Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 1.djvu/410

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COPPO erman, Book of the Artists (1867); Sandby, i. 189. COPPO DI MAECOVALDO, of Flor- ence, 13th century. His Madonna en- throned, caUed "del Bordoue," in S. M. dei Servi, Siena, said to have been painted in 1261, is in the defective manner of the period. The colours are darkened by age and restoration. C. & C., Italy, i. 200; Vasari, ed. Mil., i. 265, 266. COQUES (Cocx), GONZALES (Gon- salve), born in Antwerp in 1618, died there, April 18, 1684. Flem- ish school; por- trait painter, pu- pil of Peeter Brueghel (the 3d) in 1626-27, later of David Eyekaert, the el- der, whose daughter he married, in 1643; was free of the guild in 1640, and its president in 1665-66 and 1680-81. His portraits, which are chiefly small, are in the manner of Van Group of Artists, Old Pinakothek, Munich ; Family Group, Dresden Gallery ; Musical Assembly, National Gallery, Pesth. Allgern. d. Biogr., iv. 471 ; Biog. nat. de Belgique, iv. 381 ; Ch. Blanc, Ecole flamande ; Cat. de Musee d'Anvers (1874), 78 ; Michiels, ix. 30, 246 ; Eooses (Reber), 379 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K. vii. 9. CORBOULD, EDWARD HENRY, born in London, Dec. 5, 1815. History painter, son and pupil of Henry C., painter and de- signer (1787-1844); twice won gold medal of Society of Arts ; member of Institute of Painters in Water Colours. From 1851 to 1872 was teacher of drawing and painting to children of Queen Victoria. Works: Fall of PhaOthon (1834); St. George and Dragon (1835); Greek Chariot-Race (1836); Race between Atrides and Antilochus (1837); Woman taken in Adultery (1842) ; Marriage of Nigel Bruce and Agnes of Buchan (1870), Queen Victoria ; Lady Godiva (1871); Enid's Dream (1872) ; Heloise (1873) ; Canterbury Pilgrims (1874); Iris (1878).- CORDAY, CHARLOTTE, -Muller, 114. IN PRISON, Charles Louis Muller, Corcoran Gallery, Washington ; canvas, H. 3 ft. 5 in. x 2 ft. 8 in. Charlotte Corday, to rid her country of Dyck, whence he is sometimes called the Little Van Dyck. Clear and harmonious I Marat, obtained an audience and stabbed in his warm, brownish flesh-tones, his touch [ him while in his bath. She was guillotined, is broad and spirited ; the backgrounds are : July 17, 1793, aged 25 years. Represented generally the work of other painters. Works: to knees, seen through the iron bars of a Family Group, Portrait of a Lady, National i prison window, one of which she grasps Gallery, London; Verhelst Family, Bucking- with her left hand, and supports her head ham Palace ; Music Lesson, Family Group, Family Portraits, Sir R. Wallace ; Family Group around Piano, Lord Taunton, Lon- don ; Elector Frederic of the Palatinate and Wife, David Teniers, Lord Ellesmore; Fam- ily in Dutch Garden, Mr. John Walter, Bear- wood; Picture Gallery with forty-four Artists' Portraits, Amsterdam Museum; Female Por- trait, Antwerp Museum ; Christ with Mary and Martha, Arenberg Gallery, Brussels ; Young Scholar and Wife, Cassel Gallery; Portrait of Cornelia de Bie, Berlin Museum; Family Group of ten, Nantes Museum ; Portrait of Maria de Haeu, Lille Museum ; with the right, in which she holds a pen. En- graved by A. Lamotte. Photogravure in Art Treasures of America. Corcoran Gal. Cat. CORDELIA AND KING LEAR, Theodor HUdebrandt, Mrs. A. T. Stewart, New York ; canvas. King Lear, Act IV., Scene 7. Cor- delia, though disowned, still clings to her father, whomGoneril and Regan, who have his blessing, have driven to despair and mad- ness. Art Treas. of Amer., i. 48. CORDELIAGHI or CORDELLA, AN- DREA. See Previtali, Andrea. CORENZIO, BELISARIO, born in Greece about 1558, died in Naples in 1643. Nea-