Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 1.djvu/527

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DUCIIATEL with Saints, Bishops, and Angels, and on the other the Passion in twenty-eight subjects, was afterwards divided, and the parts hung one at each end of the transept Preserving traditional types, Duccio gave the Madonna the hitherto unknown and afterwards char- acteristic grace of Sienese Madonnas, and treated attitudes, draperies, and proportions with a then novel approach to correctness. The scenes from the Passion show the same clinging to past forms, the same effort to follow nature, and convey a like impression of life and power imperfectly realized. The few other works of this remarkable painter are two pictures of the Madonna with Saints in the Siena Academy ; a Crucifixion, Ma- donna, and other subjects, belonging to the Queen of England ; a Madonna with Angels, Prophets, and Saints, National Gallery, Lon- don ; and the Preaching of St. John Bap- tist, and SS. Peter and Paul, Kambona Col- lection, Cologne. C. & C., Italy, i. 40 ; Va- sari, ed. Mil., i. 653; Burckhardt, 491; Dohine, 2i. ; Sienesische Malerschule ; L'Art (1878), iii. 151; Liibke, Gesch. ital. MaL, i. 99. DUCHATEL (du Chastel), FRANS, born in Brussels in 1616 or 1625, died there in 1694. Flemish school; genre and portrait painter, pupil and imitator of Teniers the younger. A so- journ in France brought him un- der the influence of Van der Meulen. Good draughtsman and colourist. Works: Por- traits of a Cavalier and two other Persons, Louvre ; Charles H of Spain receiving ' f ^> Homage (1668), Ghent Museum ; Panorama of Valenciennes (1656), Antwerp Museum (attributed to Teniers) ; Portrait of Flem- i ish Nobleman, Berlin Museum. Biog. nut. de Belgique, vi. 224 ; Ch. Blanc, Ecole ' flamande ; Gaz. des B. Arts (18G2), xiL 5, J24Z DUCHET. See Dughet. DUCIS, LOUIS, born in Paris, NOT. 1, 1773, died March 2, 1847. French school ; history and portrait painter, pupil of David ; also studied in Italy. Medal, 1st class, 1808 ; L. of Honour, 1832. Works : Hero and Leander, Orpheus and Eurydice, Origin of Painting (1808) ; Pyramus and Thisbe (1810, 1812); Tasso reading his Jerusalem Delivered, Captivity of Tasso (1814) ; Death of Tasso (1817); The Arts influenced by Love (4), Mary Stuart, Sculpture (1822); Bianca Capello and her Lover in Flight (1824); Captivity of Jeanne d'Arc (1831); View of Paris from Pontneuf (1838); Mary Stuart and Rizzio, Portraits, Aix Museum ; Van Dyck painting his First Picture, Lyons Museum. Bellier de la Chavignerie, L 465. DUCK (Due, Le Due, Van Duck), A J., flourished about 1630-50, probably at Haar- lem. Dutch school; genre and portrait paint- er; formed himself under the influence of Dirk Hals ; hitherto erroneously identified with Jan le Ducq, the animal painter. Works : Guard-room, Marauders, Louvre ; Stable, Portrait of an Officer (attributed to A. Pala- medes), National Museum, Amsterdam ; five pictures, Gotha Museum ; three, Old Pinakothek, Munich ; Foraging Soldiers, Berlin Museum ; two portraits, Dresden Gallery ; do., Worlitz Gallery ; Portrait of J. Asselyn, Stadel Gallery, Frankfort ; Pict- ures in Carlsruhe, Cassel, Stuttgart, Wei- mar, Meiningen (2), Aschaffenburg, Schwe- riu (2), Copenhagen (2), Hamburg Galler- ies ; do., Museum and Academy, Vienna ; Trictrac Players, three others, Liechtenstein Gallery, ib.; one at each, Czerniu and Schonborn Galleries, ib. ; do., National Mu- seum, Pesth ; four, Hermitage, St Peters- burg. Bode, Studien, 133 ; Burger, Mu- sees, ii. 245 ; Kramm, ii. 377 ; Meyer, Ge- malde kongL Mus., 127. 431