Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 1.djvu/105

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ANSCHtTZ are the most important of his larger works in his native city. Many other pictures in European galleries. His skill as a miniatur- ist is shown in an Antiphonary, a Breviary, and a Psaltery in the so-called Library of the Cathedral at Siena. Vasari, ed. Le Mon., vi. 183 ; Rio, i. 114 ; Milanesi, Siena, 170. ANSCHUTZ, HERMANN, born in Cob- leutz, Oct. 12, 1802, died in Munich, Aug. 30, 1880. History painter; pupil of the Dresden Academy, in 1820, under Hart- maim and Muthiii, and from 1822 in Ddssel- dorf of Cornelius, who called him to Munich in 18*26, with Eberle and Kaulbach, to paint the ceiling- frescos in the Odeon. In 1830- 31 he studied antique wall-painting in Pom- peii, executed decorative works in Munich, and then devoted himself to painting relig- ious subjects in oil. In 1874 lie was ap- pointed professor at the Munich Academy. Works : Fresco paintings in the Odeon, Mu- nich (1827) ; Large altarpiece (1857), Cob- lentz ; Resurrection, Assumption (1861). Meyer, Kiinst. Lex., ii. 82 ; Kunst-Chronik, xvi. 8. ANSCHUTZ, THOMAS P., born in Ken- tucky, in 1851. Subject painter ; pupil of Thomas Eakins and of Pennsylvania Acad- emy. At present assistant professor of painting and drawing at the Pennsylvania Academy in Philadelphia. Works : Iron- worker's Noon-time (T. B. Clarke, New York) ; The Way they Live, Farmer's Wife (1880). ANSDELL, RICHARD, born in Liver- pool in 1815, died in April, 1885. Genre and animal painter ; self-taught, exhibited first at Royal Academy in 1840 ; removed to London in 1847 ; visited Spain in 1856 and 1857 ; elected an A. R A. in 1861 and R A. in 1870. Pictures of animals painted between 1843 and 1850 show Landseer's in- fluence ; in 1850-60 painted chiefly domestic animals in association with Creswick, who added the landscape backgrounds. Medal, Paris, 3d class, 1855. Works : Death of Sir W. Lambton at Marstoii Moor (1842) ; The Death (1843) ; Mary Queen of Scots return- ing from the Chase (1844) ; Fight for the Standard (1848) ; Mules Drinking Seville, Ploughing Seville, The Water Carrier (1857) ; Spanish Shepherd (1858) ; Sheep- Washing in Glen Lyon (1859) ; Lost Shep- herd, Buy a Dog Ma'am (1860); Hunted Slave (1861); Going to the Festa at Granada (1863); Highland Spate (1864); Poacher at Bay, Treading out the Corn (1865); Feeding the Goats in the Alhambra (1871) ; West Highlands (1872); Gathering the Herd, The Tethered Yowe (1873) ; Anxious Mother (1875) ; Wandering Minstrel (1876) ; Home of the Red Deer (1877) ; Stray Lamb, On Guard (1879); Farm of the Allminbra, Lucky Dogs, Morning Rehearsal (1881) ; Return- ing from Fair at Seville, Vega of Granada (1882) ; Water Carriers of the Alhambra, Hunting the Boar (1883). Meynell, 218; Art Journal (1860), 233 ; Sandby, ii. 346 ; Meyer, Kiinst. Lex., ii. 82. ANSELMI, MICHELANGELO, born in Lucca in 1491, died in Parma after 1554. Lombard school ; called sometimes Michel- angelo "da Lucca," and oftener "da Siena." Pupil in Lucca of II Sodoma, and afterwards at Parma a disciple and imitator of Cor- reggio. In 1522, when Correggio was en- gaged to paint the cupola and the tribune of the Cathedral of Parma, Anselmi was se- lected, with Rondani and Parmigianino, to decorate the chapels, but the work was not begun until 1548. He painted at Parma fres- cos still extant, in the church and cloister of S. Gio. Evangelista, before 1522. Also two altarpieces in the Duomo, Parma, one dated 1526 ; March to Calvary and Holy Family in Academy, Parma ; Ma- donna and S:iints, Lou- | vre; Corona- tion of the Virgin (fresco), in Madonna della Steccata, Parma. Lanzi, ii. 399 ; Ch. Blanc, ficole lombarde ; Meyer, Kiinst. Lex., ii. 86. ANSIAUX, JEAN JOSEPH ELfiONORE ANTOINE, born in Liege, in 1764, died