Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 1.djvu/472

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DEGEK lery, Berlin ; On Furlough (1884). Works in United States : Head of Girl, S. A. Coale, St. Louis ; Prize-Horse, E. D. Morgan, New York ; Italian Singing Beggars, J. T. Martin, Brooklyn ; Tourists in Tyrol, W. H. Vander- bilt, New York ; The New Brother, Samuel Hawk Collection, New York. At Narischkine sale (1883) The Dance sold for 48,000 fr. Brockhaus, iv. 945 ; Miiller, 12 ; Meyer, Con. Lex., xvii. 555 ; Graph. K, iv. 17 ; Illustr. Zeitg. (1873), ii. 361; (1875), ii. 255; (1882), ii. 497 ; N. illustr. Zeitg. (1880), i. 6 ; (1883), i. 74 ; Land und Meer (1874), i. 36, 274 ; Kunst-Chronik, vi. 6 ; xviii. 403 ; six. 317, Pecht, ii. 27 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K., vii. 100, 116 ; 465 ; xvi. 50 ; xvii. 344 ; xviii. 403 ; xix. 130; viii. (Mittheilungen, i.58);xii. (Mitth., v. 52). DEGER, ERNST, born at Bockenem, Han- over, April 15, 1809, died at DQsseldorf, Jan. 27, 1885. History painter, pupil in 1828 of the Berlin Academy under Wach, and in 1829 of the Dtlsseldorf Academy under Schadow. In Rome in 1837-41 he prepared himself to paint the frescos in the St. Apol- linaris chapel at Remagen, which he executed conjointly with Ittenbach, and Andreas and Karl Miiller, in 1843-51. He then decorated the chapel at Castle Stolzenfels, near Co- blentz, for Frederick William IV. of Prussia, and in 1869 became professor at the Diissel- dorf Academy, Member of Berlin and Munich Academies. Works : Pieta (1830) ; Bearing the Cross (1832); Madonna (1833); Annun- ciation (1834); Resurrection (1835); Virgin adoring Christ (1836); Madonna Enthroned (1837), St. Andrew's chapel, Dtlsseldorf; Sev- eral other Madonnas, Redeemer with Mary and John Baptist, and Seven Scenes from Life of Christ (1841-51), St. Apollinaris chapel, Remagen ; St. Catherine (1842); St. Magdalen (1843); St. Joseph with Infant Christ (1844); Holy Virgin, Resurrection, Maximilianeum, Munich ; Twelve Scenes il- lustrating Redemption of Mankind, Castle Stolzenfels; Adam and Eve (1853), Raczynski Gallery, Berlin. Brockhaus, iv. 948 ; Fors- ter, v. 379 ; Wolfg. Miiller, Diisseldf. K, 46 ; Reber-Pecht, ii. 151 ; Wiegrnann, 60, 131. DEGUSTATION (Tasting), Gerard Ter- burg, formerly in Narischkine Gallery, St. Petersburg. A lady, in a yellow satin cor- set, black velvet pelerin, and gray skirt, seated beside a table, on which are an ink- stand, pen, and paper, is tasting wine from a Venice glass held in her left hand ; in her right she holds a white pot with a tin cover, which rests upon her knee ; in back of the room, a bed with red curtains. Sale of Count Perregaux (1841), 8,000 fr.; Delessert sale, (1869) ; Narischkine sale, Paris (1883), 51,050 fr. Smith, ix. 537. DEHODENCQ, (EDME ALEXIS) AL- FRED, bom in Paris, April 23, 1822. Genre and history painter, pupil of Leon Cogniet ; has travelled much in Spain and North Af- rica, whence he takes many of his subjects. Medals : 3d class, 1846 and 1853 ; medal, 1865 ; L. of Honour, 1870. Works : Saint Cecilia (1844); In Doubt (1845); St. Stephen led to Torture (1846); Visitation (1847); Christ in the Tomb, Camoens (1848); Vir- ginia found Dead upon the Shore (1849), ordered by State ; Bull Fight in Spain (1850), formerly in Luxembourg Museum ; Gypsy Men and Women returning from a Festival in Andalusia (1853); Jewish Con- cert at the House of a Morocco Cadi (1855); Execution of a Jewess in Morocco, Married Jewess of Tangiers (1861); Columbus at the Convent of Rabida (1864); The Good Vent- ure, Jewish Festival in Morocco (1865); The Pasha's Justice (1866); Ruth and Naomi, Punishing Thieves in Morocco (1867); Ar- rest of Charlotte Corday (1868) ; King Boab- dil's Farewell to Granada (1869); Jewish Festival in Tangiers (1870); October Morn- ing in Luxembourg (1872); Othello (1873); Negro Dance in Tangiers, Arab Children playing with a Turtle (1874); The Reader (1875); Christ raising the Daughter of Jai- rus (1876); Morocco Story-Teller (1877); Bacchus (1878); The Married Jewess, De- parture of Mobiles in July, 1870 (1879); The Pasha's Sons, Arrest of a Jew in Tangiers (1880) ;Morocco Prisoners, Morning Meal ona Farm, Going to Work (1881); Towing(1883). 384