Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 1.djvu/301

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CALABRESE gloomy subjects, such as martyrdoms and death scenes. He had a fertile invention, and his compositions are effective, but his design is not always correct, and his chiaro- scuro is marked by the strong contrasts seen in the works of Guerciuo and Caravag- gio. Among his works are : Frescos in choir and cupola of the Carmine, Modena ; His- tory of Pope Celestiue V., and St. Catherine, Transept of S. Pietro a Majella, Naples ; Re- turn of the Prodigal Son, Naples Museum ; A Concert, Palazzo Doria, Eome. Lanzi, ii. 47 ; Ch. Blanc, Ecole napolitaine ; Se- guier, 158 ; Burckhardt, 790, 798, 800, 803. CALABRESE RINGENTILITO. See Solimena, Francesco. CALAIS GATE, Wm. Hogarth, C. F. H. Bolckow, Marton Hall, Middlesborough, England. Original title, The Boast Beef of Old England. Painted by Hogarth as a satire on the French in retaliation for his arrest and deportation to England. A French soldier is arresting the artist while sketching Calais gate ; in centre a French cook stag- gers under an immense piece of beef, just landed from a British packet, and directed to Madame Grand- sire, the hotel-keeper in Calais affected by the Eng- lish of the day ; a well- fed monk (portrait of Pine, the engraver) blesses it, while several half-starved soldiers look wistfully on. Painted in 1748, en- graved in 1749. Bought by Earl of Charle- niont. Athen., Jan., 1875, 55; Cunning- ham ; Dobson, 68. CALAIS PIER, Joseph M. W. Turner, National Gallery, London ; canvas, H. 5 ft. 7 in. x 7 ft. 10 in. The eastern jetty of the harbour ; French fishermen preparing for sea ; the English packet arriving. Royal Academy, 1803; bequeathed by Turner. En- graved by T. Lupton, J. Cousen ; Etched by S. Haden. Hamerton, Life; Cat. Nat. Gal. CALAME, ALEXANDRA born at Vevay, May 28, 1810, died at Mentoue, March 19, 1864. Land- scape painter ; pu- pil in Geneva of Diday, whom he succeeded as head master of the art school. J Ie was one of the best landscape painters of his day, and the best depicter of Alpine scenery. Visited Germany and the Nether- lauds in 1839, England in 1840, France in 1842, and Italy in 1845. Medals : 2d class, 1839 ; 1st class, 1840 ; L. of Honour, 1842, Calais Gate, Hogarth. Member of St Petersburg and Brussels Academies. Works: Mont Blanc, Jungfrau, Lake of Brienz, Pass of Monte Rosa, Pass of Monte Cerino, Handeck Falls, Bernese Ober- land (1838^4) ; Ruins of Prostum, Storm in Woods, Leipsic Museum ; Noonday in Summer, Autumn Evening, Night in Win- ter ; The Four Seasons, Geneva Museum ; The Four Divisions of the Day, Lake of the