Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 1.djvu/158

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BAKKEE. BARKER. See Backer. BAKKER-KORFF, ALEXANDER HU- GO, born at The Hague, Aug. 31, 1824, died in Leyden, Jan. 28, 1882. Genre painter, pu- pil at The Hague Academy of Kruseman and J. E. J. van den Berg ; painted humor- ous, often satirical, genre and family scenes. Was one of the best modern Dutch artists. Works : Calumny ; Sick Woman ; The Toast (18G4) ; Reading the Newspaper ; Lady at Toilet (1867); Daughter of the Hero ; Scrubbing Maid ; Bric-ii-brac Shop ; Seamstress ; Clothes Basket (J. Hoey, New York) ; Old Lady Knitting. Gaz. des B. Arts (1867), xxiii. 19 ; Meyer, Kiinst. Lex., ii. 567. BALAKLAVA, Mrs. E. Butler, Fine Art Society, London. After the return from the " Valley of Death." Central figure, a blood- ' besmeared dismounted trooper, who ad- ! vances with clutched sabre and resolute face, I as if still in battle ; behind him a sergeant [ of the 17th on a chestnut charger, bearing on his saddle-bow a dead young trumpeter ; nt left, riderless horses and various touching episodes, with the smoke of the Russian guns behind. Engraved by F. Stacpoole. BALDASSARE DA REGGIO. See Es- tense. BALDOVINETTI, ALESSO, born in Florence, Oct. 14, 1427, died there, Aug. 29, 1499. Florentine school. Baldiuucci con- siders him a pupil of Paolo Dccelli. Regis- tered in the Florentine Guild of St. Luke in 1448, and appears to have had some reputa- tion. He was an experimentalist in oil me- dium, and the ablest mosaist of his age. Vasari says he was the master of Ghirlanda- jo. The works which may safely be assigned to him are a fresco, with fine landscape back- ground, Adoration of the Shepherds (1460), Portico of the Auuunziata, Florence ; a Ma- donna and Saints, and an Annunciation, Uf- fizi, Florence ; Trinity with Saints, Florence Academy, and Frescos of Evangelists, Proph- ets, and Angels, Chapel of S. Miniato, Flor- ence. C. & C., Italy, ii. 372 ; Meyer, Kunst. Lex., ii. 613 ; Vasari, ed. Mil., ii. 591, ed. Le Mon., iv. 74, 101: Eastlake, Materials, etc., i. 223 ; Pierotti, Ricordi di A. Baldovinetti (Lucca, 1868) ; Ch. Blanc, Ecole florentiue ; Burckhardt, 541 ; Liibke, Gesch. ital. Mai., i. 312. BALDUNG, HANS, surnamed Grien (Griin), born at Gmtind, Suabia, about 1476, died at Strassburg, in 1545. German school ; history and portrait painter, formed under influence of Martin Schongauer, judging from the altar wings in the monastery of Lichtenthal, near Baden-Baden, painted in 1496, and afterwards under that of Durer, whose pupil he may possibly have been in 1507-09 ; settled at Strassburg in 1509, is classed as the most remarkable painter of his time there, and was elected senator in 1545. Temporarily (1511-18) employed at Freiburg, Brisgau. He obtained his sur- name from the peculiar green used in his dra- peries, perhaps also from his predilection for dressing in green stuffs. Works : Two altar wings (1496), Kloster Lichtenthal, Baden ; Martyrdom of St. Sebastian (1507) ; Christ on the Cross, Nativity (1512), Aschaffenburg Gallery ; Deluge (1516), Bamberg Gallery ; Death Kissing a Woman, Death Showing to Woman an Open Grave (1517), Christ on the Cross (1512), Basle Museum ; Christ on the Cross, Crucifixion (1512), Adoration of the Magi, Martyrdom of St. Stephen (1522), Head of Old Man, Berlin Museum ; Death of Lucretia (1530), Raczynski Gallery, ib.; Noli me Tangere (1539), Darmstadt Museum; Triptych with Baptism of Christ, Frankfort Museum ; Great Altar in 11 Panels (1511- 16), Baptism of Christ, Annunciation, Frei- burg Cathedral ; Margrave Christoph of Ba- den, Margrave's Family Adoring Madonna, four panels with Martyrdom of the Ten Thousand, Constantino and Helen Testing the Cross, Four Saints, Kunsthalle, Carls- ruhe; Palatine Philipp (1517), Old Pinako- thek, Munich ; Margrave Christoph of Baden (1515), Allegorical Figure, Schleissheim Gal- lery; Wisdom at the Abyss (1525 ?), formerly in Laudauer Briiderhaus, Nuremberg ; Mar- tyrdom of St. Dorothea, Prague Gallery ; J4