Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 1.djvu/218

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BEZZUOLI the Devil, Seven Sacraments (ordered by State). Frescos in St. Elizabeth (1849), St. Eustache, and St. Clotilde, Paris. Vapereau (1880), 212. BEZZUOLI, GIUSEPPE, born in Flor- ence, in 1784, died there, Sept. 1855. His- tory painter ; pupil at the Florence Acad- emy under Piattoli, Petroni, and Desmarais ; obtained the gold medal in 1811, studied then in Rome after Raphael, Domenichino, and Guido, became adjunct professor at the Florence Academy in 1814, and professor in 1816. Works : Ajax defending the Body of Patroclus (1811) ; Francesca da Rimini (1812); Paul surprised by Lancelot (1813); Entry of Charles VIII. into Florence ; Bap- tism of Clovis ; Manfred found on Battlefield of Beneventum ; Death of Filippo Strozzi ; Assassination of Lorenzino di Medici ; Fol- ly guiding Chariot of Love ; Death of Abel ; Episode from Deluge ; St. Francis bringing to Life a Drowned Man (1832), Cathedral ; Eve the Sinner, Medea planning ' Leghorn the Death of her Children, Young Girl at Prayer. Frescos : Alexander with j Apelles, Temperance, Justice, Prudence and Strength, Exploits of Cscsar in eleven scenes (Palazzo Pitti) ; Galileo's Experi- ments on Gravitation, Loves of Angelica and Medoro, Triumph of Bacchus (Borghese Palace, Florence) ; Scene from Boccaccio, Entombment (Pistoja Cathedral) ; Ceres Searching for Proserpine, Venus's Toilet, Venus carrying off Ascanius (Palazzo Bor- ghese, Rome). Larousse, ii. 668 ; Meyer, Conv. Lex., iii. 380. BIAGI, BERNARDINO. See Pintu- ricchio. BIAGIO, VINCENZO DL See Catena, Vincenzo. BIANCHI, FRANCESCO, called II Frari, ! born at Ferrara in 1447, died at Modena, ' Feb. 1510. Lombard school. Vidiiani says he was the first instructor of Correggio, but if so it can have been but for a short time, as that painter was only sixteen years old when Bianchi died. Of his many works but few remain, such as a fine Madonna with Saints, in the Louvre, and an Annun- ciation in the Gallery at Modena. Ch. Blanc, Ecole lombarde ; Burckhardt, 587 ; Morelli (Richter), 238. BIARD, (AUGUSTS) FRANQOIS, born in Lyons, June 27, 1801, died near Fontaine- bleau, July 8, 1882. Landscape and genre painter ; pupil of Revoil in Lyons ; travelled in Europe, the East, and Africa, settled in Paris in 1835, and painted scenes from many countries ; visited Greenland and Spitz- bergen in 1839, Brazil in 1855. His works are distinguished for humour, sentiment, and variety. Many of them have been en- graved. Medals : 2d class, 1827 and 1848 ; 1st class, 1836 ; L. of Honour, 1838. Works : French Travellers in a Spanish Tavern (1831); Arabs Caught in a Simoom, Nimes Museum ; San ton preaching to Bedouins, Fellah Concert, Wandering Comedians, Fools' Paradise (1833); Baptism in the Tropics (1834); Barber's Apprentice, Sale of Slaves, Good Gendarme (1835); Divided Honours, Bathing at Home, Duquesne Res- cuing Captives from Algerians (1837); Sac- rifice of Brahmin Woman, Scene in Custom House (1838); County Militia, Family Con- cert, Consequences of a Masked Ball (1839); Marriageable Young Ladies, The Great Sin, Louis Philippe in a Lapland Hut, Walrus Fishing, Reindeer Hunting, Pastor Lwsta- dius teaching Laplanders, (1840) ; Du Couc- dic's Farewell to his Crew (1841), formerly in Luxembourg Museum ; Wreck in Polar Seas, Norwegian Hunters at Spitsbergen, Jane Shore condemned to Death by Hun- ger (1842) ; Magdalen Bay, Apartment to Let (1844) ; Shipwrecked Men attacked by Shark, Classical Painter, Dessert at the Parsonage (1846) ; Four Hours in the Sa- lon, Henry IV. and Fleurette (1847) ; Walk to Rock of Hertman doe, Council of Re- vision (1848) ; Tenor's Triumph (1853) ; Water Drinkers, Bombardment of Bomar- sund, Seizure of Furniture (1857); Slave Quarters on a Slave Ship, Selling Slaves, Hunting Fugitive Slaves, Travelling in North America, Travelling in South Amer- 154