Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 1.djvu/226

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BLAGUE kins, Boston. Portraits of Francis Joseph I. and of Queen of Spain. Miiller, 53 ; Ulustr. Zeitg. (1880), ii. 258. BLACHE, CHRISTIAN VIGILIUS, born at Aarhus, Denmark, Feb. 1, 1838. Marine painter and illustrator ; pupil of Copen- hagen Academy; visited Holland, France, Italy, and Germany in 1872-73, Paris in 1878. Works: Seaport (18G3); View at Begtrupvigen (1864), Copenhagen Gallery ; Danish Men-of-War (1865); High Tide near Kronborg (1869); On the Coast of Scheven- ingen ; Life-Boat ; Steamboat in Heavy Sea (1879); Soren Kannel (1877); Squadron (1880); Schooner passing Skagen (1881); Calm Sea with Lighthouse on Scotch Coast (1882). Sigurd Mtiller, 26 ; Weilbach, 71. BLACK BEUNSWICKEES, John Ever- ett Millais, private gallery, England. The parting between a young officer of the Brunswick Hussars and his wife or fiancee, perhaps in 1815, when the Brunswick troops marched to join the British army. The black uniform, faced with light blue, was a mourning habit which the corps bound themselves to wear until they had avenged the death of their late Duke. On the wall is hung the engraving of Napoleon crossing the Alps. Companion to the Huguenot Lover. Royal Academy, 1860. Art Journal (1860), 162. BLACKBURN, JONATHAN B., born in Connecticut about 1700, died after 1760. Portrait painter ; worked from 1750 to 1765 in Boston, which he left, it is conjectured, because he felt himself outdone by Copley, who is said to have been his pupil. Por- traits : Joseph and Mrs. Allan (Miss An- drews, Boston) ; Mr. Amory (Ed. Sohier, Longwood) ; Ch. and Miss Apthorp (Mrs. T. Swett, Boston) ; Col. and Mrs. Th. Atkinson (Mrs. M. W. Tredick, Nokesville, Va.) ; Th. Atkinson, Jr. (F. A. Freeman, Hanover, N. H.); Mrs. R. Ball (W. H. Edes, Charlestown); Mrs. Barrell (Miss Barrell, York, Me.) ; Mrs. Th. Bulfinch (Mrs. T. Swett, Boston) ; Mrs. Cabot (Geo. G. Lowell) ; Members of Cun- ningham family (Mr. A. S. Parker, Boston) ; two half-length portraits (Dr. Dearing, Utica, N. Y.) ; Mr. and Mrs. J. Ewing (Mrs. S. Ewing, Boston) ; James and Mary Flag (Rev. Geo. E. Ellis) ; Ellis Gray (W. F. Gary, Boston) ; Mr. and Mrs. V. and Mrs. J. Greenleaf (R. C. Greenleaf, Boston) ; Mr. and Mrs. B. Hall (Dr. Hall Curtis, Boston) ; Rev. J. and Mrs. Hancock (Public Library, Lexington) ; Mr. and Mrs. D. Henchman (D. Henchman, Boston) : Mi 1 , and Mrs. R. Inman (W. Arnory, Boston) ; Judge Lowell (A. Lowell, Boston); Win. A and Mrs. Oliver, Jr. ( Dr. F. E. Oliver) ; James Otis (1755), Mr. G. Phillips (Mrs. W. E. Fette) ; Mrs. Phillips (Mrs. M. A. Jones, Boston) ; Mr. and Mrs. B. Pollard (Miss M. V. Winslow, ib.) ; Saltonstall family (R. W. Hubbard, Brooklyn, N. Y.) ; Margaret Temple (Hon. R. C. Winthrop, Boston) ; P. Tracy (P. T. Jackson, Boston) ; Edward Winslow, Gen. J. Winslow (Mass. Hist. Soc.) ; Joshua Wins- low (Miss M. V. Winslow) ; Winslow family picture (1757, S. W. Winslow, Boston) ; Mr. E. S. Winslow (Arthur Pickering, Rox- bury). A T. Perkins, Sketches of Black- bum and Smibert, Proceedings Mass. Hist. Soc. (1878), viii. 385. BLACKSTADIUS, JOHAN, born at Fal- kenberg, Sweden, March 14, 1816. His- tory painter ; pupil of Stockholm Academy ; painted portraits and altarpieces in Finland, in 1845-50, visited Paris and Italy, and re- turned to Sweden in 1854 via Switzerland and Germany. Fellow of Stockholm Acad- emy. His principal work is St. Siegfried baptising in Gothland. Miiller, 54. BLAKE, WIL- LIAM, born in Lon- don, Nov. 28, 1757, died there. Aug. 12, 1827. Designer in water-colours ; stu- dent in drawing at Pars' school ; when fourteen years old apprenticed for sev- en years to James Basire, engraver ; afterward studied in An- 163