Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 1.djvu/84

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ALTICHIERO Vienna Museum ; do. (1511), Liechtenstein Gallery, ib.; Christ with Mary and St. John, Abbey of Biog.,i.356; Keane, Early Masters, 164 ; Meyer, Kttnst. Lex., i. 536 ; Scott, Little Masters, 24. ALTICHIERO DA ZEVIO, born at Zevio, near Verona, about middle of 14th cen- tury. Worked alternately in Verona and Padua. Vasari says he painted the siege of Jerusalem by Titus, after Josephus, in the hall of the palace at Verona, and other great works. He also executed a series of frescos in the Cappella S. Felice, S. Antonio, Padua, which shows a strong Giottesque influence, and after Giotto's frescos in the Arena Chapel are the most important works of their kind painted in N. Italy during the 14th century (C. & C.). In this work he is said to have had an assistant, one Jacopo Avanzi, with whom his name is always coupled by Vasari. This painter was a Paduan, a Veronese, or a Bolognese ; but if the latter, he is not to be confounded with Jacobus Paoli of Bologna, whose crucifixions, Crowe and Cavalcaselle say, are evidently not by the painter of the S. Giorgio frescos. Other frescos in the Capella di S. Giorgio are ascribed by Forster to the same Jacopo Avanzi, but C. & C. say they are identical in execution with those of S. Felice. C. & C., Italy, ii. 232 ; Meyer, Kunst. Lex., i. 555 ; Vasari, ed. Le Mon., vi. 86; Burckhardt, 519; Forster, Die Wandgemalde der St. Georgen- kapelle zu Padua (Berlin, 1841) ; W. & W., i. 480 ; L'Anouimo Morelli (Bassano, 1800), 5. ALTISSIMO, CEISTOFANO DELL', flourished at Florence about and after 1550. Family name Papi ; pupil of Pontormo and of Angiolo Bronzino. Is known principally through the collection of portraits (more than 280) which he painted for Cosimo I. of Tuscany ; was of ordinary ability. Va- sari, ed. Mil., vii. 608 ; Meyer, Kiinst. Lex., i. 557. ALTMANN, ANTON, the younger, bom in Vienna, June 4, 1808. Landscape painter ; son of Anton, landscape painter (1777- 1818) ; pupil of the Vienna Academy, under Mossner. His pictures are good in choice of subject, carefully executed, and show a fine feeling for nature. Works : Cloister in Bohemia (1838), View in Styria, (1840), Wood Landscape (1840), Landscape with large ferns (1846), Swamp (1846), Eve- ning Landscape (1847), Well near Wood- land, Mountain Mill (1851), Wood Land- scape (1851), After the Rain (1852), Vienna Museum. Andresen, iii. 187; Meyer, KiinsL Lex., i. 558 ; Wurzbach, i. 19. ALTOBELLO MELONS. See Melone. ALTOMANTE, MARTIN, born in Na- ples, May 8, 1657, died at Stift Heiligen- kreuz, Lower Austria, Sept. 14, 1745. Real name Hohenberg, of German parentage. History painter, pupil in Rome of Bacciccio, then of Carlo Maratta and of Academy ; went in 1684 to Warsaw and became court- painter to King John Sobieski, after whose death in 1698 he left Poland for Germany, and in 1703 went to Vienna, was made mem- ber of the Academy in 1707, and settled at | Linz, Upper Austria, in 1720 ; his last years he spent as a lay brother at Stift Heiligen- kreuz. Works : Raising of Siege of Vienna, Principal Assault of the Turks on the Lowel Bastion, The Polish Diet (these three prob- ably in Warsaw Museum) ; St. Martin, and others, Chodkjewicz Gallery, Lemberg ; Su- sanna at the Bath (1709), Vienna Museum; St. John's Altar and Ceiling in Sacristy, St. Stephen's, ib. ; Holy Family, St. Michael, St. Peter's, ib. ; Raising of Youth at Nain, St. Charles Borromeo's, ib. Meyer, Kiinst. Lex., i. 562 ; Wurzbach, i. 19. ALTOVITI, BINDO, portrait, Raphael, Munich Gallery ; wood, H. 1 ft. 10 in. x 1 ft. 4 in. Half length of a youth about twenty years old, with long fair hair and a black cap, looking over his shoulder at the spectator ; his hand on his breast. Erro- neously considered by Rumohr, Bottari, and others, a portrait of Raphael himself.