Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 1.djvu/425

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COUHDOUAN Fontainebleau. He exhibited in 1844, though it was not until 1849 that he first attracted atten- tion by his After Dinner at Ornans. His Burial Scene at Ornans (1850) and the Stone- Breakers were much talked about, and the ex- .^ hibitiou of his works at Besan- con, Dijon, Munich, and Frankfort in 1854 extended his reputation. After 1870 he ceased to exhibit his picturea Medals in 1849, 1857, and 1861. As chief instigator of the overthrow of the Vendome Column, May 1C, 1871, he was sentenced to six mouths' imprisonment, and to bear the cost of restoration. After his release he retired to Switzerland. He was an intense, but nar- row and unemotional realist. Works : The Wounded Man (1844) ; Violoncellist, three Landscapes (1848); After Dinner at Ornnas, Landscape near Honfleur, Lille Museum ; Valley of the Loue, The Parishes of Chas- sagne (1849) ; River Loue, Ruins of Castle of Scey, Peasants returning from a Fair, ^one- Breakers, Burial at Ornans (1850), Louvre, Salle des Colonnades ; Conflagration (1851); Village Ladies (1852) ; Women Bathing, Wo- ' man Spinning, Wrestlers (1853) ; Sifting Wheat (1855) ; Young Women of the Seine, Hunting a Roebuck, Doe run down in the Snow (1857), Boston Museum Fine Arts ; Deer Fighting, Deer in the Water, Hunts- man, Fox in the Snow, Rock of Oragnou (1861); Fox-Huuting, Little Fishermen in Franche-Comte, Return from Conference (1863) ; Valley of Puits Noir (1865), Luxem- bourg Museum ; Woman with a Parrot, The Quarry (1866), Boston Museum of Fine Arts; A Beggar's Alms, Buck at Bay (1868), Lou- vre ; Deer Calling, The Siesta (1869), The Stormy Sea (Luxembourg Museum), Cliffs of Etretat (1870). The following were bought by the State at the Lepel-Cointet sale (1881) : Deer in Cover (35,000 fr.), Man with a Leather Belt (26,100 fr.), Courbet's Studio (21,000 fr.), Slag Fight (49,100fr.), Deer Calling (33,900 fr.), Wounded Man (11,000 fr.), Siesta (29,100 fr.) Gaz. des B. Arts (1878), xvii. 514; xviii. 17, 371; (1882), xxv. 572 ; Lippincott's Mag., xxi. 631; Champier, 1'Annee artistique (1878), 486; Claretie, Peintres, etc. (1882), 241; Du Camp, Beaux Arts, 219 ; Bruno Meyer, Studien, 94 ; Perrier, Etudes, 146 ; Rosetti, F. A., 112 ; Zeitschrift f. b. K, ii. 119 ; xL 183, 209 ; The Century, Feb., 1884 ; L'Art (1878), xii. 72 ; (1881), xxvii. 232 ; Temple Bar, xlii. 535. COURDOUAN, VINCENT (JOSEPH FRANCOIS), born in Toulon, March 6, 1810. Landscape and marine painter, pupil of Paulin Guerin. Medals : 3d class, 1838 and 1844 ; 2d class, 1847 ; L. of Honour, 1852. Appointed professor of design at the Naval School in Toulon in 1848. Works : Castle of Napoule, View of Baguols, Gorges of Olli- oules, Coast of Provence, Arrival of Bey of Tunis at Toulon, Port of Algiers, Battle of the Romulus, Vessels driven close to Shore by a Storm, Evening among the Pines, Valley of Ardennet, Embarcation of Zouaves for the Crimea (1855) ; Harbour of Toulon, View of Bordighiera, Coast of Balagnier (1857) ; Pi- rates Chased (1859) ; French Troop Ship in Harbour of Hyeres (1861) ; Valley of Brous- san, Environs of Nersi (1864) ; Birckadem (1867) ; Desert in Egypt at Evening (1868) ; Coast of Provence, Morning (1869); Harbour of Brusc (1873) ; Environs of Hyeres (1874) ; Sunset after Heavy Weather on Coast of Provence (1875) ; Gorge of Malvoisin (1876) ; Gulf of Ciotat (1877) ; Beach at Hyeres, Evening near Hyires (1878) ; Fountain at Notre-Dame-Du-Muy, Camogli in Gulf of Genoa (1879) ; Evening by Sea at Toulon, Shore of Argentieres (1880) ; Harbour of Toulon, Entrance to Harbour of Toulon (1882) ; Point of La Croisette at Cannes, Villa Cloquet near Toulon (1883). COURSE OF EMPIRE, Thomas Cole, New York Historical Society ; canvas. A 341