Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 2.djvu/116

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VII AN CIA FRANCIA, FRANCESCO, born in Bo- logna in 1450, died there, Jan. 5, 1517. Bologncse school. Real name Frances- co di Marco di Giacomo llai- boliui ; sou of poor parents, apprenticed to a goldsmith, ma- triculated in , 1482, became steward of the guild iu 1483, and afterwards Master of the Mint under Bcntivoglio. Ho was painter, en- graver, and medallist, as well as goldsmith. His master was Lorenzo Costa, but he may have studied under Marco Zoppo. His Madonna, Berlin Museum, and his St. Stephen, Palazzo Borghcse, Rome, are ex- amples of his prc-PerugineHquo manner, which show the hand of the goldsmith trained, to careful finish and precision. In 1490 Franeia had become the ablest draughts- man and master of composition in North llalv. An Umbrian character, derived from the study of Perugino's works, shows itself from this time ; as in his fine Madonna with Saints, Nativity (1499), Madonna of St. George, Annunciation (1500), Bologna Gal- lery; Madonna with Angels and Saints (1499), S. Jacopo Maggiore, Bologna ; Madonna with St. Joseph, Dudley Gallery, London; The Deposition, Parma Gallery ; Madonna with Angels (doubtful), Madonna in Adora- tion, Old Pinakothek, Munich ; Madonna with Saints (1502), Holy Family, Berlin Mu- seum ; Madonna, do. with Saints and An- gels, Hermitage, St. Petersburg. Francia's third manner, uniting Umbrian softness with Florentine energy and power, was in- fluenced by Raphael, whom he may have seen in 1505 or 1500 at Bologna, with whom he corresponded, and for whom he had a deep admiration. His portraits show a gradual change from the style of Perugiuo to that of Raphael, and the frescos by Fran- cia (1509) in S. Cecilia, Bologna, are Rapli- aelesque. Other works are : Coronation of the Virgin, Duomo, Ferrara ; Annuncia- tion, Brera, Milan ; do., Gallery Estense, Modeua ; Assumption, S. Frediano, Lucca ; Pieta, Virgin enthroned with Saints, and Madonna with Saints, National Gallery, Lon- f don; Baptism of Gallery. Vn- sari) cd. Mil., iii. 533 ' 551 ; c - & c - N. Italy, i. 55 G; Burcldiardt, 112, 387, 583 ; Baldinucci, i. 598 ; Ch. Blanc, lOcole bolonaiso ; Liibke, Gesch. ital. Mai, i. 447. FRANCIA, GIACOMO DI FRANCESCO, born before 1480, died in 1557. Bolognese school. Was the most noted, as a painter, of Francesco Francia's sons. In the fresco of the Baptism of St. Valerian, Oratory of S. Cecilia, Bologna, by Giacomo, the figures arc lifeless, coarse in outline, and of short proportions. His Martyrdom of St. Cecilia, ib, was probably painted after his father's design. Other works by Giacomo are : Christ on the Cross adored by Saints, Ma- donna with Saints (1520), Saints and the Painter, Bologna Gallery ; Angels, S. Pe- tronius, Bo- Florence Academy; Virgin and Saints (1544), Brera, Milan. C. & C, N. Italy, i. 574 ; Va- sari, ed. Mil, iii. 558 ; Lavice, 12, 150. FRANCIA, GIOVAMBATTISTA, born June 13, 1533, died May 13, 1575. Bologn- ese school. Son of Giulio and grandson of Francesco Fraucia ; a poor painter, though a rich man, none of whose works can be authenticated. Many inferior pictures which pass under the name of his grandfather, Francesco Fraucia, may safely be attributed to him. C. & C, N. Italy, i. 574 ; Vasari, ed. Mil, iii. 558. FRANCIA, GIULIO DI FRANCESCO, born in Bologna (?), Aug. 20, 1487, died (?)