Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 1.djvu/399

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CONCERT By Gerard Terburg, Louvre, Paris ; wood, H. 1 ft. 6 ill. x 1 ft. 5 in. ; signed. A young woman, seated near a table, is singing, um ; canvas, H. 3 ft. X 4 ft. 4 in. To settle the differences between the Protestants and the Catholics a conference was held at Poissy, holding a sheet of music in one hand and in 1561, in the presence of Catherine de beating time with the other ; at left, be- j Medicis and the young King Charles IX. hind the table, a woman standing accom- Theodore Beza appeared for the Protest- panies her with a sistrum ; at right, a page j ants. Salon, 1840. brings a glass upon a silver tray. Villot, Cat. Louvre. CONCERT, RUSTIC, Gioryione (?), Lou- vre ; canvas, H. 3 ft. 7 in. x 4 ft 3 in. A nude woman, with back to spectator, sits under a tree with two youug holding a lute ; at the left, a scantily clad woman pours water into a stone tank from a glass vase ; in glade beyond, a shepherd. Probably by an imitator of Sebastian del Pi- ombo. In collection of Charles L of England ; acquired by Jabach, who sold it to Louis XTV. Engraved by N. Dupuy; Hoelzel ; J. Falck. C. & C., N. Italy, ii. 146 ; Cab. Crozat, ii.; Musfe fran(;ais, ii.; Filhol, iii. 213 : Laiidon, Musee, vii. PL 59. CONCERT OF WOMEN, Tintoretto, Dresden Gallery ; canvas, H. 4 ft. 8 in.xG ft. 11 in. Several young women, nude, playing musical instruments. From Prague Gallery. Restored by Palmeroli. CONDEMNED MAN, LAST DAY OF, Michael Munkdasy, Mrs. W. P. Wilstach, Philadelphia. Scene : interior of a Hunga- rian prison. A condemned man receiving, on the day before execution, according to local custom, visits from his townsmen, who CONFERENCE, RETURN FROM, Gus- tave Courbet, Louvre ; canvas. A party of jolly monks, returning from the conference, are evidently under the influence of wine. One, mounted upon a donkey, is held in his men, one seat by two of his comrades, while others fol- Rultic Concert, Giorgiont, Louvre. low in a straggling procession. In fore- ground, left, are a peasant and his wife, the latter kneeling devoutly, the former standing in a defiant and contemptuous attitude. Painted in 1863. Purchased at Lepel-Coin- tet sale for 15,600 francs. CONFESSORS, RIVAL, Eduardo 7xima- cois, J. J. Astor, New York ; canvas, H. 1 ft. bring offerings of money to pay for masses 6 in. x 2 ft. The interior of a church, with for his soul. Etched by A. Mathey (1883). ! altar at left, the candles on which are being Photogravure in Art Treasures of America, j lighted by a Benedictine monk ; at right, Art Treas. of Amer., iii. 30. ' two confessionals, a monk of same order in CONEGLIANO, BATTISTA DA. See ' each box ; one, austere and grim, has no Cima da Conegliano. | penitents before him, while the other, with a CONFERENCE AT POISSY, Joseph round, benevolent face, is thronged. Salon, Nicolas /fo&ert-Fleury, Luxembourg Muse- 1869 ; sold to John Taylor Johnston ; at