Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 1.djvu/252

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BOUGH Getting under Sail, The Meuse before Dor- drecht (1885). BOUGH, SAMUEL, born at Carlisle, Scotland, in 1822, died in Edinburgh, Nov. 1878. Landscape painter, self-taught; re- moved to Edinburgh in 1855 ; A.R.S.A. in 1857, R.S.A. in 1875. Works : Shipbuilding on the Clyde ; Kirkwall ; London from Shooter's Hill ; St. Monaw's ; Winton Castle; Ben Nevis. BOUGHTON, GEORGE HENRY, born near Norwich, England, in 1834. Genre painter ; taken when three years old to Am- erica by his par- ents, who settled in Albany, N. Y. Self-taught ; i n 1853 made a

f x#^ sketching tour 

through the Eng- lish Lake country, Scotland, and Ireland. In 1858 he removed from Albany to New York, two years later went to Paris, and in 186 1 fixed his residence in London, where he has since remained. His Passing into the Shade, ex- hibited at British Institution, and his Through the Fields and Hop-Pickers Returning, Roy- al Academy, 1863, attracted considerable at- tention. Elected N.A. in 1871 and A.R.A. in 1879. His works are popular, and many of them have been engraved. Works : Last of the Mayflower, Breton Pastoral (1868) ; Age of Gallantry (1870); Colder than Snow, Chapter from Pamela (1871); Heir Presump- tive (1873) ; Canterbury Pilgrims (1874) ; Grey Days, Bearers of the Burden (1875) ; Homeward, Snow in Spring (1877); Priscilla, Widow's Acre, Restiug-Place (1879) ; Evan- geline, Omnia Vincit Amor (1880) ; Rose Standish, Dutch Seaside Resort, Island of Murken Zuyder Zee (1881); Burgomaster's Daughter, Weeders of the Pavement, Autumnal Ramble by the Spey (1882); Peace-maker, Sacred Mistletoe (1883) ; Mil- ton visited by Andrew Marvell, On the Spey, Salmon-Fishing (1885). Works in United States : Dismal Swamp, August Belmont, New York ; Idyl, Samuel Hawk Collection, New York ; Pride and Humility, Break, Break, Break, Peasant Interior Brittany, J. H. Warren, Hoosac Falls, N. Y.; Widow's Garden, Th. B. Clark, New York ; Gipsy Children, R G. Dun, New York ; Indian Summer, R C. Taft, Providence; Girl's Head, J. A. Brown, Providence ; Duel from " Twelfth Night," J. Carey Coale, Baltimore ; Winter, C. H. Wolff, Philadelphia ; March of Miles Standish (1869), Going to Seek his Fortune, G. Whitney, ib. ; Puritan Soldier, J. G. Fell, ib.; Skipper's Watch, W. B. Be- ment, ib.; Fisher Girl, H. G. Marquand, New York ; Flower Girl, J. P. Morgan, New York ; Spring Return of the Swallows, Autumn Departure of the Swallows, Win- ter Dead Swallows, M. K. Jessup, New York ; Puritans going to Church (1867), Winter Scene near Albany, Normandy Girl, Mrs. R. L. Stuart, New York ; Queen Mary, Wife of the Conqueror, Going to Church, C. P. Huntington, New York ; Rosamond's Poisoner, F. Harper, New York ; Enoch Arden and Annie Lee, End of Maying, Leaving Home, Down by the River, The Waif, Puritan Maiden going to Church, j Edict of William the Testy (original study), C. S. Smith, New York ; Return of the May- flower, F. Rogers, Philadelphia ; Waning Honeymoon, Venus and Adonis, W.T.Walters, , Baltimore ; Comin' through the Rye, L. Tuckerman, New York ; Edict of William the I Testy (1877), Corcoran Gallery, Washing- | ton. Art Journal (1873), 41; Meynell, 21; Portfolio (1871), 67. BOUGUEREAU, (WILLIAM) ADOLPHE, I born at La Rochelle, Nov. 30, 1825. French school ; history and genre painter ; pupil of Picot, and from 1843 of Ecole des Beaux Arts. Won the grand prix de Rome in 1850, and while a pensioner in that city sent sev- eral pictures to Paris which were much ad- mired. On his return to Paris he was en- trusted with important decorative works in public buildings, and in 1866 painted Apollo 1S8