Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 1.djvu/532

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DUKAN 9, 1833. History, figure, and portrait painter, pupil of H. Vernet and L. Cogniet. Medal, 3d class, 1884. Works : Last Mo- ments of Francis H. (1865), City Hall, Or- leans ; Zenobia rescued by the Shepherds (1867), Young Girl bitten by Reptile and rescued by her Brother, Orleans Museum ; Children surprised by Storm (1868) ; Dis- ciples at Emrnaus (1869); Joseph and Poti- phar's "Wife (1874) ; Christ on the Cross (1875) ; Entombment, Meditation (1876) ; Bashi-Bazouks abducting Woman (1877) ; The Wave (1879); The Cup is Empty (1880) ; Portraits (1880, 1881, 1882) ; Mother play- ing with her Child (1883) ; Bathing Woman, Eepose (1884) ; Rape of Psyche, Portrait of Henri Mercier (1885). DURAN. See Carolus-Duran. DURAND, ASHER BROWN, born in South Orange, N. J., Aug. 21, 1796. Landscape paint- er ; prominent as an engraver until 1835, when he turned his atten- tion to painting ; studied in Europe in 1840. One of original members of National Academy, and its president from 1845 to 1861. His earliest works were portraits. Works : Wrath of Peter Stuy- vesant ; Capture of Andre ; Harvey Birch and Washington ; Forest Primeval ; Fran- conia Mountains ; Dance on the Battery ; Alpine View, near Meyringen; In the Woods (1867), Jonathan Sturges, New York ; Tryst- ing Tree (1869), Benjamin H. Field, ib.; August Afternoon, L. Tuckerman, ib. ; Sketcher (1870) ; Close of Day (1871) ; Har- bour Island Lake George (1873);Franconia Notch (1874) Pemigewasset River, Scene in the Woods, R. L. Stuart, New York ; Thanatopsis, J. P. Morgan, ib. ; Landscape, M. K. Jesup, ib.; Berkshire Hills, Hurlbut Collection, Cleveland ; II Pappagallo, Brook Study, Studies from Nature (1876) ; Recol- lection of Adirondack Scenery (1880). Shel- don, 128. DURAND, SIMON, born in Geneva ; contemporary. Genre painter, pupil of Barthelemy Menn ; subjects original, and mostly humourous. Medal, Paris, 3d class, 1875. AVorks : Barber Shop, Permit to Stay (1873); Conjugal Dispute, Perplexed Brazier (1874) ; Marriage at the Mayor's Office, Band of Vagabonds (1875) ; Marriage at Church (1876) ; A Market, Between Fruit and Cheese (1877) ; Acrobat's Wounded Child (1878) ; An Alarm, Blacksmith's Lei- sure (1879) ; Bonhomme Noel (1880) ; Birds of Passage, An Apprentice (1882) ; A Scan- dal (1883) ; Sentimental Tinker (1885). DURAND-BRAGER, JEAN BAPTISTE HENRI, born at Dol (Ille-et-Vilaine), May 21, 1814, died in Paris, April 27, 1879. Marine painter, pupil of Gudin and Eugene Isabey ; accompanied the fleet which carried Napoleon's remains from St. Helena (1840), the expeditions to Tangiers, Mogador, Mada- gascar, and the Crimea, making many stud- ies and pictures. In 1865 he accompanied Napoleon ILL to Algiers as artist, and in the same year painted the review of the united French and English fleets near Cherbourg, Brest, and Spithead. Medal, 3d class, 1844 ; L. of Honour, 1844 ; Officer, 1865. Works : Fight between French Frigate Niemen and English Frigates Arethusa and Amethyst (1844), Bordeaux Museum ; Conquest of Mogador (1845), Views (21) of Sebastopol during the Siege, 1854-55, Versailles Mu- seum ; Entry into Harbour of Marseilles, Battle of Lissa. Bellier de la Chavignerie, i. 497 ; Meyer, Gesch., 753. DURCK, FRIEDRICH, born in Leipsie, in 1809, died in Munich, Oct. 25, 1884. Portrait and genre painter, pupil in Munich of his uncle, Joseph Stieler, and of the Academy; travelled in 1836-37 in Italy, studying after the old masters in Florence and Rome. Since 1867 has been honorary member of the Munich Academy. Works : Portraits of Leuchtenberg Family, Louis I. of Bavaria, Oscar of Sweden (1849) ; His 436