Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 1.djvu/180

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BEAUME Alcohol (1883) ; La Femme & ITbis, La Fille aux Rats (1884). Ckronique des Arts (1884), 191; Kunst-Chronik, vi. 40 ; ix. 671; x. G46. BEAUME, JOSEPH, born in Marseilles, Sept. 24, 1796, died, Sept., 1885. History and genre painter, pupil in Paris of Gros, whose classical style he at first followed ; later painted military and historical pictures, and since 1870 genre subjects. Also painted portraits and marine views. Medals : 2d class, 1824 ; 1st class, 1827 ; L. of Honour, 1836. In 1836-43 he executed for the Ver- sailles Museum his principal historical works: Passage of Rhine at Diisseldorf ; Battles of Diernstein, of Albreto, of Ltitzen, of Bautzen, of Oporto, and of Toulouse ; Taking of Halle; Napoleon Leaving Elba. Otherworks: Eliezer and Naphtali (1819, Fontainebleau) ; Death of Henri IE. (1822) ; The King Drinks (1828); Death of Grand-Dauphiness in 1690 (1834) ; Death of Anne of Austria at Val-de- Grace (1835) ; Death of Charles V. (1838) ; Childhood of Sixtus V. (1839) ; Hagar in the Desert (1844) ; Going out of Church (1846); Van Dyck (1850) ; Marguerite (1852) ; Gali- leo in Prison (1853) ; Flight into Egypt ; Mother of the Family (1872); Hunter's Breakfast (1877) ; Sancho Panza (1878). Meyer, Kunst. Lex., iii. 243 ; Miiller, 32 ; Ottley. BEAUMETZ, fiTIENNE, born in Paris ; contemporary. History and genre painter, pupil of Cabanel and L. Roux. Medal : 3d class, 1880. Works : There they are ! (1880); Battalion Leaving for the Frontier (1881); Brigade Lapasset Burning its Flags (1882); The Liberators ! 1794 (1883) ; At Cham- pigny Nov. 30, 1870, The Garrison Leaves Belfort 1871 (1884) ; The Bayonet Cham- pigny, Dec. 2, 1870, Last Duty (1885). BEAUMONT, CHARLES EDOUARD DE, born at Lanuion, France, in 1821. Genre painter, pupil of Boisselier ; first pictures, landscapes from neighbourhood of Cernay and Senlis, in Salons of 1838, 1839, and 1840. Has illustrated several books. Medals: 1870, 2d class, 1873 ; L. of Honour, 1877. Works ; Bohemians (1853) ; Dangers of Life (1855) ; Andromeda (18CC) ; Circe (1867) ; Leda (1868) ; Perils of Life (1855); Women Chasing Truth (1868) ; The Captain's Share (1868), Luxembourg ; Seeking Whom He Shall Devour, Women are Dear (1870) ; End of a Song ; Where is Cupid Hiding? (1873); As Stupid as a Goose, Mad Caps (1874); Nest of Sirens (1877) ; Torturers of Cupid, H. Probasco, Cincinnati. Meyer, Kiinst. Lex., iii. 246 ; Miiller, 33 ; Larousse. BEAUMONT, CLAUDIO FRANCESCO, Cavaliere, born in Turin, June 4, 1694, died there, July 21,1766. History painter, studied in Turin, then in Rome, after the works of Raphael, the Caracci and Guido, and under Trevisani ; became honorary member of Academy of S. Luca in 1727, returned to Turin in 1731, and was made court painter and (1736) knighted. Works in fresco : Princely Virtues, Four Ages of Man, Judg- ment of Paris, Rape of Helen, Royal Palace, Turin ; Altarpieces in different churches, ib., and in Rome. Meyer, Ktlnst. Lex., iii. 243. BEAUMONT, Sir GEORGE ROWLAND, Bart., born at Dunmow, Essex, Nov. 6, 1753, died at his seat at Coleorton, Leicestershire, England, Feb. 7, 1827. Pupil of Rich- ard Wilson ; became a respectable amateur landscape painter. His two landscapes in the National Gallery are pleasing examples of the classic school, but cannot lay claim to striking originality. He was a supreme authority in matters of taste and of para- mount influence in founding the National Gallery, to which he bequeathed many valu- able pictures collected in Italy and England. Cunningham, vi. 147; Cat. Nat. Gal.; Mey- er, Kiinst. Lex., iii. 245 ; Redgrave. BEAURY-SAUREL, Mile. AMfiLIE, born at Barcelona, Spain, of French parents ; con- temporary. Portrait painter, pupil of Tony Robert- Fleury, Bouguereau, and Giacomotti. Medal : 3d class, 1885. Works : Portrait of Leon Say (1880) ; do. of My Mother (1883). BEAUVAIS, ARMAND, born at Bar-sur- Aube, Nov. 30, 1840. Landscape and genre painter, pupil of Desjobert and of Gerome. 116