Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 1.djvu/346

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CHARLES where it was burned in 1608. A full-length of the Emperor, with an Irish Dog, engraved in Madrazo's Gallery of Madrid, and now at Hampton Court Palace, once hung in the so- called Bear Gallery at Whitehall. Vasari, ed. Mil., vii. 449 ; C. & C., Titian, i. 3G6. By Titian, Munich Gallery ; canvas, H. 6 ft. 4 in. x 3 ft. 9 in.; signed. The Emperor, full length, in black and a fur pelisse, seated Charles V., Titian, Munich Gallery. in an arm-chair in an open gallery. Painted at Augsburg in 1548 ; much re-painted. C. & C., Titian, ii. 179. CHARLES V., ENTRY OF, Hans Makart, Hamburg Gallery ; canvas. Entry of Charles V. into Antwerp, in 1520, after his corona- tion, as described by Albrecht Diirer in his diary. The Emperor, in armour, with the collar of the Golden Fleece across his breastplate, and riding an armour-clad horse, is the central figure of a magnificent procession of nobles, knights, and prelates, preceded by a body of lansquenets, which is passing through a narrow street of pictur- esque houses, adorned with banners, tapes- tries, and flowers, and with balconies and windows filled with ladies ; in the fore- ground, near the Emperor, several ladies, nearly nude or thinly draped, march on foot, bearing imperial symbols; at left, groups of spectators, men, women, and children, with Albrecht Diirer standing be- hind them. Painted in 1875-78 ; Universal Exposition, Paris, 1878. Pictorial World (1880), 198 ; Gaz. des B. Arts (1878), xviii. 406. CHAELES V. AT FUGGEE'S, Karl Becker, National Gallery, Berlin ; canvas, H. 3 ft. 11 in. x 5 ft.; signed, dated 1866. Charles V., just returned from Africa (1532), where he had overcome Barbarossa and re- stored to liberty many captive Christians, visited at Augsburg the banker Fugger, who entertained him by burning his bonds in a fire of cinnamon and other spices, as a thank-offering for destroying pirates and making business safer. Engraved by Zim- mermaun. Replica (5 ft. x 7 ft.), John Wolfe, New York. Art Treasures of America, i. 62. CHARLES V. AT MUHLBERG, Titian, Madrid Museum ; canvas, H. 10 ft. 11 in. x 9 ft. 1 in. The Emperor, in full armour, with spear in hand, is cantering on a brown charger towards the Elbe, which runs to the right ; tall forest trees to lefi Painted at Augsburg in 1548 ; once a masterpiece, but much damaged by fire in Palace of Pardo, Madrid, in 1608. C. & C., Titian, ii. 178 ; Revue Universelle des Arts, iii. 139 ; Vasari, ed. Mil., vii. 440. CHARLES XV., King of Sweden, born in Stockholm, May 3, 1826, died there, Sept. 18, 1872. Landscape painter ; pupil of Boklund, and later influenced by Ed. Bergh and Alf. Wahlberg ; painted Scandi- navian views, in which Malmstrom and Winge sometimes supplied the figures. He promoted the development of art in Sweden, and founded the Stockholm Museum. Works: Wood Interior (1869); On the Brook ; Ulriksdal Castle ; Stone of Freya on Sognefjord ; St. Sigfrid and the Smalanders ; View in Hardauger. S74