Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 1.djvu/127

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ASCENSION fresco, and decorated innumerable churches little valley ; and in foreground a reclining and monasteries in nnd out of Bavaria, figure (St. Peter?). Ruskin, Stones of Yen- working conjointly with his brother Aegi- ice, iii. 340. dius, sculptor, notably the Cathedral of Subject treated also by Sebastiano Ricd, Freising, 1723-24. He was court painter SS.Apostoli, Home,, Dresden Gallery ; Giotto, to the Elector of Bavaria. Works : Vulcan ; S. M. dell' Arena, Padua ; Correggio, H. forging Anns for .Eneas, Ceiling in the Giovanni Evangelist!, Parma ; Andrea Or- Chapel, Schleissheim Castle ; Decorations cagna, National Gallery. London ; Tintoretto, in Chapel and Staircase, Grand-ducal Pnlace, Mann- heim ; do. in St. John's, Munich. Meyer, Kiinst. Lex., ii. 321. ASCENSION (Fr. As- cension, Ital. Ascensione, Sp. Ascension, Ger. Him- melfahrt, Aussteiguug), the ascension to Heaven of Christ after the Entomb- ment (Acts i. 9-11). By P. 1'erugino, Lyons Museum, France ; wood, transferred to canvas ; fig- ures nearly life size. Christ, draped below the waist, and attended by angels, two on each side, is supported by two other angels in a glory of cherubs' heads. He points upward with both hands, where two seraphs attend the Eternal, in a cir- cular glory of same kind, in benediction ; below, the Virgin, SS. Peter and Paul, and Apostles looking up- ward. Formerly central part of great altarpiece of S. Pietro, Perugia ; taken to Paris and cleaned in 1815, and given to II Redentore, Venice ; Rubens, Jesuits' Lyons by Pius VH C. & C., Italy, ii. Church, Antwerp (burned, 1718). 205. ASCLEPIODORUS, painter, sculptor, and By Tintoretto, Scuola di S. Rocco, Venice ; writer on art, Athens, second half of 4th canvas. Christ ascending, sustained by j century ac. Praised by Apelles for skill in angela Beneath, a sort of epitome of ' rendering the relative proportions of objects, events preceding the ascension ; in ilia- and regarded by him as his superior in com- tance, two apostles going to Emmaus ; position. His picture of the twelve great nearer, a group round a table set in a gods was purchased by Muasou, tyrant of Ascension, by Prugino, Lyons MuMum. 71