Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 1.djvu/216

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BESCHEY grants of the Roman Campagna (18G5), Or- leans Museum ; Phryne at the Festival of Eleusis, Pilgrimage in the Abruzzi Mountains (1866); Death of Sappho, Idyl (1867) ; Sere- nade, The Curious (1868) ; Inquisitive Little One, Death of Virginia (1869), Luxembourg Museum ; Marguerite, Death of Manon Les- caut (1870) ; Ophelia's Madness, Ophelia's Death (1872) ; Cinderella, Caen Museum ; Idyl (1873) ; Eomeo and Juliet Dying, Montpellier Society of Art ; Anuccia (1874); Magdalen, Know Thyself, Lesbia (1875); Aurora, Marguerite (1876); Echo, Education of the Virgin (1877); Cloister (1878); Gala- tea and Acis surprised by Polyphemus, Coming out of School (1879) ; The Bird Charmer, Marguerite in Church (1880); Love drawing Night over the Earth (1881); Cigale singing to the Moon, Waiting in Ambush (1882) ; The Sirens, Charlotte Corday's Last Day (1883); Calvary, Ophelia (1884) ; Youth, Study of a Head (1885). Montrosier, Artistes modernes ; Larousse. BESCHEY, BALTHASAR, born at Ant- werp, baptized Nov. 20, 1708, died there, April 15, 1776. Flemish school ; history and portrait painter ; pupil of Peeter Strick, an obscure artist ; master of the guild in 1733 ; dean in 1756. With him the school of Antwerp, abandoning the traditions of Rubens, entered on the road to decline. Works : Flemish Family (1721 ?), Louvre, Paris ; Joseph Sold by his Brethren, Joseph Viceroy of Egypt (1744), portrait of himself, do. of Martin Joseph Geeraerts, Antwerp Museum ; Scene before Peasant's Cottage, Liechtenstein Gallery, Vienna. Cat. de Mu- see d'Anvers (1874), 46 ; Michiels, x. 484 ; Rooses (Reber), 441. BESNARD, PAUL ALBERT, born in Paris ; contemporary. History and portrait painter ; pupil of A. Cabanel and J. Bre- mond. Won the prix de Rome in 1874. Medals : 3d class, 1874 ; 2d class, 1880. Works: Autumn (1874) ; A Fountain (1877); After a Defeat in the 5th Century (1880); Plenty encourages Labour, Remorse (1882); Souvenir of England (1883); Sickness and Convalescence (diptych, 1884); Paris (1885). BESSON, FAUSTIN, born at Dole, Jura, March 15, 1821, died in Paris, March, 1882. Genre and portrait painter ; pupil of Brune, Decamps, and Gigoux, and of the cole des Beaux Arts ; had especial success with his ideal allegorical genre scenes. L. of Hon- our, 1865. Works : The Prelude (1844); A Summer Day (1846) ; The AVomen and the Secret (1848) ; Courtesans and Venetian Nobles (1849) ; Return of the Barber of Olmedo and of Gil Bias (1850); Youth of Lantara (1852), Dole Museum ; The Dauph- ine's Promenade (1855) ; Childhood of Gretry (1857), Toulouse Museum ; Cous- ton's Studio (1861); Callot and the Mounte- bank, An Adventure of Queutin de la Tour (1866); A Smile (1867). Larousse, ii. 638 ; Chronique des B. Arts (1882), 68. BETHESDA, POOL OF, Tintoretto, S. Rocco, Venice. A noble work, but emi- nently disagreeable. A crowd of figures, with a background of corrupt Renaissance architecture. Ruskin, Stones of Venice, iii. 322. By Tintoretto, Scuola di S. Rocco, Venice. A disgusting picture, representing people afflicted with all kinds of diseases. Ruskin, Stones of Venice, iii. 341. BETHKE, HERMANN, born at Bruns- wick, in 1825. Genre painter ; pupil in Brunswick of Heinrich Brandes, and stud- ied in Munich after the old masters. Works : Family Scene ; Broken Pitcher ; Siesta ; Card Players (1865); Grandmother's Convalescence, Summer Morning (1866); Red Riding Hood, Saying Grace, Winter- Guests, Love-Letter. M filler, 47. BETTANIER, ALBERT, born at Metz ; contemporary. History painter ; pupil of Pils, Lehrnanu, and Maillart. Medal : 3d 152