Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 1.djvu/468

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DEBELLE March 24, 1865. History and genre painter, pupil of Gros ; won the second prize at the Ecole des Beaux Arts in 1822, and the grand prize in 1824 ; went to Italy, and returned from Rome in 1830. Medals : 3d class, 1819; 1st class, 1831; L. of Honour, 1861. Works: .ZEgisthus recognizing the Body of Clyteni- nestra (1824) ; Lucretia in the Forum of Collatia (1831); Enlistment of Volunteers in 1792, Palais Royal, Paris; The King meeting a Wounded Soldier (1835), Interview on Field of the Cloth of Gold in 1520 (1837), Entry of Knights of St. John into Viterbe in 1527 (1842), General Joubert regaining Pla- teau of Rivoli, Versailles Museum ; Episode in 1793 at Nantes (1851), Nantes Museum ; Philoctetes on Isle of Lemnos, Angers Mu- seum. Bellier cle la Chavignerie, i. 366. DEBELLE, ALEXANDRE (JOSEPH MICHEL FRANgOIS), born at Voreppe (Isere), Dec. 21, 1805. History painter, pupil of Gros. Appointed conservator of the Grenoble Museum in 1853. Has also made designs and lithographs for books. L. of Honour, 1868. Works : The Emperor at Grenoble, March 7, 1815 (1840), Grenoble; The Emperor entering the Tuileries, March 23, 1815 (1841), Princess Mathilde ; Christ and Magdalen (1843), Church of Versoud ; Abdication of Humbert H. (1847), bought by city of Grenoble ; Moses and Elias (a fresco), St. Louis en He, Paris, 1845. La- rousse. DEBUCOURT, LOUIS PHILIBERT, born in Paris, baptized Feb. 13, 1755, died at Belleville, Sept, 22, 1832. French school; genre painter, pupil of Vien ; especially attracted by the Flemish Petty Masters ; painted scenes from life of middle and lower- classes with a humorous touch and har- monious colouring. Works : Charitable Gentleman, Rural Instruction, Village Judge, Dreaded Consultation (1781); Scene in the Halle, Charlatan, Two Fetes, Interior of Flemish Household (1783); Feigned Ca- resses, Human Trait of Louis XVT. (1785) ; Consultation, The Travellers, Blind Man's Buff, Hermit distributing Chaplets among Young Girls (1810); Physician Consulted by Young Woman, Village Fete (1814) ; Day after Village Wedding (1824). Gaz. des B. Arts (1866), xx. 193 ; Goncourt, L'Art du, xviii. Siecle, 235. DECAISNE, HENRI, born in Brussels, Jan. 27, 1799, died in Paris, Oct. 17, 1852. History, genre, and portrait painter, pupil in Brussels of P. J. C. Franyois and of David ; studied then in Paris under Giro- det and Gros, obtained the great prize in 1827, and a medal in 1828 ; visited Holland in 1830, studying the old masters, and set- tled in Paris, where he won great reputa- tion as an excellent portrait painter in the manner of Lawrence. Order of Leopold in 1839 ; L. of Honour, 1842. Works : Indian Family in Exile, Pariah and Brahmin, Mar- garet of Valois saving Life of a Protestant (1827) ; Blind Milton dictating Paradise Lost (1828) ; Sick Father, Sick Husband, Charles I. taking Farewell of his Children (1829); Cromwell and his Daughter (1830); Last Mo- ments of Louis XHL, Louis XTV. and de La Valliere (1831) ; Fenella dancing before Charles H. (1832) ; Anne Boleyn's Farewell of her Daughter, Mile, de Montpensier writ- ing her Memoirs, Queen Elizabeth and Amy Robsart (1833) ; Henri de Lorraine at Chateau d'Eu, Descent from Cross (1835) ; Hagar in the Desert (1836), Brussels Museum ; Mater Dolorosa, Guardian Angel (1836) ; Fran- cis L in Madrid, Henrietta of England re- ceived at the Louvre by Louis XIV. (1837); Entry of Charles VH. into Rouen (1838), Versailles Museum ; Belgium re- warding her Great Men (1839), St. Augus- tine's, Brussels; Charity (1839), Hamburg Gallery; Giotto Guarding Sheep (1839); Adoration of Shepherds (1841); Francesca da Rimini ; Institution of Order of St. John (1842), Conquest of Marrah (1844), Ver- sailles Gallery ; Four Evangelists, Education of Christ (1844), St. Paul's, Paris ; Maternal Happiness (1846); Fortune-Teller (1847); Boniface de Montferrat elected Leader of Fourth Crusade, Last Visit of Raphael to his Studio (1849); Chancellor of Hospital 380