Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 1.djvu/414

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CORNFIELD same time appointed director of the Diissel- dorf Academy, he was allowed to divide the year between the two cities, in both of which he exercised an important influence. In 1822-1830 he executed the Iliad fres- cos in the Glyptothek, and then returned in 1830 to Rome, where he was again in 1834, 1843, 1845, and 1853-61. In 1841 he ac- cepted a call to Berlin, and undertook a series of frescos for the Cemetery, whose preparation and partial execution occupied him for the next twenty years. The Car- toon of the Breaking of the Seventh Seal, one of the series, and the great altarpiece of the Last Judgment in the Ludwigs Kirche at Munich are perhaps his most remarkable works. Works: Evangelists and Apostles (1806), St. Quirinus, Neuss; Joseph's Meet- ing with his Brethren (1815), Casa Bar- tholdy, Rome ; Dante frescos, Villa Massimi, Rome ; Frescos for the Iliad, ceiling of the Trojan Hall (1826-1830), Munich ; The Last Judgment (1839), Ludwigs Kirche, Mu- nich ; Hagen sinking the Niebelungen Hoard (1859), National Gallery, Berlin; Christ's Visit to Limbo, Raczynski Gallery, Berlin ; The Fall, The Birth of Christ, The Entomb- ment, Resurrection, Poetry of the Apostles, Descent of the Holy Ghost, The Apocalypse, Royal Cemetery, Berlin. Allgem. d. Biogr., iv. 484 ; Ch. Blanc, Ecole allemande ; Brock- haus, iv. 603 ; Furster, P. von C. (Berlin, 1874); Gautier, L'Art moderne, 237; Grimm, Ten Essays, 245, 279 ; Der neue Plutarch, vii. ; Pecht, i. 1 ; Perrier, Eludes, 222 ; Kai- ser, Cornelius u. Kaulbach (Basle, 1877); Riegel, C. der Meister, etc. (Hanover, 1870); Reber- Pecht, ii. 3, 174 ; Rosenberg, Berl. Malersch., 103, 110 ; AVoltmanu, aus vier Jahrhdt., 208, 230 ; Wolzogen, P. von C. (Berlin, 1867); Kunst - Chronik, ii. 73; Zeitschr. f. b. K, ii. 101 ; v. 331, 368 ; xix. i. 38. CORNFIELD, John Constable, National Gallery, London ; canvas, H. 4 ft. 8 in. x 4 ft. A country lane leading between two groups of trees to a cornfield in the middle- ground ; in foreground, sheep guarded by a dog, and a shepherd drinking at stream at left. Painted in 1826 ; presented to Na- tional Gallery in 1837. Engraved by D. Lucas; C. Cousen. Cat. Nat. Gal.; Brock- Arnold, 109 ; Art Journal (1869), 10. CORNICELIUS, GEORG, born at Ha- nau, Hesse-Nassau, in 1825. History and genre painter ; pupil in Hanau of Pelis- sier and in 1848 of the Antwerp Academy ; after visiting Paris, Munich, and North Italy, settled in Hauau. Works : Marguerite be- fore the Madonna ; Holy Family ; Luther posting the Thesis ; Christ and Samaritan Woman ; Daughter of Jairus ; St. Elizabeth in Penitence ; Mary Stuart before Execution; Gypsy Children ; Serenade ; Circus Riders ; German Landsknechts in Rome ; Monks at Prayer (1863); Hans and Grete ; Cinderella ; Red Riding Hood. Brockhaus, iv. 605 ; Miiller, 115. CORNU, SEBASTIEN MELCHIOR, born in Lyons in 1804, died at Longpont, Aisne, in October, 1870. History and genre painter, pupil in Lyons of Richard and Bonnefond, and in Paris of Ingres. Painted pictures which display careful draw- ing, but poor colouring and little originality. Received many orders from the Government. Medals : 3d class, 1838 ; 2d class, 1841; 1st class, 1845 ; L. of Honour, 1859 ; Officer, 1862 ; Manager of the Campana Museum in the Louvre, 1862. Works : Harvester Resting (1833) ; Pifferaro Sick, Louis IX. bidding his Mother Farewell (1838); Christ among the Doctors (1848); Interviews be- tween Faust and Marguerite, Finding of a Statue of the Virgin (1857); Christ on the Cross (Poitiers); Bacchanals (Grenoble); A Turk's Dream (Valenciennes) ; Surrender of Ascalon to Baldwin HI., Battle of Oued- Halleg (Versailles) ; St. Anne teaching the Virgin (St. Laurent in Puy); Christ, St. Luke and SL Egidius, The Virgin as Mother of the Afflicted (1855). Larousse. CORNWALLIS, SURRENDER OF, John Trumbull, rotunda of Capitol, Washington ; canvas, H. 12 ft. x 18 ft. The surrender of the British army to the allied American and