Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 1.djvu/160

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BALFOURIER S. Zaccaria, S. Geminiano, S. Cassiano, S. Eustachio, S. Pantaleone, S. Marziale, and S. M. Mater Domini. Cb. B ! anc :. ficole v 6 ni tie n ne ; Seguier, 9 ; Meyer, Kiinst. Lex., ii. 644. BALFOURIER, ADOLPHE PAUL JiMILE, born at Montmorency, Aug. 11, 1816. Landscape painter, pupil of Rcmond. Medals : 3d class, 1844 ; 2d class, 1846. Has often engraved for 1' Artiste. Works : Lake Lugano, near Tivoli, Valley of the Cevara (1846) ; Mazeppa, Study of Majorca ; Lake Nemi ; St. Peter's Wells at Hyores (1863) ; Pine Woods near Sea (1864) ; Pond of Co- taria (1865) ; Ruins of a Convent (1866) ; Mouth of the Gapeau (1867) ; Fountain in Majorca (1869) ; Environs of Valencia (1874) ; Oil Press (1875). BALLAVOINE, JULES FREDERIC, born in Paris, contemporary. History and genre painter, pupil of Pils. Medal : 3d class, 1880. Works : Interrupted Seance (1880) ; Surprise, Water-colour Painters (1882); Flower Market, Little Bohemi- enne (1883) ; Paris Bargeman, Before the Rehearsal (1884) ; Among the Rocks (1885). BALLENBERGER, KARL, born at Ans- pach, Germany, July 24, 1801, died in Frankfort, Sept. 21, 1860. History painter, pupil of the Munich Academy under Friedr. Hoffstadt, with whom he went to Frankfort in 1833, and of the Stitdel Institute under Philipp Veit. A medievalist in spirit, he painted according to the traditions of the early German masters. Works : Portraits of Conrad L, Louis of Bavaria, Giinther of Schwarzburg, and Ruprecht of the Palatin- ate, Kaiser Saal, Frankfort ; Scenes from Niebelungen, Scenes from Life of St. Eliza- beth, Scenes from Life of the Virgin, Nu- remberg Merchants before Emperor Maxi- milian in Augsburg, Henry the Lion at Erfurt in 1181 ; Gotz von Berlichingen among Gipsies, Scenes from Goethe's Faust, Spiudler's Jew, Fouque's Magic Ring, Fu- neral of Frauenlob. Allgem. d. Biogr., ii. 21 ; Meyer, Kiinst. Lex., ii. 651. BALLING, OLE PETER HANSEN, bom at Christiania, Norway, April 23, 1823. History and portrait painter, pupil of one Jacob Wuuderlich, and of the Berlin Acad- emy ; visited Copenhagen in 1846, Paris iu 1 1854, and New York in 1856. At the out- J break' of the Civil War, he joined the 1st N. Y. Volunteer Regiment as captain of a Scan- dinavian company, and afterwards com- manded the 145th Regiment as lieutenant- colonel. In 1863 he resigned and devoted himself again to art. In America he painted mostly portraits. Works : Portrait of Gen. John Sedgwick, West Point Academy ; do. of Admiral Farragut, Annapolis Academy ; do. of Gen. Geo. H. Thomas, and Gen. Rey- nolds, Union League, Philadelphia ; Group of 27 Generals on horseback, Agricultural Building, Washington. Meyer, Kiinst. [Lex., ii. 653. BALMER, JOSEF A., born at Abtwyl, Switzerland, Nov. 27, 1828. History painter, pupil in Lucerne of Anton Butler, then, from 1852, of the Diisseldorf Academy, under Mticke and Schadow, and later iu Carlsruhe under Des Coudres and Canon. Has painted many cheap altarpieces for Catholic churches in Baden and Switzerland. Works: Death of St. Joseph, Cycle for Tell's chapel, Fluellen ; wall paintings and altarpieces, at Kusuacht, Miihlau, Oos, Baldegg, Nottwill, Appenzell, I and Meierskappel. Meyer, Kiinst. Lex., ii. ' 654 ; Miiller, 24. BALSGAARD, CARL VILHELM, born in Copenhagen, Denmark, Dec. 29, 1812. Flower painter, pupil of Copenhagen Acad- emy, where he at first studied history and portrait painting ; visited Berlin, Dresden, Diisseldorf, and Paris in 1855, and Italy in 1872-73. Member of Copenhagen Academy in 1858 ; title of professor in 1867. Works : Two pictures (1858), Copenhagen Gallery, two in Moltke Collection, ib. ; Fruitpiece (1856), Kunsthalle, Hamburg. Weilbach, 42. BALTASAR, CARLOS, Don, eldest son of Philip IV., Velasquez, Grosvenor House, 96