Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 1.djvu/240

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BOLDINI and coast-scenes, most of which are bought in England and America. Works : Battle of Lissa (1866) ; Neapolitan Fishermen ; Company on Shipboard ; Ship on Fire in Mid-Ocean. Mttller, 64 BOLDINI, G., born at Ferrara, Italy. Genre and portrait painter ; studio in Paris. His style somewhat resembles Fortuny's. Works : A Summer Stroll ; The Connois- seur; The Despatch (1879); At the Piano, Wm. Astor, New York ; Ladies of First Empire, Les Parisiennes, W. H. Vander- bilt, New York ; Spring Flowers, After the Orgie, A. E. Borie Collection, Philadelphia ; Gossips, Miss C. L. Wolfe, New York ; Cafe Pigalle, J. A, Scudder, St. Louis ; Morning Visit, C. Crocker, San Francisco ; Song of the Bird, W. B. Bement, Philadel- phia ; Delivering the Despatch, J. M. Fiske, New York ; Dolce far niente, J. C. Eunkle, New York ; Day Dreams, A. J. Drexel, Phil- adelphia ; Kitchen Garden, D. O. Mills, New York; Hocking- Chair, F. Harper, New York ; Expected Visitor, C. S. Smith, New York ; Parrot, Fishing on the Seine, E. L. Cutting, New York. Am. Art Bev. (1880), 296. BOLGHARINI. See Bulgarini. BOLOGHINI. See Bulgarini. BOLOGNESE, IL. See Grimaldi. BOLSENA, MIRACLE OF. See Mass of Bolsena. BOLTON ABBEY IN OLDEN TIME, Sir Edwin Landseer, Duke of Devonshire, Chatsworth. The Abbot of Bolton, standing at the entrance of the monastery, is intently reading a letter, which a monk, who stands behind him with a tray of bottles and glasses, is also trying to read over his shoul- der ; in foreground, a man sitting on the steps with a dead stag and wild fowl and two dogs beside him, a girl with a tray of fish, and a boy with herons on his back, perhaps a tenant's tribute or a present from some neighbouring lord. Royal Academy, 1834. Engraved by Samuel Cousins ; W. T. Davey. Landseer Gallery. BOLTRAFFIO. See Bellraffio. BOMMEL, ELIAS VAN, born in Amster- dam, in 1824. Marine and architecture painter; pupil of the Amsterdam Academy; visited Paris, Belgium, Germany, Hungary, and North Italy, and settled in Vienna. Works : Harbour of Dordrecht, Street in Amsterdam (1866) ; View on the Rhine, Har- bour of Vlissingen (1867); StiU Water at Am- sterdam (1868) ; Rotterdam (1869) ; Storm near Coast, Montalbaan's Tower in Amster- dam (1872). Mailer, 64. BONAPARTE. See Napoleon. BONAVENTURE, ST., Muritto, Francis Cook, Richmond Hill, Surrey ; canvas, H. 6 ft. 2 in. x 3 ft. 8 in. The Saint, in grey robe and doctor's cap, sitting in a red chair beside a table, on which are writing materials and a crucifix, holds in his left hand a book in which he is writing. One of Murillo's ear- liest works. Formerly in convent of S. Fran- cisco, Seville ; Louis Philippe sale (1853), .135 ; Lord Dalling and Bulwer sale (1873), 257. Old copy: Due de Montpensier, Se- ville. Curtis, 220, 225 ; Ponz, Viage, ix. 99 ; G. de Leon, i. 60. BONDONE. See Giotto. BONFIGLI (Buonfiglio), BENEDETTO, born about 1425 (?), died in or after 1496. Umbrian school. Lived in Perugia, where he painted in the Palazzo Communale, in 1454-G1, a series of frescos illustrating the legends of St. Louis of Toulouse and St. Er- colano. These, which are a mixture of Um- brian and Florentine character, show the influence of Domenico Veneziano and of Piero della Francesca. It is possible that he may have been Domenico's assistant, and have worked in company with Piero. The frescos were approved by Fra Filippo Lippi, and Bonfigli was engaged to continue his work, but the series was still unfinished in 1496. Though much damaged, these frescos prove him superior to any of the Umbrians of his time except Piero della Francesca. According to Vasari, Bonfigli followed his friend and assistant Pinturicchio to Rome and helped him in the decorations of the Vatican, but there is no positive evidence of it Other 176