Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 1.djvu/176

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BAUMAXN Old Arm-Chair, My Little Nephew (187G) ; Blind Man's Buff, Mrs. A. T. Stewart, New York ; First Heart Trouble (1878) ; Fourth of July, 1876 ; Autumn (1879); Washington's Birthday (1881); Cottage Hospitality (1882). Other works owned in United States : Curi- osity, James H. Stebbins, New York ; Ein- barrassing Answer, Dead Canary, Dressing the Bride, T. E. Butler, New York ; Lady's Night Toilet, Mrs. Paran Stevens, New York; His Picture, W. Mason, Taunton, Mass. ; After the Ball, Hurlbut Collection, Cleveland; Autumn, S. A Coale, St. Louis ; Art Studies, C. Crocker, San Francisco ; Interesting the Convalescent, W. B. Bement, Philadelphia ; Toilet of the Bride, Departure of the Bride, E. D. Morgan Collection, New York ; Letter of Becommendation, Lost Illusions, B. L. Stuart Collection, New York ; Autumn, C. P. Huntington, New York ; Feeding the Snow Birds, C. S. Smith, New York ; Toilet of the Bride, J. Hoey, New York ; Good Fortune, "W. H. Vanderbilt, New York; Spring Time, Win. Astor, New York. Vapereau (1880), 150. BAUMANN, (ADOLF) CHRISTIAN, born in Munich in 1829, died there in 18G5. History painter, pupil of Munich Academy | in 1844-48, under Schraudolph, whom he j also assisted in his works at the Speyer cathedral. After three years spent in Italy he returned home and executed a series of ! works in fresco, in the style of H. Hess and Schraudolph. Two Madonnas, New Pina- kothek, Munich ; four fresco paintings, Na- tional Museum, Munich ; two in Arcades of S. Cemetery, ib. ; Crucifixion, I. Sarthor, ib. Allgem. d. Biogr., ii. 152 ; Meyer, Kiinst. Lex., iii. 148. BAUMANN, JOHANN HEINEICH, born at Mitau, Feb. 10, 1753, died at Neu-Juug- fernhof, near Riga, July 7, 1832. Animal painter, pupil at Erfurt of J. S. Beck ; after his return home lived mostly in Curlandj and Livland, and in 1790 became member of St. Petersburg Academy ; painted 1,713 pictures, chiefly hunting scenes, highly es- teemed by sportsmen. Meyer, Kiiust. Lex., iii. 147. BAUMEISTER, FRANZ KARL, born at Zwiefalten, Wurtemberg, Jan. 24, 1840. History painter, pupil of the Munich Acad- emy from 1855 under Hiltensperger and Anschutz, and in 1859-65 under Philipp Foltz. Works : Christ with Virgin and j Saints (1863) ; Holy Women at the Grave (1866) ; Eleven Cartoons of Life of St. Wal- bert (1869-70) ; Baptism of Christ (1872) ; St. Andrew, Immaculata (1872) ; St. Ann (1873) ; St. Theobald, St. Maurice, Assump- tion, St. Bartholomew ; Foundation of Soci- ety of Jesus, St. Catherine. Meyer, Ktinst. Lex., iii. 149 ; Muller, 31. BAUMGARTNER, PETER, born in Mu- nich, May 24, 1834. Genre painter, pupil from 1850 of the Munich Academy, then in 1857-61 of Piloty. His pictures of Bava- rian life are humorous and characteristic. J Works : Seven Suabians, Don Quixote's Declaration of Love, Interrupted Dinner (1861) ; Invalid Asylum, Auction at a Paint- er's, On the Way to School (1864) ; The Answered Prayer for Rain (1866) ; At the Stand, Scene in Photographer's Studio, Ex- amination at the Parson's, Forenoon in the Parson's Kitchen, The Arrival. Meyer, Kiinst. Lex., iii. 151 ; Muller, 31. BAUR, ALBERT, born at Aachen, July 13, 1835. History painter, pupil of Diissel- dorf Academy under Karl Sohn, then of Jos. Kehreu, and later of Schwind in Munich. Settled in Diisseldorf in 1861. After visit- ing Paris, Holland, and Italy, was professor at the Weimar Art School in 1871-76 ; then returned to Diisseldorf. Works : The Body of Otto HI. Conveyed over the Alps (1866) ; Christian Martyrs (1870), Diissel- dorf Gallery ; Otto I. and the Body of his Brother Thankmar [1874] ; Paul Preaching in Rome (1876) ; Amazons Bear-Hunting (1876) ; Young Poet and Girl (1876) ; Seal- ing Christ's Sepulchre after Entombment (1879), J. D. Lankenau, Philadelphia. Meyer, Kiinst. Lex., iii. 156 ; Muller, 31 ; Ulustr. Zeitg. (1872), i. 231 ; Ktinst-Chronik, i. 133, ii. 37, iv. 190, vii. 438, xii. 83; Zeitschr. f. b. K., vi. 144.