Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 1.djvu/229

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BLEIBTItEU Miiggel Lake, Villa Estc, View near Narni, Bathing Nymphs, Villa Borghese, Swiss Win- ter Landscape, View of Naples, Bay of Spez- zia ; View at Tivoli, National Gallery, Berlin. Allgem. d. Biogr., ii. 700; Kosenberg, Berl. Malersch., 329. BLEIBTREU, GEOKG, born at Xanten, March 27, 1828. Battle painter ; pupil of Dilsseldorf Academy in 1843-48, and again, shortly after, under Theodore Hildebraudt ; first won success with scenes from the Danish war. Later painted battles from the wars of Frederick the Great and the German war of deliverance. In 1858 he moved to Berlin, accompanied in 1866 the Prussian army in the suite of Prince Frederick Charles, and in 1870 in that of the Crown Prince. Member of Berlin Academy in 18G9. Works : Battle of Holding, Destruc- tion of the Kiel Turner-Corps at Flensburg (1852); Battles of Grossbeeren, on the Katz- bach (1857); Battle of Aspern, Storming the Grimma Gate in Leipsic, Duke Ferdinand of Brunswick in Battle of Crefeld (1858); Epi- sode from Battle of Waterloo (1858) ; Skir- mishes on KOnigshiigel at Oeversee ; Cross- ing to Alsen, Battle of Koniggrittz, National Gallery, Berlin ; The Bavarians before Paris, Surrender of Napoleon after Sedan, Meeting of Moltke and Wimpffen, King William near a Battery before Paris, King W T illiam after Battle of Gravelotte, Napoleon's Flight after Battle of Waterloo (1878) ; Attack of Saxon Corps at St. Privat (1880); Storm- ing of Froschweiler by the Wilrtemberg Troops (1880) ; The Summons in 1813 (1881), Arsenal, Berlin. Brockhaus, iii. 15G; Mttller, 56; Rosenberg, Berl. Malersch., 157. BLEKER, DIRCK, born at Haarlem, nourished about 1650. Dutch school ; his- tory and portrait painter, strongly suggest- ing the school of Rembrandt ; became a citi- zen of Amsterdam in 1652,and, to judge from the prices paid for his pictures, was among the most esteemed artists of his time. Works: Mary Magdalen (1652); Venus; Danae ; Male portrait (1657), Brunswick Gallery. Kramm, vii. 14; Riegel, Beitrage, ii. 282 ; WiUigen, 82. BLEKER, GERRIT CLAESZ, nourished at Haarlem, died there, buried Feb. 8, 1656. Dutch school ; history and landscape painter; formed probably under the influence of Cornells van Haarlem and of Lastmann, later under that of Rembrandt. Works : Conversion of Saul, Rotterdam Museum ; Paul and Barnabas at Lystra (1634), Bruns- wick Gallery ; Tobias and the Angel, Pesth Museum. Bode, Studien, 348 ; Riegel, Bei- trage, ii. 223 ; Willigen, 81. BLES, DAVID, born at The Hague, Sept. 19, 1821. Genre painter ; pupil of Kruseman ; studied in 1841-43 in Paris, and visited afterwards Belgium and Eng- land. Paints chiefly humourous subjects. Order of Iron Crown (1850), Leopold (1855), L. of Honour (1870). Works : Young Household, Imagined Sickness of the Pas- tor (1848); Three Mothers, Flower Girl (1855); Diana in Painting, Diana in Life, Amateur Concert (1860) ; German Dining Room in 1795 (1862); Forbidden Novel (1863); Children's Duet, Precocious Lover, Siesta, Clandestine Correspondence (1864); Empty Place at Hearth (1868); Friends of the Family (1877); Dutch Booth in 1765 (1879). Larousse ; Mailer, 57. BLES, HERRI DE (Hendrik met de Blesse, Henricus Blesius), called also Ci- vetta, born at Bouvignes, near Namur, about 1480, died probably at Lii)ge, about 1550 (? after 1521). Flemish school ; land- scape and history painter, in the manner of Joachim Pateuier, representing one of the last branches of the Van Eyck school, and in other respects the transition to the Italian- ized Flemish style of the following period. Lived also in Italy, painted at Venice and Brescia, and was of Mechlin in 1521 (?). His pictures (marked by the owl, whence the nickname Civetta), show an earlier and a later period ; the former characterized by great carefulness, the latter by exaggeration of naturalistic tendency. The colouring is usually grey, in his late examples cold and ItiS