Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 1.djvu/107

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ANTHONY a skull on a rock, beside a crucifix and on hour-glass ; around him, demons in many forms. Collection of Louis XV1IL Villiot, Cat. Louvre. By David Tenierx, younger. Examples in Amsterdam, Dresden, Vienna, and Madrid Galleries, and in private collections. By Tintoretto, S. Trovaso (SS. Gcrvasio e Protasio), Venice ; canvas. The Saint sur- rounded by a demon, trying to pull off his mantle, and three female figures ; the one ft. 2 in. St. Anthony enthroned on with alabaster panels ; at sides. SS. Corne- lius and Cyprian ; in front, a page kneeling holding a large volume. From S. Antonio. island of Torcello, near Venice. Eastlake, Brera, 82 ; Ridolfi, Marav., ii. 52. ANTHONY THE ABBOT AND PAUL THE HERMIT, Velagqun, Madrid Museum ; canvas, H. 8 ft 4 in. x G ft St. Anthony in white and St. Paul in brown robe, seated before a grotto, thanking Heaven for food Tmpttion o St. Anthony. Piter Bru.fh.l, th young.r. Otdn GMry. on the left, representing avarice, a bright- eyed Venetian beauty, has one hand in a' vase of coins, while she shakes golden ; chains with the other ; the one on the other side, a type of the lusts of the flesh, ap- pears to have been baffled for the time ; the recumbent one may possibly mean indo- lence. A picture of careful finish and noble workmanship. Engraved by Agos. Carracci (1582). Ruskin, Stones of Venice, iii. 360 ; Bartsch, xviii. 69. ANTHONY THE ABBOT, ST., Paolo Veronese, Brera, Milan ; canvas, H. 9 ft x 6 brought them by a raven ; at left, two lions making a grave, while St. Anthony is pray- ing over dead body of St. Paul Painted in 1659 for Hermitage of S. Antonio at Buen Retiro. Original sketch sold for 25 at King Louis Philippe sale. Madrazo, 595 ; Curtis, 8. ANTHONY OF PADUA, ST., GLORY OF, Morel to, S. M. delle Grazie, Brescia; can- vas, life size. St Anthony of Padua with the palm, seated high up in a large niche, beneath which stand SS. Nicholas of Tolen- tiuo and Anthony the Abbot, the latter with 81