Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 1.djvu/352

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CIIIMENTI of willows on the water's brink strikes in j dark shade against the light of a gray Oc- tober sky ; in foreground, thickly-set water- reeds. Mr. Millais's first exhibited land- scape. Eoyal Academy, 1871. Etched by Brunei Debaines. Art Journal (1871), 149 ; Builder (1871), 380. CHIMENTI, JACOPO. See Empdi. CHINTREUIL, ANTOINE, born at Pont- de-Vaux, Ain, May 5, 1814, died at Sep- teuil, Seine-et-Oise, Aug. 10, 1873. Land- scape painter, pupil of Corot ; industrious and original, especially skilful in treatment of foreground and of sunlight. His pict- ures have increased in value since his death. Medal, 18G7 ; L. of Honour, 1870. Works : Valley of Igny (1852); The Moors, Autumn Evening (1853) ; The Country in the Morn- ing (1855) ; After the Rain, Reims Museum ; Evening, Angers Museum ; Paths bordered with Apple-Trees, Coming out of the Woods (1857), Bourg Museum ; The Deer Pond, Mende Museum ; Ram (1859) ; The Aube after a Stormy Night, Potato Field, Broom- Plant in Flower (18G1); Fields in the Early Dawn, Field of Sainfoin, November (18G3, rejected by the Salon, but admired by the critics) ; Sunset with Ruins, Macon Mu- seum ; Meadow (1864) ; Scotch Mist, St. Malo Museum ; Vapors of Evening (18G5); Twilight, Pout-de-Vaux Museum ; Country during a Hailstorm (1866), Rodez Museum ; Meadows with Oats, Country in Autumn (1867); Aurora, Flood (1868); Space, Woods in Sunlight (1869) ; The Moon, A Beam of Sunlight on a field of Sainfoin (1870); Apple- Trees and Broom-Plants ill Blossom, Close of Day (1872) ; Rain and Sunlight, Low Tide, The White Road (1873); Thicket with Deer (1873), Luxembourg Museum. Larousse ; Gaz. des B. Arts (1869), i. 508. CHIODAROLO, GIOVANNI MARIA, flourished about 1520. Bolognese school ; pupil of Francesco Fraucia and rival of Aspertini, Girolamo da Cotignola, and Inno- cenzo da Imola. An Adoration of the Child by him is in the Bologna Gallery. Ch. Blanc, ficole bolouaise; Burckhardt, 585, 586. CHODOVIECKI, DANIEL NICOLAUS, born in Dantzic, Oct. 16, 1726, died in Ber- lin, Feb. 7, 1801. German school ; portrait painter, taught drawing by his father, an amateur ; later studied in Berlin under Haid, a pupil of Rugen- das, until 1745, when he devoted himself to portrait painting in little. Elected rector of the Academy in 1764, vice-director in 1788, and director in 1797. Works: Calas taking Farewell of his Family (17G6); Blind Man's Buff, Cock-Throwing (1768), Berlin Museum ; Rest- ing Place in the Thier- 1 garten, Leipsic Muse- um. Allgem. d. Biog., iv. 132 ; Brockhaus, iv. , 330 ; Dohme, lii. ; Woltmann, Aus vier Jahr hunderten, 147 ; Pecht, iii. 51 ; Riegel, 49. CHOULANT, THEODOR, born in Dres- den, July 18, 1827. Architecture painter, pupil of Dresden Academy under Semper ; visited Italy and Sicily in 1850-51, lived in Rome in 1858-61 and studied again in Venice and Florence in 1864 and 1873-74. Saxon court-painter in 1868. Works : Castle S. An- gelo, Rome, Dresden Museum ; The Eight Ancestral Castles of the House of Saxony (fresco), Royal Palace, ib. ; Vestibule, Court- theatre, ib. Meyer, Conv. Lex., xviii. 202. CHRIST AND THE ADULTERESS. See Woman taken in Adultery. CHRIST WITH ANGELS (Crucifix aux Auges), Charles Lebrun, Louvre, Paris ; can- vas, H. 5 ft. 9 in. x 4 ft. 2 in. Angels in the air and others kneeling on the ground are in adoration before Christ expiring on the cross. At foot of cross, the crown of France on a blue velvet cushion. Painted in 1686 to illustrate a dream of the queen-mother, Anne of Austria. Engraved by G. Edelinek, P. Drevet. Villot, Cat. Louvre. 860