Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 1.djvu/465

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DAVIS rification of the empire, and when exiled after the restoration settled in Brussela Officer and Commander of L. of Honour. Works : Combat of Minerva against Mars and Venus (1771), Academic Figure (1779), Oath of the Horatii (1784), Jielisarius asking Alms (1784), Paris and Helen (1788), Brutus (1789), Sabine Women (1799), Leonidas at Thermopylae (1814), portrait of himself in youth, portraits of M. Pecoul (1783), Mme. Pecoul (1783), Pius VH. (1805), Mme. Re- camier, Bailly, Louvre, Paris ; Napoleon crossing the Alps (1805), Coronation of Na- poleon and Josephine (1808), distributing Eagles at the Champ de Mars (1810), por- trait of Bai-oro (1790, unfinished), do. of Pius VII. (replica of Louvre picture), Ver- sailles Museum ; Belisarius asking Alms (1780, original of Louvre picture), Lille Museum ; Philoctetes in Island of Lemnos, Cherbourg Museum; Death of Joseph Barra, Avignon Museum ; portrait of Comtesse Dil- lon, Amiens Museum ; portrait of Alphonse Leroy, do. of M. de Joubert, and ^ studies, Montpellier Museum ; Death of Cleouice (sketch), Nantes Museum ; Ugolino, Valence Museum ; portrait of Mine. Vigfee Le Brun, Rouen Museum ; portrait of Mile. Joly, Com- fedie Franyaise ; Courtship of Antiochus and Stratonice (1774), Ecole des B. Arts; St. Eoch interceding with the Virgin for the Plague-Stricken (1779), Marseilles Hospital ; Grief of Andromache over Death of Hector (1783, presentation picture to Academy); Death of Socrates (1787), M. de Trudaine ; Louia XVI. entering Hall of Constituent Assembly (1790); Death of Michel Lepel- letier ; portrait of Mile. Lepelletier ; Death of Marat, belongs to David's grandson ; Sappho and a Faun, in Russia ; portrait of Napoleon I , Warwick Castle ; Death of Milo, National Gallery, Dublin ; Rape of Lucrece (last work). J. L. David, Le Pein- tre Louis David (Paris, 1880); Ch. Blanc, Ecole francaise ; Dohme, 3 ; Chesneau, Peinture francaise (1883) ; Hamerton, French Painters ; Gaz. des B. Arts (1859), i. 132 ; (1860), vii. 301 ; (1880), i. 572 ; Living Age, Iv. 708; sc. 728; Meyer, Gesch., 53. DAVIS, HENRY WILLIAM BANKS, born at Finchley, Aug. 26, 1833. Landscape painter, pupil of Roy- al Academy, where ho exhibited his Rough Pasturage in 18(51. Has lived at Boulogne and made many sketch- es on the French coast. Elected an AR.A. in 1873,andR.A.ml877. Several of his works have been engraved. Works: Strayed Herd (18G5); Spring Plough- ing (1866); Dewy Eve (1870); Moonrise, Pwe- torium at Neufchatel (1871); A Panic (1872); Summer Afternoon (1874); In Picardy(1876); Rustling Leaves, After Sundown (1877) ; The Lowing Herd winds slowly o'er the Lea, Midday Shelter (1878); Midsummer Night, Wanderers, Picardy Sheep (1879) ; Family Affection, Returning to the Fold (1880); Mother and Son, Evening Star, Noon (1881); In Rossshire, Sea and Land Waves, Showers in June (1882); Ben Eay, Gathering the Flock, Kmlochewe (1883) ; Done Work (1885). DAWANT, ALBERT PIERRE, born in Paris ; contemporary. History painter, pupil of J. P. Laurens. Medals : 3d class, 1880 ; 2d class, 1885. Works : St. Thomas u Becket (1879) ; Henry IV., of Germany, before Pope Gregory VII., Merwing at St. Martin's Tomb (1880) ; Last Moments of Charles IL of Spain (1881) ; Burial of an Invalide (1882) ; Salute to the Invalides (1883) ; Saint Vincent (1884) ; The Bark of St. Julian the Hospitaller (1885). DA WE, GEORGE, bom in London, Feb. 8, 1781, died there, October 15, 1829. Sou 877