Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 1.djvu/120

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ARCHERS pupil of Thomas Duncan in the Trustees' Academy. Edinburgh ; exhibited in 1849 first picture, Last Supper, at Royal Scottish Academy ; elected an A.RS.A. in 1850, and RS.A. in 1858. Removed in 1862 to London, where he still resides. Visited the United States in 1884. Works: Time of War (1857) ; Hidden Sorrow (1858) ; Fair Rosamond and Queen Eleanor (1859) ; Playing at Queen (18G1) ; Puritan Suitor (1865); Times of Charles I. (1867); Against Cromwell (1869) ; Sir Patrick Spens (1870) ; of the company of cross-bow men, on some public occasion ; capital picture, many fig- ures. Formerly in Hesse-Cassel Collection ; then at Malmaison, whence passed to Her- mitage. Smith, iii. 265. ARCHERY PRIZES, AWARD OF. See Syndics of the Arquebusiers. ARCHIGALLUS, picture. See Parrha- sius. ARCO, ALONSO DEL, born in Madrid in 1624, died there in 1700. Spanish school ; born deaf and dumb ; pupil of Pereda, Shepherds of Arcadia, Nicolas Poussin, Louvre, Paris. Henry Irving as Mathias in "The Bells" (1872) ; Irving as Charles I. (1873) ; Spring- tide (1875) ; Little Bo-Peep (1876) ; Rose (1877) ; Trysting Tree (1878) ; Sacrifice to Dionysus (1879) ; Betrothal of Burns and Highland Mary (1881) ; Peter the Hermit preaching the First Crusade (1883) ; St. Agnes, in the Second Century (1884) ; por- traits of James G. Elaine, Andrew Carnegie (1884). Meyer, Kunst. Lex., ii. 248. ARCHERS OF ANTWERP, David Ten- iers, Hermitage, St. Petersburg ; canvas, H. 4 ft. 5 in. x 7 ft. 9 in. Represents a meeting whence commonly called el Sordillo (the dumb) de Pereda. Was a good portrait painter. Works in churches of S. Juan do Dios, S. Andres, S. Felipe, S. Bernardo, and S. Sebastiano, Madrid ; Child Jesus sleeping under the Cross, Academia S. Fer- nando ; several pictures in Museo Nacional, Madrid. Stirling, iii. 1006 ; Meyer, Kunst. Lex., ii. 221. ARDICES, painter, Corinth, early period. Mentioned by Pliny (xxxv. 5 [15]), in con- nection with of Sicyon, as first to use shading lines within outline drawings. 64