Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 1.djvu/167

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BARIUAS BARRIAS, FKLIX JOSEPH, born in Paris, Sept. 13, 1822. History painter, pupil of Leon Co- gniet in 1836, ob- tained the grand prix de Rome in 1844, for his pict- ure of Cincinnatus receiving the Dep- uties of the Senate. First exhibited at the Salon in 1847. Painted frescos in S. Eustache, La Trinite, in the Grand Hotel du Louvre, and other public buildings. Medals : 3d class, 1847 ; 1st class, 1851 ; 2d class, 1855 ; L. of Honour, 1859. Works : Roman Spinning Girl, Sappho (1847) ; The Exiles of Tiberius (1858), Lux- embpurg Museum ; Dante AHghieri (1853), Tarbes Museum ; Michelangelo in the Sis- tine Chapel, Pilgrims to the Jubilee in 1300, Laval Museum ; Landing of French Troops in the Crimea, Versailles Museum ; Gauls Insulted by Romans, Autun Museum ; ; Death of Socrates, Electra at her Father's Tomb (1873) ; Conspiracy in Venice in 1530 ; Titian Painting a Venus ; La Picardie (allegorical composition), Amiens Muse- ' um ; Olympian Gods, Allegory of Music, New Opera, Paris ; Sea Bath en famille at ' Dinard (1883) ; Charity at Venice, She was an Andalusian and a Countess (1884) ; ! Death of Chopin (1885). Meyer, Kiiust. Lex., iii. 41 ; M filler, 27. BARROSO, MIGUEL, born at Consu- egra in 1538, died at the Escorial, Sept. 29, 1590. Spanish school ; pupil of Becerra, became painter to the king in 1589, and executed frescos in the chief cloister of the Escorial. Stirling, i. 250 ; Meyer, Kunst. ! Lex., iii. 45. BARRY, FRANVOIS BERNARD, born' in Marseilles, May 3, 1813. Landscape and marine painter, pupil of Aubert and Th. Gudin. His marine paintings are partic- ' ularly good. Medals : 3d class, 1840 ; 2d class, 1843. Works : A Fog, Fishing Boats , (1840) ; Leaving the Harbour of Marseilles, Tunny-Fishing (1843) ; Arrival of the Queen at Treport (1845); After the Storm, Ships Becalmed (1849) ; New Parliament House in London, Entrance to Marseilles (1855) ; Reception of Cardinal Latrizzi in Marseilles (1857) ; Napoleon HI. receiving Queen Vic- toria at Cherbourg (1859), Marseilles Muse- um ; Arrival of the Waters of the Mediter- ranean at Lake Timsah (1863), Suez Com- pany ; View at Birket-el-Sab (1863), Prince Halim ; Ruins of Karnak, First Cataract of the Nile (1864) ; Tombs of the Caliphs at Cairo (1867) ; Moon-Rise at Sea, View at Birket-el-Essabe (1868) ; Constantinople, Entrance to Marseilles (1869) ; Ajaccio, Tarmouch (1870) ; Alexandria (1874) ; Pi- rate fleeing from a Cruiser, Entrance to the Bosphorus, Inside the Harbour of Constan- tinople (1875) ; Ironclads at Toulon (1876) ; Bark in Distress, St. Petersburg in Evening (1880) ; Review of Fleet at Cherbourg (1881) ; Capture of Sfax (1882). Larousse,

ii. 272.

BARRY, JAMES, born in Cork, Ireland,

Oct. 11, 1741,

died in London, Feb. 22, 1806. ' Studied in Dub- lin under Rob- ert West ; went in 1765, by the aid of Edmund Burke, to Rome, where he re- mained five years. Though the pictures ex- hibited on his return met with but moder- ate success, he became an A. R. A. in 1772 and R. A. in 1773, and received in 1782 the appointment of professor of painting ; but his lectures gave offence and he was removed and expelled. After this he lived in quasi re- tirement until his death. The defects of his education, his violent temper, lack of judg- ment, and the blind devotion to high art which led him to handle a class of subjects 103