Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 1.djvu/235

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BOCKLIN Mercury and Hersa, Ulysses and Achilles, Old Pinakothek, Munich ; Nymphs and Satyrs, Vienna Museum.- Biog. nat. de Belgique, ii 556; Gaz. des B. Arts (1872), vi. 491; Mi- chiels, ix. 67, 255. BOCKLIN, ARNOLD, born in Basle, Oct. 16, 1827. Landscape and history painter ; pupil in landscape painting of Dtisseldorf Academy under Schirmer ; then studied figure painting in Brussels. Visited Paris, Rome, and in 1853 Basle, whence he went to Munich. Became professor at the art school in Weimar in 1858, but resigned two years later and went again to Rome ; lived in Munich in 1871-76, and finally settled in Florence. Works : Venus Reposing, Pan in the Rushes (1857), Munich Gallery; Amazon- Hunt ; Sleeping Satyr-Family ; Castle on the Sea surprised by Corsairs; Chase of Diana, Basle Museum ; The Gods of Greece; Anacreontic Shepherd-Boy ; Robbery on Italian Coast ; Faun Family ; Pieta, Por- trait of himself (1871); Fight of Centaurs; Ceres and Bacchus ; Panic Terror, Ancho- rite, Portrait of his Wife (1863), Villa by Sea (1869), Old Roman Tavern, Shepherd's Love Lament, Murderer and Furies, Walk to Emrnaus, Dragon's Den, Ride of Death, Wood Landscape with Nymph, Ideal Land- scape, Shepherdess, Sea-Idyl, Schack Gal- lery, Munich ; Descent from Cross (1876) ; Isle of the Blessed (1878), National Gallery, Berlin ; Triton (1880). Brockhaus, iii. 224 ; Muller, 58; Pecht, ii. 180 ; Graph. K, ii. 77 ; Grenzboten (1879), 397. BOCKSBERGER (Boxberger), HANS, born in Salzburg, in 1540. German school ; son and pupil of Hans Bocksberger ; painted chiefly battles, hunts, allegories, mytho- logical and historical subjects, in oil and water colours, but especially in fresco, dec- orating exteriors and interiors of houses in Munich, Augsburg, Ingolstadt, Ratisbon, Passau, Landshut, and Salzburg. Among his works are: Wall paintings at Castle Trausnitz, near Landshut, Bavaria (1579). Allgem. d. Biogr., ii. 788 ; Brockhaus, iii. 224 ; Nagler, Mon., iii. 189. BODE, LEOPOLD, born at Offenbach, March 11, 1831. History painter ; pupil of

his father, then of the Stildel Institute

under Jakob Becker, Passavant, Eugen Schiiffer, and from 1850 of Ed. Steinle, who i influenced him most. In 1858 he travelled , in Bavaria and Tyrol, and in 1860-65 as-

sisted Steinle in his frescos in the Cologne

j Museum. In 1865 and 1875 he visited Switzerland. Works : Scene from Ruth's History (1856); Visitation ; Workshop with the Cross, Chronicle of Travelling Scholar, Rudolf von Hapsburg (1868) ; Edelweiss I and Alpine Rose ; The Alpine Bride ; Scenes j from Legend of Charlemagne's Birth, Schack Gallery, Munich. Muller, 60. BODE, WILHELM, born in Hamburg, j in 1830. Landscape painter ; pupil of the Vienna Academy ; lived for eight years in Munich ; studio in Diisseldorf. Works : Autumn Evening in the Mountains, Sunday Morning in Salzburg, Isar-Valley, Morning on the Konigsee, View on Kochelsee, On the Haidlinger Heights, From the Eifel, Val- ley of Lauterbrunn, Morning on the Hinter- see, The Rampenwand near Rosenheim, The Hundstod, Perspective in the Bavarian Mountains, Mill on the Brook. Muller, 60. BODENMULLER, ALFONS, born in Munich, Aug. 5, 1847. Genre painter; pupil of Munich Academy under Ramberg and Lindenschmit Mttller, 60. BODENMULLER, FRIEDRICH, born in Munich, Aug. 11, 1845. Battle painter ; pupil of Munich Academy, but mostly self- taught. First painted genre and altar pieces, but, having served in the German war of 1870-71 as an officer in the Bavarian army, was led to cultivate his present specialty. Works : Camping in the Rain, Patrol (1871); Fight in the Streets of Bazeilles ; Camp near Ingolsheim ; Battle of Sedan (1873), Munich Gallery; Battle of Worth; After the Battle of Worth ; Camp of the French on the Isle of Iges ; Storming of Frosch- weiler ; Elegy (1883). Mtiller, 60. BODENSTEIN, JULIUS, born in Berlin, Aug. 4, 1847. Landscape painter ; pupil of 171