Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 1.djvu/329

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CATHERINE columns on right, holds on her lap the In- fant Jesus, who is about to place a ring on the finger of St. Catherine kneeling; be- hind the Virgin, three angels ; behind St. Catherine, two angels ; in front, three cher- ubs, and a sword and broken wheel ; above, angels and cherubs in a glory. Painted iii 1682, the last work of Murillo ; while working upon it he stumbled on the scaffold and died from the effects of the fall. This picture, one of the richest and most grace- ful of Murillo's compositions, is the centre of an immense altarpiece (20 x 24 ft. ) which fills the arch at the end of the convent church. After Murillo's death, part of the glory was finished by Meneses Osorio, who also painted the four lateral pictures, prob- ably after Murillo's designs. Etched by E. St. Raymond. Curtis, 221 ; Palomino, iii. 421 ; Ponz, Viage, xviii. 20. By Murillo, Vatican, Rome; canvas, H. 3 ft. 6 in. x 4 ft. 4 in. The Virgin, seated on right, holds Jesus on her lap ; he places the ring on the finger of St. Catherine, who bends reverently forward to receive it. Pre- sented in 1855 by ex-Queen Christina of Spain to Pius IX. Curtis, 222. By Andrea Previtali, sacristy of S. Giobbe, Venice ; wood, figures half length, a little more than half life-size. The Virgin seated ; Jesus, on her lap, holds out the ring to St. Catherine ; on other side the Baptist. Com- monly attributed to Giov. Bellini. Replica, signed and dated 1504, in Collection of Sir Charles Eastlake, London. Zanotto, Pinac. Ven., PL 25 ; C. & C., N. Italy, i. 275 ; Waagen, Treasures, ii. 265. By Rubens, Ch. of Augustins, Antwerp ; canvas, H. 15 ft. x 11 ft. The Virgin en- throned, holding infant Saviour, who is bending forward to place the ring on the finger of St. Catherine ; behind the Virgin, St. Joseph ; on her right, SS. Peter and Paul ; on her left, St. John with two angels and the lamb ; below, SS. Sebastian, Au- gustine, Lawrence, Paul the Hermit, and George, the last in armour. Sir J. Rey- nolds calls it one of the most considerable of the works of Rubens. Engraved by Sny- ers ; Eynhouedts. Smith, ii. 24 ; Beechey, Reynolds, ii 173. By Rubens, Duke of Rutland, Belvoir Castle ; canvas, H. 8 ft. 6 in. x 7 ft. The Virgin seated, holding Jesus, who bends forward to place a crown on the head of St. Catherine, who is kneeling ; behind her stands St. Agnes, and opposite are St. Chris- tina and St. Margaret ; four angels, one with a thunderbolt, the others with crowns and palms. Sold in 1766 by the Order of St. Augustiues, Mechlin, to Chevalier Ver- hulst, for 9500 florins ; at his sale, 12,705 florins. Engraved by P. de Jode ; Alex. Voet Smith, ii. 47 ; ix. 256. By Pellegrino Tibalili, Bologna Gallery ; wood, H. 6 ft. 8 in. x 4 ft. 5. in. The Vir- gin seated, holding the Child, who gives the ring to St. Catherine ; at right, St. Jo- seph ; background of architecture. For- merly in church of the Misericordia, Bo- logna. Engraved by Ant. Marchi. Pinac. di Bologna, PL 22. By Paolo Veronese, S. Caterina, Venice. The Virgin enthroned at left, with Jesus on her knees, surrounded by many angels singing and playing musical instruments ; St. Catherine kneeling to receive the ring ; about, at right, a glory of angels and of cherubim. Painted in 1572. Engraved by Agos. Carracci (1582). Zanotto, 313 ; Bartsch, xviii. 90. Subject treated also by Giuliano Bugiar- dini, Bologna Gallery ; Alessandro Tiarini, Bologna Gallery ; Ludovico Cigoli, Her- mitage, St. Petersburg ; Domenico Feti, Vienna Museum ; Giulio Cesare Procaccini, Hermitage, St. Petersburg ; Titian, Palazzo Pitti, Florence ; Guercino, Galleria Estense, Modena ; Andrea del Sarto, Dresden Gal- lery ; Lorenzo Lotto, Munich Gallery ; Par- migianino, Parma Gallery ; Michael Wohl- gemuth, Munich Gallery ; Jakob Jordaeus, Madrid Museum ; Ambrogio Borgognone, National Gallery, London. CATHERINE, ST., MARTYRDOM OF, Guercino, Hermitage, St. Petersburg. The 887