Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 1.djvu/265

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BRANDELIUS Cathedral ; Christ and the Woman taken in Adultery, Museum, Vienna ; Joseph receiv- ing his Brothers in Egypt, Czeruiu Gallery, ib. ; St. Jerome, Schonborn Gallery, ib. ; Mary Magdalen, Mentz Cathedral. Wurz- bach, ii. 113. BRANDEUUS, (BENGT JOHAN) GUS- TAF, Swedish ; bom at Fredsberg, West- Gothland, Oct. 22, 1833. Animal painter, pupil of Stockholm Academy ; studied then in 1852 at Upsala ; painted in 1856, when lieutenant in the army, at Gothenberg, many excellent portraits, and studied from 1857 at the Diisseldorf Academy under d'Unker ; then in Paris, where he copied in the Luxembourg and after Troyon. Since 1874, member of the Stockholm Academy. Works : Norman Horses ; Soldier's Child at the Gate ; Spring in the Woods (1868); First Riding Lesson ; Besieged Favourite ; The Future Hussar ; Return from the Woods ; Adventure on the Promenade (1875). Mailer, 74. BRANDES, HKTNRICH, born at Bort- feld, Brunswick, in 1803, died at Brunswick, Oct. 6, 1868. Landscape painter ; pupil in Brunswick of Barthel, then in 1823-25 at the Munich Academy, under Cornelius ; re- mained in Munich five years longer, making sketching trips into the Tyrolese Alps. In 1830-31 he visited Italy, especially Rome, and after his return settled in Brunswick, where, in 1835, he became professor at the Carolinum College and inspector of the Ducal Gallery. In 1845 he restored, with Neumann, the old paintings in the Bruns- wick Cathedral. Works : View near Marino ; View near Rome; Subiaco; Inundation ; View in Oker Valley ; Landscape in the Hartz ; several Mountain and Winter Landscapes ; Views in Tyrol and in the Hartz Mountains ; View near Salzburg, New Pinakothek, Mu- nich. Kunst-Chronik, iv. 21. BRANDON, JACOB EMTLE EDOU- ARD, born in Paris, July 3, 1831. Flemish school ; genre and history painter, pupil of Picot, Montfort, and Corot. Medals, 1865, 1867. Works: Kissof Moses' Mother (1867); Parisian Studio (1868); Exhibition of the Pentateuch, Talmud Lesson (1869); The Sabbath, Examination (1870); Improvisatore in the Campagua, Lille Museum. BRANDT, ELIZABETH, portrait, Ru- bena, T. M. Whitehead, England ; canvas, H. 4 ft x 3 ft.; dated 1622. The artist's first wife, in black dress, with ruff and white j cuffs, and gold brocade corset, seated in an artu-chair, with altar in background. Ham- ilton Palace sale (1882), 1837 10s. Acad- emy, xxi. 246, 456. BRANDT, JOZEF, born at Szczebrzeszyn, Poland, Feb. 11, 1841. History and genre painter ; pu- pil in Paris of the Ecole Ceutrale, and hi Munich of Franz Adam and Piloty. Studio in Munich. Medals : Munich, 1869; Vienna, 1873; Berlin, 1876. Member of Berlin and Munich Academies ; Order of Franz Josef ; mention honour- able, Paris. Works : Attack of Polish Cav- alry (about 1865); Polish Peasants before an Inn (1870) ; Episode from Relief of | Vienna (1870); Episode from Campaign in I Jutland in 1658 (1870); Cossack Camp in 17th century (1872); Polish Fair (1872); ! Battle of Vienna in 1683 (1872); Polish Cavalry on Patrol, Rollicking Quartering (1873); Cossacks from Ukraine (1874), Konigsberg Museum ; Uhlans in a Village, Crossing the Carpathian Mountains, Camp Scene at the Fire, Cossacks on Outpost (1876), Tartar Battle (1878), National Gal- lery, Berlin ; W T allachians fording a Stream, J. D. Lankenau, Philadelphia ; Tartars in Flight, D. H. McAlpin, New York ; Critical Moment (1884); Czabans caught in the Snow in the Ukraine (1885). Milller, 74 ; N. illustr. Zeitg. (1879), ii. 539 ; (1880), ii. 714. BRASCASSAT, JACQUES RAYMOND, born at Bordeaux, Aug. 30, 1805, died in 197