Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 1.djvu/247

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BORRAS bis life to its embellishment, covering the invitation of Louis XTV. and painted fres- walls of its chapels, chapter-house, cloisters, cos in the Louvre and at Vincennes. Re- and refectories with picturea Many of his turned to Genoa the year of his death. works in the Museum at Valencia, among Lanzi, iii. 271 ; Ch. Blanc, ]5cole genoise ; them a Last Supper, Christ bearing his Soprani, 179. Cross, Dead Sa- _^^ BOSBOOM, JAN, born at The Hague, viour in Arms of /} Feb. 18, 1817. Architecture painter; pupil the Father, and lf} T^TjOiA of Van Bree > Knight of the Order of the Archangel Mi- Vxt-/ s*s^J Lion, of the Crown of Oak, and of Leopold ; chael driving Souls to Purgatory. Bermu- medals in Paris (1855) and Philadelphia dez gives a list of his works. Stirling, i. (1876). Works : Franciscan Monks singing 379 ; Cean Bermudez. Te Deum (1855) ; Holy Communion in BOREAS Y MOMPO, Don VICENTE, Protestant Church ; Hall of the Consistory born in Spain ; contemporary. Historical at Nymwegen ; Interior of Church at Alk- genre painter. Medal, 2d class, Madrid, 1878. Works : Seizure of Riego (1878); Dona Maria Pa- checo de Padilla (1881) ; Antonio Perez after Tor- ture receiving his Family (1884). La Hustracion (1881), ii. 299 ; (1884), iL 41. BORSOS, JOSEF, born at Veszprim, Hungary, Dec. 20, 1821. Genre and still-life painter ; pupil of Vienna Academy. Works: Still-life (1850), Vienna Museum ; Morning after Masked Ball (1850), Por- trait of Prince Eszterhazy, National Museum, Pesth ; Surprise (1850), maar ; Interior of Rotterdam Cathedral ; Wounded Soldier (1853), After the Battle Protestant Church at Amsterdam, Munich (1853), Austrian Art Union. Wtlrzbach, ii. Gallery"; Tomb of Engelbert H., Le Buffet 78. d'Orgues (1873). BORZONE, LUCIANO, born in Genoa in ; BOSCH, ERNST, born at Crefeld, Ger- 1590, died there in 1045. Genoese school ; many, in 1834. Genre painter ; pupil in pupil of his uncle Filippo Bertolotto and of Wesel, of Schex, then in 1851-50 at the Cesare Corte. Painted some historical pict- Dilsseldorf Academy, under Sohn, Hilde- ures, but excelled in portraits. Killed by a brandt, and Schadow. Works : The Smug- fall from a scaffolding in 1'Annunziata, Igler (1854), Ferry in the Ice, Flying Dutch- Genoa, where he was occupied in painting man, Defence of Log-House against Indians, a Nativity. His three sons, Gio. Battista Soldier's Serenade, Gipsy Gang, Faithful (died 1657), Carlo (died 1657), and Fran- Watchman, Grandfather and Grandson, cesco Maria (born 1626, died 1679), were all The Sick Cow, Rogues' School, Autumn painters. Francesco M. went to France at Evening (1867), Far-Sighted and Near- Los Borrachos (The Topers), Velasquez, Madrid Museum. 188