Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 1.djvu/428

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cox Baptism of the Prince Imperial (1857, un- finished); Return of the Troops from the Crimea ; Pierrot's Dull ; The Bacchante ; Damocles (1872) ; Study for the Volunteers of 1793, Boston Museum of Fine Arts. Claretie, Peintres, etc. (1882), 337; La- rousse ; Zeitschr. f. b. K, xvi. 101. COX, DAVID, born near Birmingham, April 29, 1783, died at Harborne Heath, near Birmingham, June 7, 1859. Landscape painter in water-colours ; began as a scene painter in Birmingham Theatre ; went in 1803 to London, where he became a teacher of drawing, sketching with his pupils in Wales during the summer months. He re- moved to Hereford in 1815, returned to London in 1827, and settled at Harborne Heath in 1844. He was an excellent land- scape painter, and his works command high prices. Among them are : Weald of Kent, Hop Gatherers, Welsh Funeral, Chat Moss, Besom Makers, Deer Stalking, Windsor Castle, Vale of Chvyd. Solly, Memoir (London, 1873); Hall, Life (London, 1881); Portfolio (1873), 89. COX, DAVID, born at Dulwich, near Lou- don, in 1809, died at Streatham Hill, Dec. 4, 1885. Landscape painter, water-colours ; son and pupil of the preceding. Associate of Society of Painters in Water Colours. Works : View on the Menai (1872); Loch Katrine, Ben Lomond (1873); Rain on the Berwyu, Sun- : clay Morning in Wales (1875); Path up the Valley, Lyndale, On the Dee (1877); Pens- hurst Park, Hayfield (1878); On the Beach at Hastings (1882). COX, KENYON, born at Warren, O., Oct. 27, 1856. Figure painter ; studied first in Cincinnati and Philadelphia, later, pupil in Paris of Carolus Duran and Ge- rome. Visited Europe in 1877, and re- mained in France with short intermissions until 1882. Member of Society of Ameri- can Artists. Studio in New York. Works : Head of Venetian Girl (1879); Lady in Black (1880); Pink and White (1881); Two Portraits (1882); Afternoon, Thistledown (1883); A Corner Window (1884). COXCYEN (Cocxie, Coxis), MICHIEL VAN, born in Mechlin in 1499, died there March 5, 1592. Flemish school ; pupil of his father, and of Bern- hard van Or- ley, vhom h e succeeded as court painter to Mary of Hun- gary ; afterward studied several years in Rome, where he was called the Flemish Raphael. Also painted much in Brussels. He left numerous works of unequal merit. His compositions, fre- quently closely imitated from Raphael, show much taste and beauty in the heads, but the attitudes are artificial and exagger- ated. Works : Martyrdom of St. Sebastian (1575), do. of St. Blasius and St. George (3), St. Margaret, Triumph of Christ, Ant- werp Museum ; Death of Virgin, Christ crowned with Thorns, Last Supper, Brus- sels Museum ; Birth of Virgin, Presentation of do., Death of do., St. Cecilia, Madrid Museum. His copy of the great altarpiece of the Van Eycks, the Ad- oration of the Lamb, made for Philip IL in 1559, is partly in the Berlin Mu- seum, partly in the Munich Gallery, and partly in Ghent Cathedral. His son and pupil, Raph- ael van Coxcyen, guild of St. Luke 1585, had less talent than his father. Allgem. d. Biogr., iv. 537 ; Biog. nat. de Belgique, iv. 456 ; Ch. Blanc, cole flamande ; Brock- haus, iv. 653 ; C. & C., Flemish Painters, 66, 196 ; Michiels, v. 217 ; Nagler, Mon., iv. 526. COYPEL, ANTOINE, born in Paris, April 11, 1661, died there, Jan. 1, 1722. French school ; history painter, pupil of his father Noel, with whom he went to Rome in 1672, and received a prize from the Acad- emy of St. Luke. After three years he re- MIGHEL FLA M1NGO. IN. VENTVR. 344