Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 1.djvu/277

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BROOK nngelo, and some of his works show his in- fluence, though he was not one of his imi- tators. He painted both in fresco and in oil, and was a decided mannerist in his his- torical pictures. His portraits of members of the Medici family, his patrons, and of many distinguished men of his time, are by far his best works and among the finest of the 16th century. His largest work is De- scent of Christ into Limbo (1552), Uffizi, Florence. Among his best pictures are : The Engineer, Pitti, Florence ; Lady, Boy with a Letter, Young Sculptor, Uffizi, Florence; Venus, Cupid, Folly and Time, Knight of St. Stephen, Portraits of a Lady and of Duke Cosimo L, National Gallery, London ; Venus and Cupid, Buda- Pesth Gallery ; Dead Christ, Florence Academy ; Christ appearing to Magdalen, BRONCO TiOKOMTINO Louvre. Vasari, ed. Le Mou., xiii. 159, 170 ; Ch. Blanc, cole florentine ; Burck- hardt, 640, 047, 756, 758 ; Meyer, Kiinst. Lex., i. 494. BKOOK, Thomas Gainsborough, National Gallery, London; canvas, H. 4 ft. 3 in. x 4 ft. 11 in. A wagoner, standing at left on a rustic foot-bridge, is endeavouring to start up his team of four horses tandem, which have stopped to drink at a brook. Some- times called the Watering Place. Vernon Gallery ; purchased in 1838 for 220 10s. Engraved by J. C. Bentley in Art Journal. Brock-Arnold, 25 ; Art Journal (1849), 72. BROSAMER, HANS, born probably at Fulda between 1480 and 1490, died at Er- furt about 1554. German school ; portrait painter. One of the Little Masters, and more notable as an engraver than as a painter. Works : Male Portrait (1520), Vi- enna Museum ; others in piivate galleries in Cologne and Vienna. Scott, Little Mas- ters, 121 ; Allgem. d. Biog., iii. 363 ; W. & W., ii. 433 ; Kunst-Chronik, xiii. 494. BROUILLET, (PIERKE) ANDRfi, born at Charroux (Vienne) ; contemporary. His- tory and portrait painter, pupil of Gerome and J. P. Laurens. Medal : 3d class, 1884. Works : Violation of the Tomb of Urgel (1881); Women of Paris going to Versailles in 1789 to demand Bread (1882); At the Dockyard (1883); Exorcism (1884); Jewish Wedding at Constantino (1885), M. Chateau. BROUWER (Brauwer), ADRIAEN, born at Oudenardo in 1605 or 1606, died in Ant- werp, buried Feb. 1, 1638. Flemish school; genre painter, and one of the great masters in this line ; in- fluenced by Pieter Brueghel the elder, and by Rubens. Houbraken's assertion that he was a pupil of Frans Hals cannot be substantiated. If he went to Holland at all, it was not until about 1630, when he was a finished artist. He was reg- istered in the Antwerp guild between Sept. 18, 1631, and Sept. 18, 1632. Works: Tavern Interior (2), Smoker, two others, Louvre ; Drinkers at Table, Brawl in a Tav- ern, Brussels Museum ; two Peasant Scenes, Cassel Gallery ; Surgical Operation and two others, Stiidel Gallery, Frankfort ; Peasants at Cards, Spanish Soldiers at Dice, two Surgical Scenes, Fiddler in Tavern, Card Players fighting, and three others, Old Pina- kothek, Munich ; Fight of Three Peasants over Dice, Obedient Hus- band, Peasants' Brawl, three others, Dresden Gal- lery ; Peasant asleep in a Tavern, Old Wo- man at Toilet, Smoker, Fray at Dice, and two others, Berlin Museum ; Interior with Peas- 209