Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 1.djvu/481

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DESCENT DESCENT FROM THE CROSS (Fr., ; Descente de la Crois ; Ital., Cristo deposto della Croce, Descendimento de la Cruz ; | Ger., Kreuzabnahme), the taking down from . the cross of the body of Christ In the . older pictures the Virgin is generally repre- i sented standing, but in some of the later ones she has sunk to the earth. The other persons represented are Joseph of Arima- thaea, Nicodemus, Mary Magdalen, St. John Evangelist, and sometimes others (John six. 38-39). The Deposition from the Cross, properly the moment when the body is de- posed or laid on the ground, after the De- scent from the Cross, is included under this title. The lamentation over the deposed body is treated under Field. By Ft& Angelica, Florence Academy; wood, top in three pinnacles. Two disciples on the ladder lower Christ's body, while two j others below aid in sustaining it and a fifth adores it ; at left, six figures, one holding crown of thorns and nails ; at right, the Vir- < gin, Mary Magdalen, and other women. The pictures in the gables are by Lorenzo Monaco. Painted for S. Triniti, Florence. Restored in 1841 by Fr. Acciai. Vasari, ed. Mil., ii. 513 ; C. & C., Italy, i. 584. By Fra Bartolommeo, Pal. Pitti, Florence; wood, H. 4 ft. 6 in. x 6 ft. 3 in. The dead Christ sustained by St. John Evangelist and the Virgin, at the foot of the cross, while the Magdalen embraces his knees. Re- moved from convent of Augustinians with- out the S. Gallo gate, at time of the siege, to S. Jacopo tra' fossi ; thence to Pitti. Copy in S. Domenico, Prato ; pen sketch in Uffizi. Engraved by M. Steinla. Vasari, ed. Mil, iv. 197 ; C. & C., Italy, iii. 471 ; Gal. du Pal. Pitti, I. PI. 30. By Rembrandt, Munich Gallery ; wood, H. 2 ft. 10 in. x 2 ft. 2 in. The dead body of Christ taken down from cross by five men ; Mary swooning in the arms of the Magdalen. Painted in 1633 ; sold to Prince Frederick of Holland ; passed from Dttssel- dorf to Munich Gallery ; replica (dated 1634) in Hermitage, St. Petersburg. Etched by Rembrandt Engraved by Hcsa Mol- lett, Rembrandt, 25, 86 ; Cat. Munich Gal. By Rubens, Antwerp Cathedral; wood, H. 13 ft. x 9 ft. 6 in. Nine figures. The body of the Saviour is being lowered from the cross on a sheet, by two men mounted on ladders ; they are aided by Nicodemus on one side, and Joseph of Arimathaea on the other, also on the ladders ; below, St John receiving the body in his arms ; beside him are Mary Magdalen and Salome, kneeling, and extending their hands to assist him ; beyond, the Virgin, standing. It is evening, and the multitude has departed. Engraved by L. Vosterman, VaL Green, R, Earlom, Claessens. On the interior of the doors are: The Visitation (engraved by P. de Jode), and The Presentation in the Temple (en- graved by P. Pontius, Holhenmeus, Visscher, Val. Green). On the exterior of the doors are: St Christopher (engraved by Eyndhou- edts,VanTiennen); and a Hermit Painted in 1611-14 for chapel of Company of Arque- busiers, Antwerp ; carried to Paris, returned in 1815 and placed in Notre Daine. Smith, ii. 3. By Andrea del Sarto, Pal. Pitti, Florence; wood, H. 7 ft. 10 in. x 6 f t. 6 in. ; signed. The dead Christ supported by St John Evangelist, his hand held by the Virgin; the Magdalen and St. Catherine kneeling ; SS. Peter and Paul standing ; mountainous background ; in foreground a chalice with the Host. Painted in 1523 for S. Pietro a Luco in Mugello ; bought in 1782 by Grand Duke Pietro Leopoldo, who placed it in the Tribune of the Uffizi ; carried to Paris in 1799, and returned in 1815 ; Ferdinand III. took it to the Pitti, and put the Madonna delle Arpie in its place at the Uffizi. En- graved by Bettelini ; Lasinio ; Esslinger ; Forster ; Marri. Vasari, ed. Mil, v. 38; Gal. du Pal. Pitti, iii. PL 114 ; FilhoL iii. PL 211 ; C. & C., Italy, iiL 570 ; Dohme, 2iii. 2. By Tintoretto, PaL Pitti, Florence; can- vas, H. 3 ftx3 ft 11. in. The body of Christ, supported by Joseph of Ariinathaea,