Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 1.djvu/421

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COHSET Works : Pine Woods (1874) ; Storm on Isle of St. Honore ; Procession at Sorrento (1878); Congregation of Monks in the Campagna ; Gondola Sail in Venice ; Villa on Lake Como ; Serenade at Amalfi ; Monastery of Marsala on the Dead Sea ; Baptism of Pilgrims in the Jordan. Meyer, Conv. Lex., xviii. 206. CORSET BLEU, Gabriel Metsu, Baron Alfred de Rothschild, London ; wood, 1 ft 4 in. X 1 ft. A lady in a blue corset bor- dered with ermine, and a white satin skirt trimmed with gold lace, seated, with a mu- sic book on her lap ; on the further side of a table sits a gentleman tuning a guitar ; a glass of wine is on the table, and a little spaniel is in front. Tounemau Collection, Amsterdam (1754), 1,405 fl.; Destouche Col- lection (1794), 8,161 fr.; Robit Collection, Paris (1801), 8,120 fr.; Hibbert Collection, London (1829), 560. Replica, inferior, Buckingham Palace. Smith, iv. 77. CORSET ROUGE, Gabriel Metsu, W. Long Collection, London ; wood, H. 1 ft. 1 in. x 11 in. A lady in a scarlet velvet corset and a taffeta petticoat, seated, caress- ing a dog ; some blue paper, on which she has been drawing, lies hi her lap, and the figure of an infant in plaster stands on a table before her. Destouches Collection ; (1794), 6,101 fr.; Robit Collection (1801),' 3,120 fr., to Sir Simon Clarke. Smith, iv. 77. CORTAZZO, ORESTE, born in Italy; contemporary. Genre painter. Works : In- terrupted Sitting (F. Rogers, Philadelphia) ; Geographical Student, A. E. Borie Col., Philadelphia; Teasing the Poet; Taking Leave ; Crowning the Bride, W. B. Bement, Philadelphia ; Judgment of Paris, Amateurs of Bric-a-brac, Mrs. Paran Stevens, New York. CORTE, CESARE DA, bom in Genoa in 1550, died there in 1613. Genoese school ; son of Valerio Corte, an excellent portrait painter from Venice (1530-80) ; one of the best pupils of Luca Cambiaso. Painted history and portraits with success, and is said to have visited France and England, and to have painted Queen Elizabeth. He adopted the opinions of Luther, and died in the prison of the Inquisition. His son David, noted as a copyist, died of the plague in 1657. Lanzi, iii. 249 ; Baldiimcci, iii. 595 ; Ch. Blanc, Ecole genoise. CORTE, JUAN DE LA, born in Madrid in 1597, died there in 1660. Spanish school ; pupil of Velasquez ; painted in palace of Bueu Retii'o pictures of Judgment of Paris, Rape of Helen, Burning of Troy, the Relief in 1635 of Valenza on the Po, and other works, especially landscapes, in which he was most successful. His son Gabriel (1648- 1694) was a good flower-painter. Stirling, ii. 692 ; Curtis, 329. CORTICELLL See 2'ordenone. CORTONA, PIETRO DA. See Pietro da Cortona. COSDIO, PEERO DI, born in Florence in 1462, died in 1521 (?). Florentine school ; real name Piero di Lorenzo (a goldsmith), but called Cosimo from his master, Cosimo Rosselli, in whose studio he was the com- panion of Fra Bartolommeo and of Mariotto Albertinelli. He accompanied Rosselli to Rome (1480-85), and probably remained with him until his death (1506), after which he continued to paint hi his style. Among

his works may be noted the Wedding of

Perseus, Perseus delivering Andromeda, An- dromeda delivered, and the Sacrifice to Jove for her safety, Virgin upon a Pedestal sur- rounded by Saints, Uffizi, Florence ; Death of Procris, National Gallery, London ; Venus and Mars, Meeting of Christ and the Baptist, Berlin Museum ; Coronation of the Virgin, ( Louvre. Cosimo was the master of Andrea ! del Sarto. Vasari describes him as a strange and cynical man. C. & C., Italy, iii. 420; Burckhardt, 551 ; Ch. Blanc, Ecole floren- tine; Vasari, ed. Mil, iv. 131; Lttbke, Gesch. ital. Mai., i. 374. COSSA, FRANCESCO, painted in 1456- 1474. Lombardo-Ferrarese school. First ' appears in a record of 1456, as assistant to his father, Cristofano del Cossa, then engaged in illuminating the carving and statues 337