Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 1.djvu/268

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BEEDAL werp guild in 1650, lived some years at the Spanish court. Works : Two Italian Land- scapes, Bruges Academy; Landscape, Hague Museum. Biog. nat. de Belgique, ii. 914; De Stuers, 211. BREDAL, NIELS ANDREAS, born in Copenhagen, June 22, 1841. Architecture and landscape painter ; pupil of Copenhagen Academy; visited Norway in 1868, Germany and Rome in 1869, then lived in Italy 1871- 77. Works : Portal of St. Frederic, Copen- hagen (1865) ; Street in Christianshavn (1867); Street in Bergen, Gate of Frederik- berg Fortress (1869) ; Mountain Lake in Norway, Autumn Landscape (1869); Ascent to Ruins of Imperial Palace in Rome (1875); Court- Yard of the Lateran (1876); S.Giorgio in Velabro, Rome (1880) ; View of Villa d'Este (1881). Sigurd Mttller, 51. BREE, MATTHEUS IGNATIUS VAN, born in An twerp, Feb. 22, 1773, died there, Dec. 15, 1839. Flem- ish school ; his- tory painter, pu- pil at the Ant- werp Academy of Regemorter, then in Paris of Vincent; ob- tained in 1797 the prix de Rome, and studied there until 1804. After his return he became professor at the Antwerp Academy, and in 1827 its director. Member of the Academies of Amsterdam, Rome, Munich, and New York. Works : Patriotism of Burgomaster van der Werfft, City Hall, Leyden ; Prince of Orange and the League, Ghent Museum; Entry of Bonaparte into Antwerp, Versailles Museum ; Death of Rubens (1827), Antwerp Museum ; Pest Scene in Louvain, Ugolino and his Sous ; Death of Egmont, Prince of Orange visiting the Inundated in 1825, Na- tional Museum, Amsterdam ; Portrait of William I., Brussels Museum ; Portrait of Pius VII., Vatican, Rome. Biog. nat. de Belgique, ii. 929 ; Cat. du Musee d'Anvers (1874), 416 ; Rooses (Reber), 458. BREE, PHILIPPUS JACOBUS VAN, born in Antwerp, Jan. 6, 1786, died in Brus- sels, Feb. 16, 1871. History painter; brother and pupil of Mattheus van. B. ; studied in Paris under Girodet, and in Pavia ; visited Germany and England. Was conservator of the museum at Brussels. Works : Queen Blanca, Study of the Flower Painter Dael, Barentz on Nova Zembla, Discovery of New Holland, Godfrey de Bouillon at Jerusalem, Mary Stuart, Abdication of Charles V., Ant- werp Museum ; Procession in Rome, Sixtus V. as Swineherd, Brussels Museum. BREENBERGH (Breenborch), BAR- THOLOMEUS, born at Deventer, in 1599 or 1600, died in Rome in 1663. Dutch school ; painted historical and mythological sub- jects, but is espec- ially distinguished by his small land- scapes. Supposed pupil of Poelenburg; went early to Italy, where and in France he is known as Bartolomc. He had two styles: the first sombre, in which he sought to imi- tate Titian and the Carracci, the second more clear and transparent. Works : Repose in Egypt, Martyrdom of St. Stephen, four views in Rome, Louvre ; Monk praying in a Cave, Old Pinakothek, Munich ; Landscape with Ruins, Vienna Museum; Joseph selling Bread during the Famine in Egypt (1644), Dres- den Gallery ; Elijah's Offering (1645), Ital- ian Landscape, Copenhagen Gallery ; Land- 200