Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 1.djvu/174

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BATTISTA BATTISTA DA SAN DANIELE. See Pelleyrino. BATTLE, Salvator Rosa, Louvre ; canvas, H. 7 ft. 2 in. x 11 ft. 6 in.; signed. A hand- to-hand conflict of horse and foot, near a ruined temple on right ; on left, massive rocks and burning vessels. Painted in 1652, in forty days, by order of Monsignor Cor- sini, Papal Nuncio, who presented it to Louis XT7. Villot, Cat. Louvre. BATTONI (Batoni), POMPEO GIRO- LAMO, Cavali- ere, born at Luc- ca, Feb. 5, 1708, died in Rome, Feb. 4, 1787. Roman school ; pupil at Lucca of Domenico Brugieri and of Gio. Domenico Lombard!; went early to Rome, where he studied under Conca, Masucci, and Imperial! ; soon won reputation and divided with Raphael Nunzo the honour of being called the first painter of his time ; but his conceptions were supe- rior to his power of realization, and his works are mannered and shallow. Painted historical pieces and miniatures ; but most noted for his portraits, numbering among his sitters Popes Benedict IV. , Clement XITL , and Pius VI., the Emperors Joseph II and Leopold II., and many other celebrated per- sonages. Among his works are : Marriage of St. Catherine, Quirinal, Rome ; Birth of Christ, Palazzo Corsini, Rome ; Achilles, Uffizi, Florence; Madonna Enthroned, Brera, Milan ; Choice of Hercules, .ZEneas with Anchises, Return of Prodigal Son, Turin Gallery ; Madonna, Louvre, Paris ; St. John the Baptist, Magdalen. The Fine Arts, Dres- EOTJPCO den Gallery ; Portrait of Elector Karl Theo- dor (1775), Pinakothek, Munich ; Marriage of Cupid and Psyche (175G), Berlin Museum ; Return of Prodigal Son (1773), Vienna Museum. Lanzi, i. 529 ; Ch. Blanc, Ecole romaine ; Meyer, Kiinst. Lex., iii. 119. BAUCK, JEANNA, born in Stockholm, Sweden, Aug. 18, 1840. Landscape painter, pupil in Dresden (1863) in figure painting of Professor Ehrhardt ; then in Diisseldorf in landscape painting of Albert Flamm. In 1866 she settled in Munich, where she stud- ied under Karl Ludwig, Langko, and Jos. Brandt. Visited Tyrol, Switzerland, and Ven- ice almost yearly ; lived in Paris in 1879-80, and then in Munich, where she has a school of painting for young ladies. Paints chiefly gloomy forests with dark waters, ruins, and trees, with great breadth and boldness. Medal, 1878. Works : Village Street with Gipsy Band (1878); St. John's Eve (1880). Meyer, Ktinst. Lex., iii. 128 ; Mttller, 29. BAUDIT, AMEDI3E, born in Geneva, Switzerland, in 1829. Landscape painter, pupil of Franyois Diday; studio in Bordeaux. Medals : Paris, 1859, 18G1 ; Geneva, 1861 ; Toulouse, 1866; Rochelle, 1866. Works: Shores of Lake of Geneva, Dent du Midi (1861); Coast near Terre-Negre (1866); View near Cannes (1867) ; Souvenir of Dieppe, Les Landes (1867) ; Storm (1868) ; Heath of Begaar, Rainy Day at Biscarosse, Pasture in the Landes (1875) ; Before the Storm (1883). Meyer, Ktiust. Lex., iii, 132. BAUDOIN, PAUL ALBERT, born at Rouen ; contemporary. Genre painter, pu- pil of Gleyre, Delaunay, and Puvis de Cha- vanues. Medal, 3d class, 1882. Works: History of Wheat (1882), frieze for Ecole Dombasle, Paris ; View of St. Pons He- rault, Mulberries of Port Junenal Herault (1883) ; April Morning in Normandy (1884) ; Betrothal (1885). BAUDOIN, PIERRE ANTOINE, born in Paris, Oct. 17, 1723, died Dec. 15, 1769. Genre painter, pupil of Boucher, whose daughter he married ; Member of Academy in 1763. Fond of painting erotic subjects. Works : Confessional, Fille econduite, Cueil- leur de Cerises, Petite Idylle galante, Le Lever, Fille querelloe, Force du Sang (1765, no