, as leacting to a City, Port, or Town -Its b J s occafio „. d by aFlux of Blood. See Petechia,^. Breadth the fame Laws prefenbe to be fuch, as that : two ^,^^0^ in Mechanicks, a regular, reciprocal Mo- Carts may meet each other, and fixteen Hotfemen arm d go J 1 ^^ of a Pendulum ; which, 'being fuf-

a-breaft. i-»lo„„ nended at freedom, fwinss or vibrates, firft this way, then that.

Via LaSea, in Autonomy, the J*f% J%, or Galaxy, pended at fre ^ m^_ ^ ^ ag . a;n by ^ ^.^ and

See Galaxy. . , . Velocity thus acquit'd, rifes to the fame height on

ViA&fo, the Sun's Way, in Aftronomy, is ufed among "^ ^» a ^ Whence its gravity makes

fome Aftronomers for the Ecliptic Line , fo called, becaufe g«*Wff ^g 8 ^ its ^^ iMi are conti 8 nu ed/

the Sun never goes out of it. See BetiPTic, Mechanical Authors, in lieu of Vibration, frequently ufe

VLB 'Prime, among Phyficians, are the Stomach and raecnamcai m » r ,

GuTs f including the while Zength of the Alimentary D u a the Ter ^* , S e O sc.eea™ . ^^^^

or Canal, from the Mouth to the Spbiniler An,. See Duct , The ^™« ot ^ ^ fa ^ feme ^

f 1„ al ^sle M nfo 'we' %' An Obftr^ion in the 5>n^ W*. -ate 5 ' for towards the Equator they are found fomewhat

p^ndThei,. Aflion till after they have pafs'd the 'Prim, Vl*. cordmg to ggfigjg, Jnches, according to Sir /.

SC V,^o:^o F ra G fma;i E thfnlSs lC Bofti;. See Pino, ^oV^,^ in an Hour.' See Secon,

HJUlj a »"»" ...... q

VIALES, in Mythology, a Name given, among the Ro- mans, to the Gods who had the Care and Guard of the Roads, and Highways ; call'd by the Latins Vie. See God.

600 v titrations iiuui. u^ uLA2-bot (talk).. — The Vibrations of a longer Pendulum, take up more time than thofe of a fhorter one, in a fubduple Ratio of the Ler-ths Thus, a Pendulum 5 Foot long, will make 10

loads, and nignways ; can u uy u» ~»n..o r ». ^~ v.--. - - c, • h 1 hes ]ong ma k es 20 . For

The THi Vales according to Labeo, were of the Number VI r<m.« , wh, te «n«ue 9 g rheSquare

of thofe Gods called 2)« Animates ; who were fuppofed to io.»tM*p«w«WJ« > s . «,* h ? r

be he Souls of Men changed into Gods , and were of two of 6 Inches , which is double of , whrfe Square

Kinds, vi*. the r,^ »d Senates See Penates ^^'ffl*^ %% the Num-

The »SWere the fame with thofe otherwife calld The ^)^ n = f Pendulums in a given Time, is in a

Xaras ; at leaft, fome of the Lares were denominated Vi- "et ot Hie rat torn ,01 &

f 5 , ,k fuch of them as had the more immediate Inten- -onrocal Ra .0 ^"f^-^ an exprefs Treat i fe)

<le H C L°c .'".he 11 ™ S Ka S m s^fome.imes join'd, and thofe «o ffiew, that' by ^*^^«™%S$£*

Higlway'Deities call'd Lar, Viales : Witnefs that Infctip- frJ^f^^ZToVZXZtZ^^T^

Sniverfal Meafure throughout the whole World 5 and fix the feveral Meafures in ufe among us, in fuch mam-jr as mat they misht be recover 'd again, if at any time they ihould chance to be loft, as is the Cafe of moft of the antient Mea- fures, which we now only know by conjefture. See Measure. The Vibrations of a ftretcb'd Cord, or ■String, anfc from its Elafticity ; which Power being of the fame kind with that of Gravity, the Vibrations of a Cord follow the fame Laws as thofe of Pendulums : Consequently, the Ti- trations of the fame Cord equally ftretch'd tho they be un- equal in length, are equi-diurnal^ or perform d in equal VIATICUM, among the antient Romans, was the Al- Times ; and the Squares ^ ^^^K lowance or Appointment which the Republick gave to fuch are among themfelves, inverfly, as the Powers whereby they

tion in Gruter.









VIATICUM, among the antient Romans,